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Posted 8:56 pm, 05/08/2024

Get divorced on paper and stay together as different households. With your income you will qualify for many programs and if he passes you will get his full monthly retirement.


Posted 7:56 pm, 05/08/2024

Let your husband buy the groceries and keep the current bills caught up while you pay off your credit card debt, then destroy that card and don't get another one. If the husband wants to eat he will buy food, plus there are places to go get help, such as food pantries.

I've never had this problem, like gascon I use a card but pay it off every month before interest is added on. But my sister and her husband got caught up in a similar situation to yours and ended up having to refinance their house to pay off their credit card debt. They both have jobs with decent pay but let their spending get out of hand. My sister destroyed the credit card and got things back under control.

If your husband is a recovering alcoholic the he should consider how his drinking effected you during that time, you stood by him, he should be more understanding of your situation. Good luck


Posted 7:11 pm, 05/08/2024

Sad to read that SS isn't enough for a couple to pay their bills. After being married 53 years sounds like it's time to sell the house, find you a small apartment and kick his old ****& to the curb. Or he can help you pay off what debt you got from keeping a household up including feeding him. Nobody wants a 70ish old man that has a wore out liver and no money. I hope he decides to help you and y'all live happily ever after.


Posted 3:05 pm, 05/08/2024

A true partner is in it with you and not placing blame. I'm sure he also ate those groceries and benefited from the paid bills. I'm sorry you are not getting the support from him you deserve. If he isn't going to be part of the solution then your problem will never change until you change your environment. God Bless and good luck!


Posted 2:44 pm, 05/08/2024

The left will tell you to not retire till 67 and max out your 401 k contributions on a middle class income and send your kids to private schools and let men in their restrooms


Posted 2:05 pm, 05/08/2024

If you are trying to live a 100k a year life style on 30k a year, its you. If you had medical bills makes you homeless, health care cost could make us all homeless. Which is it summer, you know?


Posted 1:56 pm, 05/08/2024

According to the far left you are elderly and can't work. Part time job is out of the question. I'm younger than you and elderly lol. Elderly to me is when you can't do anything, I can do more than most 30 year olds. My guess some of the far left is to heavy to leave their home. IDK. We always pay the full amount on our credit card every month. I don't buy it without cash to back it up.


Posted 1:54 pm, 05/08/2024

I question the 5-6k in the pocket, even back in the day kinda time!!!

No, it's not all your fault summerday..it's both of your faults and it should take both of you to get yourselves outta it.


Posted 1:41 pm, 05/08/2024

summerday, have you considered reallocating your financial resources.?

There are numerous faith based organizations in Wilkes that offer help with food; consumables and utilities.
Check them out and put your funds where they will do the most good.


Posted 1:38 pm, 05/08/2024

Why do YOU feel compelled to exhibit such vile behavior?


Posted 1:29 pm, 05/08/2024

Ask your phug buddy ****y twerp.


Posted 1:06 pm, 05/08/2024

Hey trybutt, is this YOU?

" Never having been in your situation I wouldn't presume to offer advice" ?

Why did YOU abuse it to bash AND smear folks YOU disagree with politically on a genuine thread asking for help?


Posted 11:32 am, 05/08/2024

**** got it all wrong. The lefties will tell you to ask for government help, that way the taxpayers will pay your debts. If you don't believe me, ask freddy, f*xxy and the rest of the righties.

Jack Schitt

Posted 11:25 am, 05/08/2024

The extreme left on here will tell you that it's your fault. The left will also tell you can always get a part time job. Being a middle conservative we only have one credit card with a low limit and Never let them up your limit once you get the card situation sorted out.


Posted 11:12 am, 05/08/2024

Summerday I understand your predicament completely. We were in the same predicament with multiple credit cards. The company we had working with us on our credit cards made an agreement to settle on an amount to pay off each card and they took care of the credit card debts and we paid the company working for us seem like it was $270 a month until the debt was satisfied. It took a few years because the debts to the credit card companies was huge. It really worked out well for us because when you go into this agreement the credit card companies are not allowed to hassle you over the debt anymore. I know you are probably seeing it rough but in the long run you will get your credit score restored plus everyone in the country starts sending you credit card applications again. When you do get things straightened out I believe it will teach you like it did us is to use your credit a little more responsible.


Posted 10:43 am, 05/08/2024

Even though I and a few others will empathize with you those on the extreme right on this site will likely tell you: It's your own fault, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps etc. Never having been in your situation I wouldn't presume to offer advice; all I can say is good luck and I hope you can find a way out of your predicament soon.

Beware of people trying to sell you on religion such as Mikey et al; they prey on those in desperate circumstances.


Posted 10:27 am, 05/08/2024

What can I do? I am 74 yrs old I have made many a mistake in my life and will continue till the day the Lord calls me home. I have been married for going on 53 yrs. My husband was always a kind hearted man who would do anything for just about any one . He has been a recovering alcoholic for about 6/7 yrs. Went to rehab back then and got straightened out. Thank God. But the problem now is that he still talks about when he was working and always carried around 5000/6000 with him. I worked didn't make as much but we got by. He still thinks he should still have this money , but as we aged, we retired and cost of living keeps going up. And our monthly check didn't. I had to get a credit card(yes, I know I shouldn't) just to keep groceries/bills pd. I'm in a debit card relief company that is helping me get my bills straightened out, but he says this is my. Fault. And he is not going to help on my end to pay the bills. What can I do? I don't want to leave and don't have a place to stay if I did leave. Please don't be cruel with replies. God Bless

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