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Have No Fear! The Gays Will Become Extinct According to Pat Robertson!

the dude abides

Posted 3:08 pm, 12/20/2014

Sure no prob.


Posted 3:01 pm, 12/20/2014

So, if there is an underlying medical condition involved, you're okay with it, right? I mean, that would be hypocritical, if you weren't. Like, let's say, for instance, Elaine and Daisy, a loving lesbian couple, are having trouble conceiving. Elaine was born unable to carry a child to term and Daisy is discovered to have a rare condition that would be passed on genetically to her children. By your logic, since both women are presenting with medical complications, you should have no problem if they want to undergo a procedure where, for instance, one of Elaine's eggs is fertilized by an anonymous sperm donor and implanted in Daisy to carry to term. Right?


Posted 2:30 pm, 12/20/2014


the dude abides

Posted 2:26 pm, 12/20/2014

Gay couples decide to indulge their predilections, knowing full well that it's biologically impossible for them to conceive. They fully realize this from the git-go.

They can now adopt. Or get a sperm donor, private surrogate arrangement. And, a foreign adoption/surrogacy tourism industry has sprung up specially to cater to gays, and reduce cost, and circumvent local laws if necessary.

But that's no enough. No.

Gotta get uncle sugar involved, to further dip into everyone's pockets, to finance costly medical procedures.

When there is no underlying medical condition diagnosed.

If this isn't rewriting the rules, what is?


Posted 2:12 pm, 12/20/2014

OMG, Alonzobardude, I am so sorry. You're right. That link you posted totally says that those terrible, awful gays are demanding taxpayers pay for them to make babies.

Except, it doesn't.

At all.

Law360, Chicago (October 09, 2013, 5:19 PM ET) -- California Gov. Jerry Brown announced Tuesday that he had signed into law a bill requiring insurers to offer the same coverage for infertility treatments to all policyholders regardless of sexual orientation or marital status.

The bill, AB 460, clarifies existing California law, which already mandates that insurers offer coverage for infertility, excluding costly in vitro fertilization. However, some individuals and couples have still been denied such coverage because they are not heterosexual married couples, according to the bill's sponsor Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco.

It really, really bothers you when gay people are treated the same as straight people under the law, doesn't it? Have you considered seeking help for this?


Posted 8:41 am, 12/20/2014

LOL I Cross Dress for Success

Feel Burger

Posted 8:39 am, 12/20/2014

"If I was married to you, I'd drink too.:" - Feel Burger

Feel Burger

Posted 8:38 am, 12/20/2014

the dude abides

Posted 8:22 am, 12/20/2014

Pin, obviously you didn't click on the link I posted about AB460 in California. Taxpayers gotta foot the bill for gay reproduction. So they won't go extinct like Robertson says. Here's another reference for you:


In related news, I see a Drudge headline, where Eric Holder has just declared cross-dressing to be a civil right! Cue the primary school teacher lawsuits!

Obama's America is starting to look like an episode of South Park!


Posted 5:56 pm, 12/19/2014

Where are these demands? Come on, if you're going to make a statement like that, back it up with a source. And, don't tell me to Google it. You said it, own it.

the dude abides

Posted 5:22 pm, 12/19/2014

No comment on the demands by gay couples for taxpayer funded fertility?



Posted 1:09 pm, 12/19/2014

this n that (view profile)

The pickle analogy is the worst I've ever heard. Makes no sense, and no connection to being h*mosexual.
And what about the twins. Genetically identical in every way. DNA identical. So much so that one could commit murder and the law can't prove which one did it.
(Saw a TV show with exactly that plot about a murder.)

So how is it possible for one twin to be h*mo, and the other straight?

Or are you just ignoring the obvious?

No, the pickle analogy is really strong. You just won't consider it because it doesn't fit your agenda.

As for your twin theory, I point you to this Scientific American article which illustrates all the ways identical twins are, in fact, genetically dissimilar to each other: http://www.scientificameric...identical/

How do you explain cases such as one twin who was genetically vulnerable to leukemia and the other twin who was not?


Posted 1:00 pm, 12/19/2014

Pat was injured earlier today he was struck by a cruise liner while he was walking to work according to coast guard spokesman


Posted 12:42 pm, 12/19/2014

Let's not lie to ourselves and claim sexual preference is only genetic. It's 2014 and people can make their own choices. It's time to realize that as long as you aren't hurting others, do what you want. So far the only harm I see is a bit more blood rushing to some people's cheeks


Posted 12:23 pm, 12/19/2014

Halcyon: You use the term "sodomy parade," yet you don't like the word "bigot."

How funny! If the shoe fits......

White America

Posted 10:46 am, 12/19/2014

The difference is one of them makes bad choices.


Posted 10:21 am, 12/19/2014


If you actually study and read, you'll realize that even though on the surface they are identical science can NOW show a genetic difference. This isn't 1970 any longer.

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