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Have No Fear! The Gays Will Become Extinct According to Pat Robertson!

this n that

Posted 10:14 am, 12/19/2014

Answering the question with another question, is hardly an answer to the question.

Especially since your attempt to deflect isn't valid, because ....

"The girls are the only twins in the world where one � Sinny � is a primordial dwarf."


Posted 9:31 am, 12/19/2014

Explain identical twins where one has a genetic mutation, such as dwarfism.

this n that

Posted 8:59 am, 12/19/2014

"Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If h*mosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay," she said, according to WVUE-TV. "Because identical twins are always genetically identical, h*mosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. No one is born gay."

this n that

Posted 8:56 am, 12/19/2014

The pickle analogy is the worst I've ever heard. Makes no sense, and no connection to being h*mosexual.

And what about the twins. Genetically identical in every way. DNA identical. So much so that one could commit murder and the law can't prove which one did it.

(Saw a TV show with exactly that plot about a murder.)

So how is it possible for one twin to be h*mo, and the other straight?

Or are you just ignoring the obvious?


Posted 8:10 am, 12/19/2014

Thankfully we have the wannabe intelligentsia on GW to condemn every view they disagree with. So you hate anyone who has a differing view on sexuality by calling them names (bigots) and yet your own vitriol is spewing out every time you open your keyboard. Today, it's anyone who doesn't tow the party line on h*mosexuality, which is that everyone should not only whole heartedly endorse it, but insist upon driving the lead float in the sodomy parade. To each his/her own, we are responsible for our own actions. People are entitled to their own view. If you disagree with their view, that's great, that's called healthy dialog. Engage in the facts and try to build an dispassionate argument for their view and see where they are coming from intellectually. That may lead to opposing views being better understood. Sadly, that's not going to happen because belittling others view in an attempt to silence them is infinitely easier for most simpletons. Ah! , the irony.


Posted 8:08 am, 12/19/2014

You see this is where he doesn't think his own thoughts out.

If h*mosexuality is a choice as he believes (idiot) then unless people stop "choosing" this lifestyle then it will never die out.


Posted 7:40 am, 12/19/2014

Nothing so needs Reforming as other people's habits.

~Mark Twain


Posted 6:25 am, 12/19/2014

What about when gay man hire a surrogate and they give her "the swirl"?


Posted 10:45 pm, 12/18/2014

You know, some parts of the bible were clearly written by bigots. All of us know those parts......slavery, the inferiority of women, the stoning of people, etc., etc., etc. It's pretty clear to most people that the writers of the bible who hated h*mosexuals were bigoted too.

I mean, daughters could be sold into slavery, male slaves were castrated, women had no voice in church nor anywhere else, infants and children were non-entities.

Yet, some of you would take those bigots' word that h*mosexuality is "wrong."

I'm not buying it. You don't care one stitch about the bible nor the bigots therein. You are just that shallow.


Posted 8:53 pm, 12/18/2014

This is an obvious comment. Not sure anyone else has commented on this. But, the Bible was written hundreds of years before medical science discovered how h*mosexuality was developed. This doesn't make h*mosexuality a sin in this day and time. Geesh. Just accept the fact that some cannot be like others want them to be. WOW!!! :( :( :(


Posted 8:45 pm, 12/18/2014

I try thinking of the argument this way -- I hate pickles. Detest them. The thought of eating a pickle makes me ill. They're sour and slimy and I hate them. My friends and family love them. Cucumbers that taste like vinegar apparently does something for them it doesn't do for me. I never made a conscious decision to hate pickles. I can't recall being so traumatized by a pickle that I turned on them forever. I even quite like regular cucumbers. So, why don't I like pickles? Does it mean there's something wrong with me? Or, is it just that I'm wired a certain way that my preferences don't match those around me?

And, if I can be wired to have a certain food preference despite being surrounded by and influenced by people who have the opposite inclination, who is to say the same isn't true for sexual preferences?


Posted 8:41 pm, 12/18/2014

h*mosexuality is sin plain and simple nothing more and nothing less, no greater than or no less than any other sin.


Posted 7:44 pm, 12/18/2014


Please read the complete article if you want more answers. :)

this n that

Posted 7:25 pm, 12/18/2014

This just seems to belong here. Can you explain it?


sparkling water

Posted 7:17 pm, 12/18/2014

Apparently, h*mosexuality is not genetic. You can't breed for or against it.


Posted 7:08 pm, 12/18/2014

oh homer sexyals are alright to me. leave them be, let them live.


Posted 7:05 pm, 12/18/2014

I thought that Pat was dead! Well, I suppose it was wishful thinking.


Posted 5:50 pm, 12/18/2014

Jr88 (view profile)

Posted 5:40 pm, 12/18/2014

I know h*mosexuals can reproduce because they are a whole lot more of them than they use to be.

I don't think so, more people are just open about their sexual preference because it's more socially acceptable IMO.


Posted 5:48 pm, 12/18/2014

We are like mogwai, if you get us wet we multiply! Feed us after midnight????

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