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Funeral Processions in the South


Posted 1:17 pm, 06/30/2016

@1goddess:: "The dead need no respect..at all"? Are you saying if a Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Grand parents, Friends or even a sibling of own need no respect after passing away? Is that like passing of such, just dig a hole throw them in it an cover them up unannounced, they were nothing anyway? I'll hush.


Posted 1:09 pm, 06/30/2016

Honoring the dead involves more than where a person is buried; it involves treating life with respect, with honor, with dignity. After all, we are each created in God's image (Genesis 1:27). The implication of this creation includes the way we honor the dead.


Posted 12:22 pm, 06/30/2016

You do have a point there


Posted 12:20 pm, 06/30/2016

they probably will....just to make sure it's you!!!!



Posted 12:13 pm, 06/30/2016

When I die people better get rear ended trying to stop


Posted 12:06 pm, 06/30/2016

high_on_life (view profile)

Posted 9:33 am, 06/30/2016

...all we do is argue over politics, kill babies, don't believe in God....and now to put a cherry on top, we don't respect the dead....being it's 2016 and all

if one is not even respectfull enough to have a decent conversation on the cv....why are we worrying about the dead???

this really isn't about being respectful of a funeral procession...it's being respectful enough of the living to allow that procession, no matter what it represents...to allow the participants to stay together as much as they can...be it, presidential motorcade...national guard maneuvers...police escorts so on and so forth.

the dead don't need respect...at all!

it's the living that matters...


Posted 9:59 am, 06/30/2016

To the OP. The world don't cater to your wishes alone. There are almost 7 billion other people in the world. If you don't like the way we live in this part of the world, find another part to live in.


Posted 9:48 am, 06/30/2016

lol...aint that the truth ODD!

Old Dixie Dog

Posted 9:47 am, 06/30/2016

Sorta like everything going to hades in a hand basket ! I've said it before, respect all things, living or dead!


Posted 9:33 am, 06/30/2016

...all we do is argue over politics, kill babies, don't believe in God....and now to put a cherry on top, we don't respect the dead....being it's 2016 and all


Posted 9:30 am, 06/30/2016

It isn't required that you actually slam on your brakes. It's better if you are paying attention to the road ahead of you in enough time to be prepared for something like that. If you have to slam on your brakes for something as slow as a funeral procession, then how is your reaction time if a toddler chasing a ball runs out in front of you.....or a deer......or a red light....or a school bus.....you get my point. There are any number of things that require you to slow down or stop on the highway. Just roll with it.


Posted 8:30 am, 06/30/2016

These days some folks are in such a hurry, they're likely the next ones to be lowered into a hole in the ground.


Posted 7:02 am, 06/30/2016

Police usually escort a funeral procession as far as they're allowed or even further. This with blue lights & all flashing. If anyone can't see ahead of them a procession coming they don't need to be on road anyway. Just put cell phone down & pay attention & show respect. We all may in that situation someday.


Posted 5:51 am, 06/30/2016

The person that stopped on a four lane highway in the fast lane to film or snap shoot a funeral procession is an idiot and its hard to believe anyone would get out of their car and do it.


Posted 4:41 am, 06/30/2016

Show respect to the deceased, other drivers, and the law and it will work great.


Posted 4:39 am, 06/30/2016

Funeral processions: North Carolina � 20-157.1.

(g) The operator of a vehicle proceeding in the opposite direction as a funeral procession may yield to the funeral procession. If the operator chooses to yield to the procession, the operator must do so by reducing speed, or by stopping completely off the roadway when meeting the procession or while the procession passes, so that operators of other vehicles proceeding in the opposite direction of the procession can continue to travel without leaving their lane of traffic.
(h) The operator of a vehicle proceeding in the same direction as a funeral procession shall not pass or attempt to pass the funeral procession, except that the operator of such a vehicle may pass a funeral procession when the highway has been marked for two or more lanes of moving traffic in the same direction of the funeral procession.


Posted 2:53 am, 06/30/2016

you are suppost to respect the dead {{ ALWAYS {{{{ PULL OVER & STOP TILL IT PASSES BY


Posted 1:55 am, 06/30/2016

But I am from the North, and that is just how we were raised.


Posted 1:54 am, 06/30/2016

Regardless of the roadway, if I see a Hearst in front of or behind me, I pull over to the side of the road and say a prayer, or at least make the sign of the cross as they pass. I remember how lucky I am to come and go, and how this is somebody's last ride.


Posted 11:39 pm, 06/29/2016

If your ***** *** don't like it go the **** back up North you god ****ed carpet bagger!

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