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H and H auto in cricket.


Posted 1:20 pm, 05/06/2016

Dude all I can say is Good luck I am saying that One More Time for what it's worth.

No doubts about it you'll need Luck.

One Question did you Read Anything anyone posted on this thread? Seriously? Really read it?


Posted 8:39 am, 05/06/2016

I could care less about getting sympathy. I was merely letting folks know the man was selling garbage. Your the one who started off saying that there was no way of knowing the car was a dud. If I were selling used cars, it would be my business to know the ones I was selling and would do so honestly. You commented on it like you were trying to start an argument. I would hope someone would let me know if a business was cheating folks, which is the only reason behind my post.


Posted 8:19 am, 05/06/2016

Billy, I'm not even close to understanding how you can say I'm accusing you of anything? If you meant that post for me. FYI, Everything I've posted was Going on What you've posted!

1. You started the Thread on a public forum. Right?
2 You're the one accusing the man of selling you a dud car (err your friend) You're the one making accusations!
3.You're the one who got Smart and Told folks to stay out of it!
4. You haven't given the whole story! What did you expect people to post!
5. If you want people to At least find out the whole story as you've put it then DO TELL!

What is it exactly that you want? People to feel sorry for you? You claim you're wanting to warn people about this guy right? Well then tell them why instead of just posting Half of the Story!

If you think folks will change their minds and offer up some sympathy my guess is sure they might be sorry it happened but they'll still think it was your fault. Not to be mean but it is your fault. You went to a little off the road car lot and you bought a used car without a warranty.

You had several Warning Signs right there! Little off the road Car lot! Used Car on that lot! No Warranty from the salesmen. Dude RED lights a flashing!

Personally speaking, I hate it happened I really do. I hate to see anyone taken advantage of. I'd add I have no idea who you are or if this really happened. If it did, I hate it for you and hope you can at least find yourself a car that gets you good services. I got no idea but I'd guess you're a young man who just wanted to help your friend out but you didn't know really because you just didn't have a lot of experience. Really nobody has a lot of experience buying cars. Old age says Don't Buy a Car from a little off the wall lot. Never ever buy a Car without a Warranty new or used! You can mark this down as life lesson learned and say you've aged about 10 years!

So it is what it is you got burned take it and trade it in at a reputable car lot that's about all you can do. Or take the guy to small claims court and hope for the best. Even if you don't win you'd still put the guy to some troubles. Just you talking about going to court might scare him into giving you your money back who knows. I doubt it but you never know. Maybe he'll do the right thing if you go sit down and talk to him.

Way, way to many car lots out there that offer warranties. They'll sell a car with no down payments, finance a car to about anyone good credit, bad credit or whatever and they're reputable dealerships. Just remember that!

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck! Be safe riding that bike because a lot of people are like Car Salesmen they'll take advantage of you on the road and kill you without even a thought afterward.


Posted 2:20 am, 05/06/2016

Your the one making smart acusations, without knowing the whole story,so maybe you need to shut your pie hole or, at least if you want to comment on something meant to help others then, get the whole story.


Posted 12:48 am, 05/06/2016

I have a 98 toyota Tacoma, with 333,000 on it, bought used. Still runs like a champ.


Posted 9:13 pm, 05/05/2016

I bought a Toyota pickup years ago that had about 200 k miles on it. It was just a base model I drove that thing around 10 years and never really did anything to it other than regular maintenance.


Posted 8:50 pm, 05/05/2016

Guitar (view profile)

Posted 7:48 pm, 05/05/2016

Dec 80 k is not that many miles on a car or truck built today. Back in the 70's and 80's yea it was a lot an maybe nearly worn out. However with today's improved oils and engine designs 80 K isn't hardly even broke in!

On my Ranger 80K just means in 20K it's new again then when it turns 80K again I can sell it as a low millage truck.


Posted 8:47 pm, 05/05/2016

Said that Right Shag!


Posted 8:41 pm, 05/05/2016

I have bought so many used cars over the years that people make jokes about it My driveway is filled with so many automobiles I could start a used car lot. The one thing I have learned is avoid "high end" auto's with every bell and whistle. There is a reason cars like Cadillac BMW etc. sell cheap compared to when new. All of the fancy features will fail nickel and dime you to death. If you buy a base or sport model you have a good chance of getting a reliable ride. There is a reason cars that sold new for over thirty thousand sell used for around five thousand after just a few years old. A Lexus will cost to keep running were a Corolla will keep a trucking with regular service. These luxury and or performance cars are harder to work on and the parts cost more. I've bought cars that made me sick to see in the driveway but every car that gave me good service were just plain old run of the mill cars. Use the internet before buying any car. Lessons learned the hard way.


Posted 8:36 pm, 05/05/2016

"because everyone said he wouldn't cheat anyone " so you gotta believe Everyone.


Posted 8:32 pm, 05/05/2016

Nah OC not for a second dude. I've no time to waste on Thread Fights.

Only point I was trying to make was Billy started a thread On a Public forum but now doesn't like the responses he's gotten so he's telling folks to stay out of it.

He puts it out there and then tells folks to stay out of it? Good Grief!

LLEH No wonder he let his friend get their butt burned!


Posted 7:49 pm, 05/05/2016


Billy_Biker v/s Guitar


Posted 7:48 pm, 05/05/2016

Dec 80 k is not that many miles on a car or truck built today. Back in the 70's and 80's yea it was a lot an maybe nearly worn out. However with today's improved oils and engine designs 80 K isn't hardly even broke in!


Posted 7:46 pm, 05/05/2016

Dude you started a Thread on a Public forum if you don't people in it then you should've Kept your Pie Hole shut. You put it out there! You're getting the responses that you don't like because most everyone thinks it's your fault not the car dealer!

You're right though we maybe don't know much about it but what We do know is you claimed to have bought a dud car for your friend. What we do know is you're the one posting and all butt hurt over your friends purchase.

And what most of us think is it's your fault!


Posted 7:26 pm, 05/05/2016

80k isn;t high miles on a car IMO


Posted 7:23 pm, 05/05/2016

It is a used car. If it had 80,000 miles or more it is a high mileage car.

They buy the at the sale to make money. Not rebuild.

If you drive down the street and back that is NOT a test drive. Did you have a mechanic look at it? Etc etc.

If you find a car with low miles and more than 5 years old it automatically tells one that it has set many months or years. Hoses rot, connections corrode, and fluids solidify.

river otter

Posted 7:19 pm, 05/05/2016

You should expect that all vehicles will have issues including all the new ones. Get a written warranty and pay more or take your chances and get a good deal.


Posted 7:09 pm, 05/05/2016

It wasn't a high milelage car.


Posted 7:06 pm, 05/05/2016

To begin with, he said he checked the car out and it was a great car, then after we test drive it, he changed the new tires on it out. Also, he isn't an old guy, he's in his 40,s. He absolutely knew he sold a lemon, while downing every other car lot in the county for doing the same thing, so unless you know what your talking about, keep out of it. It was a friendly warning so no one else would fall victim to this guy and the junk he's selling.


Posted 9:21 am, 05/05/2016

From reading this I tend to agree with everyone else it's a used Car. No way the guy knew if the car was good or bad. He no doubt bought it for one purpose and that was to move it on. He didn't cheat you unless he promised you a warranty and then refused to fix any issues you had. I've bought several Used Cars over the years and always got some kind of warranty from the lot and I got it in Writing. If a car lot refused to give me a warranty I walked. Way to many car lots to choose from and most Reputable lots will give you some kind of warranty if you ask for it. See that? If you ASK for it!

You cheated yourself by not asking for a warranty. Even a 30 or 90 day warranty would have been better than just walking on a USED Car lot and buying a Car neither you nor the salesman knew really anything about.

You can blame the old guy but the Fact is You bought it err your friend bought it!

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