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Gored bullfighter dies in Southern France this morning


Posted 5:11 pm, 06/19/2017

Hangsleft, I completely agree with you. I have never baited deer or turkey in my life. If I can't get them by stealth, they win.

sparkling water

Posted 3:17 pm, 06/19/2017

Great analysis, all.


Posted 2:53 pm, 06/19/2017

post was for the OP.


Posted 2:52 pm, 06/19/2017

.....since it's became such a bloodsport and the police are catching them at record numbers they are participating in another gory act....its called truck fighting. They put their dogs in a large trucked car and turn up the radio so ppl can't hear what's happening. Then ride around 20-30 minutes, or however long one becomes a corpse and dump the dead in the streets (this was suppose to be trunk fighting, anyway)

I looked all the way thru the conversation, and this is the only time bloodsport was mentioned. This has everything to do with the dirty side of animal fights, and not a thing to do with game hunting. Not sure where you could have took it that way from me, and even though most the time I agree with you more times than I disagree you continue to pick thru my post and find something wrong with it. whatever floats your boat.


Posted 2:39 pm, 06/19/2017

probably because dynamiting fish will lead to the destruction of a localized population, including ones which are too small to be legally harvested.

i also have an issue with "ambushing" deer, but it is also necessary to cull overpopulated areas for the survival of the species.

i no longer actively hunt, but i don't have a moral issue with those that do.


Posted 2:36 pm, 06/19/2017

Why is throwing dynamite into a river to go fishing not legal then? That would definitely be an advantage.

Spraying fake pee, baiting with corn, climbing in a tree with heated socks is not hunting, it is called waiting.


Posted 2:28 pm, 06/19/2017

"unfair advantage"? as in a fair fight?

One does not hunt food to be "fair"

If I am hunting for food, why would I want to give my prey any kind of advantage at all?Or, why would I not want to give myself all the advantages?


Posted 1:59 pm, 06/19/2017

Some would say when you hunt with a gun you are already at an unfair advantage. Others would say if you are going to take a shot make sure it is a good one and the animal doesn't run off to suffer and die.


Posted 1:50 pm, 06/19/2017

yeah...i guess some would...

and I would counter that a long, protracted torture of a death to the delight of a screaming crowd is what makes the difference


Posted 1:49 pm, 06/19/2017

no, thats survival bob.


Posted 1:44 pm, 06/19/2017

I posted this thread and now am going to add an element to it that some may find hypocritical to my believing that bullfighting is cruel and should be outlawed. I am a hunter who abides by and respects game laws. I hunt deer and wild turkey, and I like and eat the meat of both. Of course I could survive without them. Some would call hat a blood sport, too.


Posted 1:27 pm, 06/19/2017

I looked at it asanimal fighting in general, and don't need your permission to post. Maybe you should get TBPE to walk your frail frame across the road where the big bad pitbull won't eat you.....after all watch for them packing up on yea, and getting in the formation......easy.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 12:30 pm, 06/19/2017

What we're supposed to be saying is "Buh bye Ivan".

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 12:29 pm, 06/19/2017

No. What we're saying is you should trust that the lil pitties aren't going to rip your face off.

sparkling water

Posted 12:27 pm, 06/19/2017

Are you saying that NC should legalize Pit Bull fights between redneck mullet sporting shirtless matadors in knockoff cowboy boots and incorrigible pit bulls?


Posted 12:20 pm, 06/19/2017

2013 dog bite fatalities: 78% Pit Bull

https://images.search.yahoo...mp;imgurl= http%3A%2F%2Fhttp://www.dogsbite.org%2Fimg%2F2013-dog-bite-fatalities-open-graph.jpg#id=4&iurl= http%3A%2F%2Fhttp://www.dogsbite.org%2Fimg%2F2013-dog-bite-fatalities-open-graph.jpg&action=click


Posted 8:30 am, 06/19/2017

Made me laugh, Sparkling


Posted 8:20 am, 06/19/2017

you know the caliber of ppl who own these dogs too....alot are thugs. Well looky, you are a thug...lol


Posted 7:52 am, 06/19/2017


Posted 6:50 am, 06/19/2017

yea...it is true. It was in a documentary I saw. Now being that I've saw 200 documentaries on fighting dogs, it might be hard to find but I'll dig thru and see if I can find the one......but I promise you, if I said I saw it....it was in the documentary. Too sad about your misunderstanding of the beautiful pitbull.

no reason to go through any trouble. I was just wanting to read some about it. as far as my hate of pitbulls I just find it crazy when the owners act surprised that their pitbull chewed the face off a baby or killed somebody. i'm waiting to see the first ever honest interview by a pitbull owner after they kill a baby it should go something like this. reporter," are you surprised the dog killed your child?" owner "why heck no,that dog is mean as **** and very unpredictable. they are known for killing young kids and older adults. I would be more surprised if it didn't."......but they always give the same stupid answer after their dog kills a kid.


Posted 7:22 am, 06/19/2017

yourself even......

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