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He-Man Jason Haters Club

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 12:17 am, 10/21/2014

"I agree, but as I've said before, 7 reports in a year is hardly horrific. Which takes us back to the original conversation, of course; if you (plural) want something done, it starts with reporting problems."

I believe you said, it was impossible for you to moderate private messages, and that is understandable, and not expected. This is where many of the threats and clearly false accusations are made, to many users, particularly male. Again, when these messages are ignored, the sender goes into the public forum. While we appreciate the Ignore Option, many fail to report these grievances as they are juvenile in nature, but metasticize into a greater problem, when presented in Community Voice.


Posted 12:13 am, 10/21/2014

Yes, GW is online, and a threat was made online.


Posted 12:03 am, 10/21/2014

Well, that's okay Jason...please just let me go back to my little corner and cry....NOT!! Also, FWIW, I talked to Nancy Graybeal and she felt I had a legitimate complaint, and gave me the FBI web address to file a

complaint. And I do know this person's name. That is all I needed anyway.

A federal crime on GoWilkes? That would be interesting!



Posted 11:57 pm, 10/20/2014

This thread is completely off topic.

Where is the Hate?

nuttin goin on

Posted 11:56 pm, 10/20/2014

Did anyone call the waaaaaambulance yet?


Posted 11:53 pm, 10/20/2014

Jason, that is exactly my point and my reluctance to "report" these ridiculous, infantile, rants. With 1,500 inbox messages, I certainly don't feel comfortable, adding to your workload.

Reporting an issue is a lot different from sending a private message. Managing these issues is one of my top priorities, and I constantly feel like I'm begging people to simply report things.

It's a thousand times easier than fielding a few hundred messages from people saying that I'm biased or unfair, when they never actually report anything.

But when I, and several others report an incident to you, I don't expect to be labeled "paranoid and overly-sensitive."

You're putting me in a tough position; you've asked me not to discuss the issue publicly, but you're forcing me to defend my statement. I can't exactly do that without elaborating on the issue.

I stand by my statement, and would gladly elaborate, but not at the risk of violating your privacy.

If we are interracting with individuals, on this site, who must continually be reported, something is horrifically wrong.

I agree, but as I've said before, 7 reports in a year is hardly horrific. Which takes us back to the original conversation, of course; if you (plural) want something done, it starts with reporting problems.


Posted 11:46 pm, 10/20/2014

Well, that's okay Jason...please just let me go back to my little corner and cry....NOT!! Also, FWIW, I talked to Nancy Graybeal and she felt I had a legitimate complaint, and gave me the FBI web address to file a

complaint. And I do know this person's name. That is all I needed anyway.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 11:46 pm, 10/20/2014

Jason, that is exactly my point and my reluctance to "report" these ridiculous, infantile, rants. With 1,500 inbox messages, I certainly don't feel comfortable, adding to your workload. But when I, and several others report an incident to you, I don't expect to be labeled "paranoid and overly-sensitive."

If we are interracting with individuals, on this site, who must continually be reported, something is horrifically wrong.


Posted 11:43 pm, 10/20/2014

~glitter and glamour~ (view profile)

Posted 11:39 pm, 10/20/2014

When this individual cannot get a "rise" from the recipient of the PM, they post publicly. They are incensed when ignored. I am sure you are aware of this.

This would actually be great for your case, actually. We obviously can't moderate Private Messages, but when it is in the public forums then you can report it, and we will have documentation for filters, suspensions, etc.


Posted 11:41 pm, 10/20/2014

Biteyourtongue (view profile)

Posted 11:35 pm, 10/20/2014

And also, FWIW, if the poster gets an Iphone or another computer, their IP address will be different and the "ignore" thing is useless.

FYI, that's not true at all. Our system doesn't rely on IP addresses at all; in fact, we stopped recording IP addresses in relation to usernames last year.


Posted 11:40 pm, 10/20/2014

I think the blocking feature works great, I have a big old list of names that may send garbage once, but after they are on the list, I never see anything. It blocks the specific user name. I don't even put it in the trash or whatever it is, it just never even comes through. They can create a new name, and then that one goes on the blocked list. I love it!

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 11:39 pm, 10/20/2014

GoWilkes (view profile)
Posted 11:32 pm, 10/20/2014
This poster send filthy, vulgar and threatening pm's to anyone who disagrees with them.

For the record, this is why we created the "Ignore List". If someone sends you a message that you think is vulgar or threatening, simply add them to your Ignore List and they can't contact you any further.

When this individual cannot get a "rise" from the recipient of the PM, they post publicly. They are incensed when ignored. I am sure you are aware of this.


Posted 11:39 pm, 10/20/2014

Glitter, I will not discuss this publicly any further, per your wishes. It's really no one else's business.

But in response this:

It is clear, our mistake was not reporting the numerous trolling incidents. Assuming GoWilkes has a tremendous workload, it seemed trivial to report. That is our mistake, and I now understand the importance of documentating these situations.

You are 100% correct. As you know, we have sites in 51 counties, and on average there's 1 post every 7-8 seconds, 24/7. If we're expected to be aware of an issue, or to recognize a pattern, it has to be documented somewhere.

And as I've said before, if it's not reported and documented, then no one has the right to be surprised that we're not aware of it. Even if you PM and tell me about it, you have to remember that I have about 1,500 PMs in my Inbox at all times, so the odds of me remembering it are slim to none.


Posted 11:35 pm, 10/20/2014

And also, FWIW, if the poster gets an Iphone or another computer, their IP address will be different and the "ignore" thing is useless.


Posted 11:32 pm, 10/20/2014

Jason, you are right...NOTHING will be done. I didn't start this conversation to argue with you, just simply stated what I felt, but I guess my opinion means nothing. But don't worry, I won't be breaking into anyone's houses, but I dang sure will post my opinion to this poster next time, and I hope others will too. And please don't tell me again how to put someone on IGNORE. Please?


Posted 11:32 pm, 10/20/2014

This poster send filthy, vulgar and threatening pm's to anyone who disagrees with them.

For the record, this is why we created the "Ignore List". If someone sends you a message that you think is vulgar or threatening, simply add them to your Ignore List and they can't contact you any further.

Are you serious?

Posted 11:32 pm, 10/20/2014

You put your business out here on the forum so telling me to mind my own business is the silliest thing in the world. Don't want someone's opinion that doesn't agree with you, then keep it private.

So get over it, ignore that person, and go on. Who cares what they have to say? You getting all in an uproar is probably just fueling their need to pester you.

All I'm saying is you have an impossible standard that you expect Jason to know everything.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 11:32 pm, 10/20/2014

GoWilkes (view profile)
Posted 10:44 pm, 10/20/2014
Jason, this is not going to happen as long as there are some posters on here posting inuendos or implications about other posters. You may not know what they mean, but the poster does and so does the person it is meant to harrass or embarrass. There are certain names a poster on here calls some, and it is obvious what they post, but when we report it to you, you turn the tables on us and say you don't know that is what they mean or you need proof.

I don't know that I agree. If I don't get the implication, then I seriously doubt new users are getting it, either. If no one gets it, then it's not discouraging new users from posting.

I assume you're referring to the issue that I was discussing with someone else yesterday? In that case, I simply don't know how anyone would have understood the implication. The person reporting it was offended by comments regarding facts that, by their words, the "offender" couldn't have possibly known, which made me think that the person reporting was being paranoid and overly sensitive.

I'm really not comfortable with discussing that further, though, unless the person that reported it replies back and wants to discuss it publicly.

With that said, the "implication" was intended for one person, in particular. That was the intent of the author.

"paranoid and overly sensitive". Did you, seriously, just post or imply that? Have you even considered the subject matter? Naturally, one would be sensitive. Not only was it offensive, mean-spirited and cruel, it was very, very personal. It was clear to many who the intended was.

It is clear, our mistake was not reporting the numerous trolling incidents. Assuming GoWilkes has a tremendous workload, it seemed trivial to report. That is our mistake, and I now understand the importance of documentating these situations.

As this is a private matter, I don't expect it to be discussed publicly. While my intent was to make GoWilkes aware of the gravity of the situation, I don't feel comfortable having any more of my privacy being trespassed upon.

To the many friends who have called, pm'd or visited me at work, I appreciate your concern. There are no greater friends than the ones I have.

And, Jason, I will continue to accomodate you, privately, to seek a resolution to this. But, please, do not dismiss my concern as being "paranoid or overly-sensitive."

Hope this helps.


Posted 11:28 pm, 10/20/2014

No I am not paranoid...and YOU don't know what you are talking about. This poster send filthy, vulgar and threatening pm's to anyone who disagrees with them. You just mind your business and I will take care of mine. Jason knows perfectly well who this poster is. And so do the other long-time posters.

And I am sick of see people use "paranoid much" when someone brings up a problem

Yeah, red was calling me paranoid, when I deduced some of his other screen names. It makes no sense in that circumstance.


Posted 11:25 pm, 10/20/2014

No I am not paranoid...and YOU don't know what you are talking about. This poster send filthy, vulgar and threatening pm's to anyone who disagrees with them. You just mind your business and I will take care of mine. Jason knows perfectly well who this poster is. And so do the other long-time posters.

And I am sick of see people use "paranoid much" when someone brings up a problem.

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