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Giving Tips vs Getting Paid a Living Wage


Posted 6:15 pm, 09/17/2014

I have worked at a Ruby Tuesday before.

Loved it.

Made great tips, did a great job, never had to complain.

Why did I make great tips? Because I did a **** of a job. I didn't walk around looking like a zombie that didn't want to be there. I have EXCEPTIONAL customer service skills, as a matter of fact. A good looking smile goes a long way too.

and lol at you needing two paragraphs to explain that 7.25+7.25= $16.....wow nice math!


Posted 6:15 pm, 09/17/2014

Yea I guess genius Dhawkins thinks they get 40 hours a week.

Especially if the owner is slow and making up the difference to minimum wage.

Black Diamond

Posted 6:13 pm, 09/17/2014

$12.50 net?

Greedy waitpersons.


Posted 6:08 pm, 09/17/2014

I bet you've never waited tables Dhawk.

Did you know if it's slow enough to warrant the restaurant making up the difference to minimum wage. That the restaurant will usually cut you early.

So a shift of two hours at minimum wage would be a whopping 16$.


Posted 6:07 pm, 09/17/2014

No, I take that back.... the whole percent of service verses food should be out the window entirely!

Pay a decent wage and folks will work their butt off for you.


Posted 6:06 pm, 09/17/2014

So you feel that you should give the server a bonus even if she does a good job?

That's the problem, they EXPECT free money no matter the service.

They make minimum wage, at the LEAST. End of story.

They do a good job, they can make more.

Do a crappy job? They will earn minimum wage.

It really is as simple as that.


Posted 6:05 pm, 09/17/2014

Exactly Blimey.

They don't understand sidework, prep, cleaning toilets. All for 2.13.


Posted 6:04 pm, 09/17/2014

Blimey get's it.

It's all in the service you get, not that my big piece of crap on a plate cost 25 bucks!!


Posted 5:59 pm, 09/17/2014

I tip 15% for adequate service. 20% for good service. 25% if the service was phenomenal.

ALWAYS leave at least 10%, even if the service was practically non-existent.

I have waited tables before...I know what if feels like to get stiffed. I wouldn't do that to a server, regardless.


Posted 5:57 pm, 09/17/2014


Posted 5:55 pm, 09/17/2014


You can live in a fantasy world if you wish.

But I'm speaking of reality.


Posted 5:54 pm, 09/17/2014

Have you ever been waited on by a male?

Most upscale places love them...


Posted 5:52 pm, 09/17/2014

So we should raise the wages because women sleep around with men that don't want them?

Maybe that GIRL should have finished school and put herself in position of being able to take care of a child.

Or, is that too much to ask?


Posted 5:47 pm, 09/17/2014

For me 15% is more like a minimum.


Posted 5:44 pm, 09/17/2014

I tip for good service also, NOT on the price of the food I ordered.

D Hawkins...thanks

You are one of many reasons why any food establishment should pay more than min wage.


Posted 5:41 pm, 09/17/2014

Sure Dhawkins.

That's if your restaurant owner is honest.

Either way it's the single profession where most single women try and support there family. I say 8$ and tips.

Top Soil

Posted 5:39 pm, 09/17/2014

I miss living in Seoul, ma'ma'san would chase you down and return the money if you left a tip. it wasn't a thing in Korean culture


Posted 5:39 pm, 09/17/2014

End the 2.13? They get paid MINIMUM WAGE AT LEAST.

If any server has ever left their shift without making minimum wage then they deserve to be fired for not knowing about one of the most basic and simplistic rights of an American.



Posted 5:37 pm, 09/17/2014

I'm salary now. But spent years working bars and waiting tables.

Minimum wage should be the same as every other job. End the 2.13 BS.

Top Soil

Posted 5:31 pm, 09/17/2014


glad I have never worked the food industry.

glad i get paid on salary.

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