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Guess who????


Posted 6:57 am, 11/01/2014

Peace? There can be no peace among humanity until we are all gay and beige.

Now we all know beige is a HUGE no-no in the gay community, so what else is left but genetic manipulation to make a more appealing skin tone. Talk about throwing a funky monkey wrench in the color wheel! Oh precious!

But therein lies yet a host of new problems. Take for instance, the prickly subject of who selects the new color of the human race. Who among us is qualified to pick the color that will suit all people? You simply can't have a Summer trying to pull off a Winter. It's enough to make you reach for the entire bottle of Spirin!

We need major help, and I have the answer.

Come! Shout with me people!

Oh great h*mo Princeps, rise up from the dregs of GoWilkes and lead the way!

If we shout it loud enough, the Great h*mo Princeps will rise up and fly through the air, bringing all the good little h*mos the blessings of fashionable skin tone and pacifism.

It's the only way GoWilkes... It's the ONLY way!


Posted 1:56 am, 11/01/2014

I THINK this thread was started by a "DRAMA QUEEN" :)


Posted 1:05 am, 11/01/2014

I think it's hilarious when stupid ppl claim they're going to sue, when they have no case. Lol.
I also am sick and tired of all the gay remarks.
Who cares if someone you don't even know( for that matter) is gay or straight.
It's not anyone's business but they're own.
By the way, nohomo is just a troll.
That's my 2cents.! Have a blessed night


Posted 11:54 pm, 10/31/2014

Are you trying to say he's not a pig ? He's a public figure. The things our president and first lady have been called on here are much , much , worse.

alonzo harris

Posted 10:46 pm, 10/31/2014

...says the woman who uses "Rushie the Pig", on a regular basis.


Posted 10:26 pm, 10/31/2014

Amen ! tarheeelblueangel . Just calling them by their names would be the best thing.


Posted 10:15 pm, 10/31/2014

Who says it's ok to call a white person cracker?


Posted 9:43 pm, 10/31/2014

Good point tarheel. It's not like there aren't other words that can be used that don't cause problems.


Posted 9:26 pm, 10/31/2014


Posted 4:58 pm, 10/31/2014

If you can call a white person a cracker and its o k why cant you call a black person a **** or ****?

The bigger question is WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO pantera? I don't go around saying "Look at that Honkey!" or "Did you hear that redneck?" or "What do you think of Whitey over there?" Or "I really like crackers!"....derogatory descriptions of black people are much more ignorant considering our history. Why not just call people by their given names or describe them by their personality traits and stop using skin color as THE major identifier?


Posted 9:02 pm, 10/31/2014

If'ns I was black, I wouldn't care what people called me. But then again, since I am not and don't walk in their shoes, it's not for me to say what is acceptable. I speculate that many don't care what white people call them if it's done in fun. It goes back to intent. If one sets out to offend, show bigotry, then, I suspect they don't take too kindly to it. JMO


Posted 4:58 pm, 10/31/2014

If you can call a white person a cracker and its o k why cant you call a black person a **** or ****?


Posted 8:42 pm, 10/29/2014

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 8:05 pm, 10/29/2014

yeah i get it orangebanana, you seem kind of fixed on that part of the thread.


Posted 6:52 pm, 10/29/2014

Just go ahead and suspend everyone.

Let those who are worthy back in one at a time.

I'll wait my turn.


Posted 6:36 pm, 10/29/2014

White hawk (view profile)

Posted 1:58 pm, 10/29/2014

This whole posting should be removed as it is nothing more than trolling to start something.

For the record, everyone has an equal right to express their opinion on here, as long as it's honest and within the parameters of the Terms & Conditions... and, of course, the law.

I'm not entirely convinced whether "nohomo" is expressing an honest opinion, or just trying to start a fight for his own amusement. Based on his messages to me, personally, I'm starting to get the feeling that he's just trying to start a fight, which will probably end up in a suspension from the site.


Posted 6:22 pm, 10/29/2014

Sorry kenc


Posted 6:04 pm, 10/29/2014

I am a girl idiot, I wouldn't want to hear you preach anywhere. are you trying to pass yourself off as a preacher ?


Posted 6:02 pm, 10/29/2014

Kenc , come go with me to preach Mardi gras big guy! On bourbon street you would be fresh meat for the sodomites! You'd scream like a girl lol....wimp


Posted 5:48 pm, 10/29/2014

Good grief nohomo, I'd hate to be a coward like you. if the gays are scaring you so badly that you can't even enjoy life, take a deep breath and ask yourself why.


Posted 5:19 pm, 10/29/2014

Nohomo you seem to forget the rights of America. Sexuality of genders is nationwide and we can choose who we lay and date. It is you who is now making it a personal threat of violating their rights and personal life of forcing your opinion on others. Shame on on you!This joke I'm about to tell you makes me wish you'd have no women around period.
A rabbit and a bear find a lamp and clean it, out pops a gene and he grants them each 3 wishes to split on 6, well the bear asks all bears in his land were females, well the rabbit is up next and he asks for a motrcycle. Finding this stupid wish wasted the bear shrugs and asks the next land and the one after the next be all female bears.The rabbit is up next and he wishes for a helmet.Ashe get on the bear can't believe this stupidity that finally his last wish is that every bear is female on earth except him. The rabbit beside him begin to crank engine and twist the nozel making it rrrr, finally his wish is up and he says. "I wish this bear gay" and makes a quick dash while the bear goes "son of a *****!".
The story of this is that you can wish for all them *****es to admire you nohomo but it all points down to 1 thing. That your a **** and were the strait arrow of modern time that go with the flow, gays are just natural as you are being retard.As for those who read this comment I hope their was no offense on behalf of the gay community. If so then I apologize and hope Jason will remove it for you comfort.

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