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Gun Control Law

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 8:40 am, 02/23/2018

This question will come up if it hasn't already:

If we raise the age to be able to buy a gun from 18 to 21 why do we allow an 18 year old to join the military and receive the training to shoot to kill with a gun?


Posted 8:38 am, 02/23/2018

Maybe it is time for some RoundUp.


Posted 8:29 am, 02/23/2018

We've got a yoooge overgrown hayfield of gun nuts. Trump is at least pretending to gas up the mower.


Posted 8:20 am, 02/23/2018

I disagree about the pull out home schooling thing, cause kids gotta live in the world, and the world has always been a dangerous place.


Posted 8:17 am, 02/23/2018

I hear ya, sarge.

Ole Sarge

Posted 7:44 am, 02/23/2018

It makes me a little nervous to see a hunter with an assault weapon. Not because of the weapon but because of the mentality it creates. Kinda like what it does to move from a moped to a Harley. You can put a doctor on a Harley and physically see it change his persona. Same thing with assault weapons. Born to be Wild.

Joseph T.

Posted 7:41 am, 02/23/2018

Grandpa I suggest you read the second amendment and the many writings on the subject by our founding fathers. They didn't give us the second amendment for target shooting or hunting they gave it to us so the people could protect themselves from tyranny. I also suggest that you watch the documentary innocent's betrayed to see how people are rounded up and killed after their guns were taken. If you want an example of why it is need read up on the battle of Athens Tn.


Posted 7:34 am, 02/23/2018

Nothing would have stopped that boy, but he wouldn't have been able to get off as many shots as he did. There is no reason to own an ar-15. Even the armed resource officer at the school knew he didn't have a chance to take this boy out.

Wrestling grandpa1

Posted 7:20 am, 02/23/2018

Ole sarge post the legislation for us to read what yo uh just pisted...if you can not then we gave to take this is the rant of a paranoid perskn, who follows the King of Paranoia. ..Wayne Stink minded Lapierre. A fear monger....

Ole Sarge

Posted 7:11 am, 02/23/2018

One of the problems democrats run into on solving the school shooting problem is trying to lump hidden legislation into their bills. So, when they banned guns from school property they tried to take guns out of the homes of home schools. You know people are not going to go along with that, They are not serious about protecting the students they are just using this "crisis" to promot their cause. Remember, "never let a good

crisis go to waste"? My solution if I had a child in school would be to remove the child and either private or home school. No, I would not worry about this type of socialization.

Wrestling grandpa1

Posted 7:08 am, 02/23/2018

Ole Sarge is there a reason not to ban.these from public at large .. Police and only Military should have these weapons..but as usual your do nothing only perpetuates the sale to anyone even those who are mentally inst a blessing l I keep Wayne Lapierre. .his speech is that reminds me of Mussel lining, and Hitler and the extreme far right.


Posted 6:37 am, 02/23/2018

Each public school should have a combat experienced, security officer, who has passed a monthly drug test, on duty during school hours. They should have available to them all the resources needed to stop a shooter using nonlethal all the way up to armor piercing deadly force. With live video surveillance of the entire perimeter and interior of the school. With the press of a button all entry points should be locked preventing any entry. There should also be at least one other qualified staff member also armed and equipped with full body armor. The funding for this should come from the gun nuts through a gunpowder tax and highly overpaid school administrators salaries who obviously can't secure their schools.

Thank You.

Ole Sarge

Posted 6:25 am, 02/23/2018

If you woke up this morning and ALL ARs were GONE, it would not stop, or even slow down one mass murderer.

Joseph T.

Posted 12:37 pm, 02/22/2018

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 8:15 am, 02/22/2018

Why can an 18 year old legally purchase an ar15 but not handgun, how much sense does that make?

Why does an 18 year have to register for selective service in case there is a draft to be train and sent to kill people but can't buy alcohol. If you can be drafted or sentence as an adult in the courts you should be able to buy alcohol or buy a pistol.


Posted 8:21 am, 02/22/2018

‘We are all mad here.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


Posted 8:15 am, 02/22/2018

Why can an 18 year old legally purchase an ar15 but not handgun, how much sense does that make?


Posted 7:46 am, 02/22/2018

It is weird, right? You never hear about mass shootings in ghetto schools. You hear about kids walking through gunfire to get to school, but once you get into school, you are safe. What is up with that?


Posted 7:36 am, 02/22/2018

Black kids get shoot everyday and no one says anything, but some white kids get shot and the balloon goes up


Posted 6:05 am, 02/22/2018

Do not diss folks who grow hay! Feeds the stock and I used to love those hay lofts and the smell come harvest. I thought you were talking about yard grass.


Posted 5:47 am, 02/22/2018

Then live in a hay field.

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