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Posted 7:40 pm, 01/31/2015

just-in-case (view profile)

redfly (view profile)

Posted 7:26 pm, 01/31/2015

ULTRA Lib-TardoCrats love Ultra Lib-Tard Micheal Bloomberg who goes nowhere without heavily armed body guards. Strange aint it.

Yeah, Redfly he also wants Drones to fly around the citys for your/our protection. Imagine that

I guess he is gonna Drone the Helloutta the would be Rapist and Murderers before they get to his prized Ultra Lib-TardoCrats. Wonder if he will do it before or after the Alleged Perp commit their attacks.


Posted 7:39 pm, 01/31/2015

I feel like Joseph T. It should be part of school curriculum. The problem would be Liberals would fight that tooth and nail in some places. I don't think we'd have a problem here but in some places it would be taboo.


Posted 7:35 pm, 01/31/2015

redfly (view profile)

Posted 7:26 pm, 01/31/2015

ULTRA Lib-TardoCrats love Ultra Lib-Tard Micheal Bloomberg who goes nowhere without heavily armed body guards. Strange aint it.

Yeah, Redfly he also wants Drones to fly around the citys for your/our protection. Imagine that


Posted 7:34 pm, 01/31/2015

99.999999% of the LIB-TardoCrats on here have no idea how to

1. Handle a Gun
2. How to Clean a Gun
3. How to Store a Gun
4. How to do Gun Safety Procedures
5. How to practice Safe Sex
6. How to get Help for their Mental Problems

Just the Good Ole Facts !!!


Posted 7:29 pm, 01/31/2015

You see this is what some are saying,, start young and by the time one is an adult ,WELL you have a idea what guns are used for and how to properly handle a firearm . Starting young seem to work back in the day,, you didn't hear about all this bull**** that you hear of today. I was taught by the age 6 how to use a gun and what a gun was. I think the problem is the People not the Guns .


Posted 7:26 pm, 01/31/2015

ULTRA Lib-TardoCrats love Ultra Lib-Tard Micheal Bloomberg who goes nowhere without heavily armed body guards. Strange aint it.


Posted 7:23 pm, 01/31/2015

You have to LOVE Ultra Lib-Tardicrats,,, they want you to believe they care about children in one sentence and the next one they want to ABORT a baby by any means necessary and that is COOL with them.

A SPECIAL kind of STUPID the whole lot of them they are !!!


Posted 7:23 pm, 01/31/2015

I'm all for youth gun training. Liberals don't want that. They want every legal firearm registered like other countries have done in Joes video right before they took all of the peoples rights away. Lets take every idea the liberals have on gun control and apply it to the freedom of speech. If you can not pass test you can not speak your mind. You have to put every thing you say on a government data base. How about it?


Posted 7:16 pm, 01/31/2015

Zastro: Yeah, that sounds good to me. Well, unless we are talking about a WWII veteran who got his training 70 years ago. Or a Vietnam veteran who trained a bit more recently but has been diagnosed with PTSD with violent features.

But overall, I think we are talking about domestic issues regarding guns. Military training probably does not cover gun safety in the home, especially that involving children and shooting accidents.

Joseph T.

Posted 7:16 pm, 01/31/2015

I have always said that firearms safety/education should be taught in school and it should start at a young age.


Posted 7:08 pm, 01/31/2015

Would you folks consider veterans to be trained in firearms, proof would be a DD214?


Posted 7:01 pm, 01/31/2015

Joseph T: Well, that's all the more reason that adult gun-owners should be "certified" in gun safety.

Joseph T.

Posted 7:00 pm, 01/31/2015

Hepsibah (view profile)

Posted 6:45 pm, 01/31/2015

just-in-case: Hunter Safety is taught in high schools as a (small) part of the freshman Physical Education/Health classes. It lasts a few days. All of the students are 14 or 15 years old and they receive a certificate in Hunter Safety if they pass the requirements. I'm all for it, as I think anybody would be.

That's hardly the same thing as comprehensive education for gun-owning adults.
Not in Ashe it's not it used to be taught in Watauga but not any more


Posted 6:52 pm, 01/31/2015

If I witness any pregnant women having their babies knocked loose, somebody's liable to get shot.


Posted 6:45 pm, 01/31/2015

just-in-case: Hunter Safety is taught in high schools as a (small) part of the freshman Physical Education/Health classes. It lasts a few days. All of the students are 14 or 15 years old and they receive a certificate in Hunter Safety if they pass the requirements. I'm all for it, as I think anybody would be.

That's hardly the same thing as comprehensive education for gun-owning adults.


Posted 6:40 pm, 01/31/2015

Truthseeker911 (view profile)

Posted 5:31 pm, 01/31/2015

Shag, you have consistently defended your rights as provided by the 2nd ammendment, but when I asked why you do not defend a woman's right to chose what to do with her own body, yesterday, you immediately talked about abortion being murder of innocents. I think that pretty clearly signifies your stance.
There is a bill right now in MO that lawmakers are trying to pass that make it mandatory for a woman to get written permission from the sperm provider, in order to have an abortion. The ones screaming the loudest about "don't mess with my 2nd ammendment rights" are the ones actively challenging the Supreme Court decision to protect a woman's right to choose which was base on the 14 th ammendments right to privacy.

It is not derailing the subject when one side claims absolute adherence to their interpretation of an ammendment for one issue, but actively tries to change other amendments, that they don't agree with.

What is it then? So you are saying that if someone had hit my then wife while she was pregnant causing her to loose one of my babies it would not be murder? We would not have the right to demand justice for the killing of our unborn child even though my child has a head arms legs and a beating heart? You claim that a unborn child is not a person then you are saying if someone caused a miscarriage they should walk free because no one was hurt.


Posted 6:35 pm, 01/31/2015

I remember in the 70s safe gun practice was taught in schools. Now that's educating . What happened ? What happened to our safety/shooting gun courses that use to be taught, it seems to me that would cover a lot of this gun talk about people and gun control. Heps, you are right, when did education on gun topic become a bad thing?

Hepsibah (view profile)

Posted 6:12 pm, 01/31/2015

Since when is education on ANY topic a bad thing?


Posted 6:13 pm, 01/31/2015

A registration process for gun ownership.

Joseph T.

Posted 6:12 pm, 01/31/2015

Hepsibah (view profile)

Posted 5:52 pm, 01/31/2015

Crypt has some good suggestions. They should be part of the registration process.

what registration process would that be?


Posted 6:12 pm, 01/31/2015

Since when is education on ANY topic a bad thing?

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