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Has anyone been charged with insurrection?


Posted 7:21 pm, 07/30/2021

No, because they didn't attack the US Capital or try to overthrow a democratic election (the very basis of this great country). Now do I agree with what all mentioned did, no.


Posted 7:11 pm, 07/30/2021

Did you feel the same as BLM burned our cities, Antifa took over police stations, beat and robbed innocent citizens . Were you offended when PETA interrupted congress, Code pink interrupted government meetings. Weather Underground ( a Democrat Terrorist Organization) bombed the Pentagon. Seems you have selective outrage, could it just be political? Do you really think January 6th protest was an attempt to overthrow the most powerful country in the world. Wouldn't you think it would take more than a few overzealous unarmed protestors to attempt something like that . IF it had been a true insurrection, (as you are trying to label it) there would have been over 70 million dissatisfied patriots. We do not like your governing, but we will do it at a fair and honest ballot box.


Posted 7:01 pm, 07/30/2021

Then why are you sympathetic to ANYONE attacking the US Capital? The events of that day, no matter where you stand or whatever you believe, was an atrocious act by a group of clowns. You're caught up on some word, when no matter what the charge is, what they did has no place in this country.


Posted 6:52 pm, 07/30/2021

It is YOU BS'er that is trying to change the country, not me. America the Beautiful, America the Great, America the land of the free and home of the brave. That is what I stand for, you however want to change it.


Posted 6:50 pm, 07/30/2021

Foxy, have you always had such bad taste in men?


Posted 6:49 pm, 07/30/2021

We don't have to, you just made the case for yourself.


Posted 6:48 pm, 07/30/2021

I was and am a supporter of Donald J. Trump. I believe he was and can be the best president our country could have in my lifetime. Donald Trump is not a lifetime politician, Donald Trump did not get into office to get rich, I think he genuinely cares for this country. That being said, would you classify me as a traitor? I am against the scum of the earth flag burners, anti-justice anarchist, and the morally bankrupt leftist enemies of the United States of America every step of the way. I disagree with 99% of anything you stand or regardless of what screen name you use. You may call me your enemy but you cannot honestly say I am a traitor to this great country.


Posted 6:47 pm, 07/30/2021

Trump has never looked upon the USA as anything but his personal piggy bank. Had he got in again in all probability he would have sold us to Russia.


Posted 6:38 pm, 07/30/2021

You deny and turn right around and verify. Trump and his followers are traitors.


Posted 5:56 pm, 07/30/2021


Posted 4:29 pm, 07/30/2021

Because you keep defending the attack. By attempting to downplay or cause doubt, you are showing you are sympathetic to the cause. End of story.

Lets just look at the facts for once.
1. I have not and am not defending anything or anyone. You cannot post anything I have said that resembles defense.
2. I have not attempted to downplay or cause doubt in anything. I have stated nothing but the fact. There is no charge of insurrection
3. I have not expressed sympathy for anyone on either side except I do have sympathy for a woman that lost her life and the family that grieves her loss.
4. It is not the end of the story, the story will be kept alive by a party that is out of ideas, dedicated to the destruction of our country, led by the Inept mentally deficient scum of our society communist failure and supported by people like you of the same description

Just the facts


Posted 4:29 pm, 07/30/2021

Because you keep defending the attack. By attempting to downplay or cause doubt, you are showing you are sympathetic to the cause. End of story.


Posted 4:25 pm, 07/30/2021

Justy have you seen anywhere on here where anyone said they support attacks on anything? Then why do you make things up. Is it just the Democrat in you?


Posted 4:15 pm, 07/30/2021

Maybe the legalese was too hard for foxy to figure out. She gets in these thought loops and once those wheels start turning you just have to wait until she tuckers out.


Posted 4:10 pm, 07/30/2021

The race card? WTF are you even talking about. You KEEP asking about insurrection charges. The question was answered (hint, it was no). But you still cannot answer why you support an attack on the US Capital. You are about as pointless as Comrade Conrad at this point, just making up some incoherent spew of words.


Posted 2:48 pm, 07/30/2021

You have had many posts removed for racism, Foxy.

How's that?


Posted 2:42 pm, 07/30/2021

That's it ? Is that all you got? What about starving old folks, killing children and being a white supremacist. Have you forgot how to play the race card? Come on, I know it is all you got but try, just try to say something that makes sense.


Posted 2:04 pm, 07/30/2021

Question already answered. Why do you support an attack on the US Capital.


Posted 1:55 pm, 07/30/2021

Where is the charge of "insurrection"?



Posted 10:09 am, 07/30/2021

There he/she is...the man/woman of the hour....ole Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad, being his/her usual self providing nothing but loser low life troll tactics.


Posted 10:07 am, 07/30/2021

KonGimp never has the KonTaters to KonAnswer. KonSad.

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