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Governor Cooper should stand up to Rump


Posted 5:01 pm, 05/28/2020

HB2 goober.

Cooper is far better than Bev. Quit being a snowflake.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 4:59 pm, 05/28/2020

So you can't answer my question.


Posted 4:55 pm, 05/28/2020

What was that bill that cost his re-election?

You probably have it tattooed as your tramp stamp. Check the mirror.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 4:53 pm, 05/28/2020

Provide proof McCory catered to Bigots.


Posted 4:44 pm, 05/28/2020

All McCrory had to do was not cater to the bigots. But nope...and now Republicans will lose the governorship two terms in a row.

Oh, well.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 4:42 pm, 05/28/2020

Cooper should resign. Didn't think it was possible but he is worse than Bev.


Posted 4:03 pm, 05/28/2020

The only science ghost Cooper is relying on is political science.


Posted 3:07 pm, 05/28/2020

A good leader relies on input from the ones below him and makes decisions with a clear vision. A bad leader ignores input and goes rogue allowing whatever to happen.

One is Cooper and one is Trump.


Posted 2:39 pm, 05/28/2020

Cooper can't make a decision on his own. His is like most high up political and business leaders he is just a figure head.


Posted 2:33 pm, 05/28/2020

President Trump couldn't get his out of shape **** out of a soaking wet cardboard box. He isn't the **** you fools think he is.

Dollar Bill

Posted 2:29 pm, 05/28/2020

President Trump would rip Governor Cooper a new *** hole


Posted 6:54 am, 05/28/2020


Plus, I doubt old Mushroom Cap has too many miles left on him, anyway.


Posted 12:26 am, 05/28/2020

Melania probably wouldn't know the difference😏😏😏😃


Posted 9:11 am, 05/27/2020

Oh, I'd love to see Drumpf pull out (not as much as Melania, probably). It would put North Carolina in play.


Posted 9:08 am, 05/27/2020

Think of it this way,
Say your family has 4 persons in it, you want to rent a house at the beach for the weekend in August, the owner is willing to rent to you and your family however the mayor of the town won't say whether or not all 4 persons can stay at the house because of his current occupancy restrictions, would you pay a deposit for this house not knowing if you, your spouse and both kids can go or would you start looking for another VRBO in another town that doesn't have an occupancy restriction.


Posted 9:02 am, 05/27/2020

Honestly, most of the governors are doing a good job, regardless of political affiliation.

The guy in Georgia is terrible, obviously...but it looks like the people of Georgia are staring to get wise to that fact.


Posted 8:56 am, 05/27/2020

I think Gov. Cooper is doing a fine job and i will vote for him again.This is a tough time we are all living in and I dont know of anyone who could do a better job trying to protect north carolina citizens


Posted 8:25 am, 05/27/2020

Good point shoulda. Things don't look as good for Trump as some want you to believe.


Posted 8:23 am, 05/27/2020

Ozzy, based on how the public views the work of Cooper and Drumpf on handling the crisis. I think Cooper holds the cards.

Drumpf can still win North Carolina, no doubt...but if he pulls the convention out he may lose. Who knows? Maybe his internal numbers paint North Carolina even worse, and he thinks he needs to shore up his base in Georgia or Florida.


Posted 8:18 am, 05/27/2020

Trump thinks anyone should stand down to what he wants.

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