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Foothills Christian College Closing

Mr Liberal

Posted 7:39 pm, 07/28/2010

Because all Bible Bangers are Re-Pube-LIE-KKKins !

Ant Flo

Posted 7:29 pm, 07/28/2010

well, just how big a girl are ya??

sacredchaos(view profile)
...we should all be on our knees instead.

This thread needs more politics to balance out the religion. Was the dean a republican? Sounds like it.


Posted 1:12 pm, 07/28/2010

No, Celebration Church allowed Foothills to use their facilities until the move was made to the old Union School about 2 or 3 years ago.


Posted 1:09 pm, 07/28/2010

Is this a separate place from the one that opened up at the old Union school?


Posted 10:05 am, 07/23/2010

Oh we must! But you are correct that this is not the place for it. I disagree with the rightness of the statement. It's all about cause and condition.


Posted 10:03 am, 07/23/2010

But if I state that a plant can grow absent of conditions, I can still be correct too. Oh well, we'll have that discussion another day.


Posted 9:53 am, 07/23/2010

That's true, but of course it all depends. A plant will not grow absent of conditions.


Posted 9:51 am, 07/23/2010

Your Buddhist, though, you can't hold to an absolute standard. Two contradictory ideas can be true at the same time according to Eastern thought.


Posted 9:43 am, 07/23/2010

That's true and a large part of what set me off. On the other hand, I am a stickler in these matters. You know how I feel about formal seminary training.


Posted 9:40 am, 07/23/2010

I do think a bit of rebuke is due to the way some faculty have handled themselves in this public forum. Name calling and gossip should have never entered the conversation. I know Doc and think him to be a good man. Everyone associated with the school that I have had any conversation with always stated the goal was accreditation as quickly as possible. Anyone stating that the school was just a diploma mill is factually inaccurate. MYM crossed a line when he began attacking people rather than issues. He should have known better. But then, others did the same by attacking him and airing his faults before everyone.


Posted 9:32 am, 07/23/2010

The respect is indeed mutual. I am not saying that a person dedicated to the study of anything cannot accomplish that goal independently. I have a child who knows everything there is to know about grains but has had no formal study in that area. I am refering to shelling out money for an education and hoping folks will not be in a position to find themselves having to throw their time and effort out the window when seeking employment in their field of study. Of course if personal fulfillment is your only objective, I don't suppose it would make a difference as that would be subjective. And of course, lot's of folks go to college without regard for future employment, so your point is well taken.


Posted 8:36 am, 07/23/2010

Bestill...you and I have debated often and I think earned a bit of mutual respect for one another. I do not hold a Theological degree, but consider myself fairly well-read in Religion, Theology, and Philosophy. So the degree (accredited or not) is not the main issue, but a desire to apply one's self to a discipline of study.

I think we all should be saddened by the situation at Foothills. It is a loss for the community and I'm afraid causing harm to the witness of the body of Christ in our area.


Posted 8:31 am, 07/23/2010

Also, check that your school has regional accreditation as national accreditation can screw up your plans. I know it would seem otherwise, but most regionally accredited schools, like the inexpensive State schools will not accept credits from Nationally accredited schools. Weird, huh?


Posted 8:08 am, 07/23/2010

And just to unmuddy the water. I did not comment regarding student potential. I did comment that success in the field of Theology requires undergraduate work from an accredited institution. Now of course anyone, even a high school drop out can enter a ministry, but I was addressing the merit of the institution and not it's student's potential or lack thereof.


Posted 8:03 am, 07/23/2010

Maybe think about Standards as a bar. Some schools have higher bars than others, but a person should be able to at least jump a really low bar. The problem arises when basic academic standards are not met. If someone will post a link to their course material, I could probably give you a more informed opinion. Having said that, sometimes schools can set a pretty high bar in one area but not meet standards for a comprehensive education which can also muck up accreditation.


Posted 7:56 am, 07/23/2010

For the record, any comments in regards to students and their papers reflecting "Yes, I have a degree, but I was not required to meet any standards to receive it" --there are standards to receive any type of degree. This decision has nothing to do with the potential and success of the students that attended. The paper doesn't make the person...if you have a paper and gained nothing but a title and can't live up to what you state...then you wasted your time for a "title."

Organizations do not go to such lengths to state their goals and to pursue nothing...this decision is in direct relation to every other business and organization that has had to close for lack of funding.


Posted 7:52 am, 07/23/2010

My bad, read it wrong.


Posted 7:51 am, 07/23/2010

I was addressing your comment regarding employment, SMK. Most States have discloser laws regarding educational background and some are really fierce about it, depending on your field.


Posted 7:50 am, 07/23/2010

And sacred, we are not talking about being perfect, just meeting certain standards. I will admit bias in this arena, as the study of Theology is an important one to me.


Posted 7:48 am, 07/23/2010

What's not true?

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