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Food Stamps, Medicaid, SSI, Welfare


Posted 2:04 pm, 05/29/2017

Honest_Johniii (view profile)

Posted 11:04 am, 05/29/2017

so blackrose, you think people in America, perfectly able to work should sit back and live off of entitlements paid for by working Americans?

You answer that question and i'll be satisfied, because that is what is happening.

I think when times are tough we should show some humility, we should also provide opportunity. But let no abuse take place. So you think me being on welfare gives me the luxury too go drink beer and smoke? No,I use it for every intended purpose while having found myself in a bind that I've gotten quite scared to know if I would make it or not. But then I remember to show as just as much love and consideration for what others have placed on my table and not take it for granted. Ask yourself why they won't make weed legal? Why was moonshine suddenly legal? They had control over it, why should a man working and feeding himself from doing lawn work or outside on a roof give 2/3 of his income to the government that won't even give him a living income during retirement? I know this for a fact because my father worked 40 yrs and can't even get good insurance that eat up his wallet while not covering the very medicine he needs. You see them all the time, working at walmart and having to decide. Will I eat or buy the medicine that can keep me safe or healthy. I'd rather a man work his *** outside cutting grass then see him on the streets begging and bumming. I'd rather him have a secure job that allows him to take control of his life without the government stealing every penny that puts him down below poor man and kick him balls to the point that he wants to throw up from discomfort of seeing another bill he's behind on.
You telling me that I can't have abortion when it's none of your business about what goes in and out of me. Well are you gonna feed this baby while I am mentally unstable and financially unable to provide for it? Now before you tell me to keep my legs shut. I dare you too call that out to a married man and women or a women who has had a long committed relationship while on birth control. Since she can't get sterilized with the snap of a finger and has to wait forever. Both him and her will have to take the risk of a pill failing or a condom breaking. A baby can still be conceived of failed birth control.


Posted 1:14 pm, 05/29/2017

smalltownman says $15 won't buy much in a convenience store. that's the point. if i don't allow my kids to buy junk in a convenience store to save money why shouldn't the people with ebt cards be more responsible with their money. if my kids go without what part of refusing a kid junk food in a convenience store is making the child do without or suffer. that's just stupid. when i was growing up we never had soda in the house. we drank milk, water or kool aid. we didn't keep chips or cookies in the house. we ate real food. healthy. i can' figure out why denying kids junk to provide healthy food is bad parenting and irresponsible.


Posted 12:17 pm, 05/29/2017

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling. I also moved a few posts that were off topic to this new thread:



Posted 12:12 pm, 05/29/2017

What does pptrump want to do with our tax dollars besides help the wealthy ?


Posted 12:10 pm, 05/29/2017

And your man Bernie did not sell out, the democratic party sold you out. They no good liers, the republican party is too, that is why Americans voted for Trump, he is not a career politician, he is really neither democrat or republican , he is for the working man in America, not for a party, that is why all the crooks "both parties" in Washington hate him and the media.

He is stopping them from stealing American tax dollars from the working man, and they do hate him, but we love him and support him and you should too !!!!!!


Posted 11:45 am, 05/29/2017

You tell them Rose!!

A politician is a liar. I don't care if they're wearing a red tie or a blue tie, they can't be trusted! You're a fool if you think any politician or political party is looking out for your interest. They only look out for themselves!

Even my man Bernie sold out to Hillary Clinton when push came to shove

BlackRose258 (view profile)

Posted 12:42 am, 05/29/2017

Then your a f'n idiot if you think I have to support either group to disagree on a certain subject like this.
Quite frankly you both a joke that I laugh at up and down because it's a power struggle between you 2. Both of you can't work together because you want to control everything and everyone who you disagrees with you. Well yha know what I think of both the democrats and republicans and liberals? Screw every single one of you! My loyalty is myself and to it's people, not a big *** elephant that stampedes over the rights of the people, or the ignorant ***es of a donkey that would ignore the people and do only when it feels like it.
No, the best thing that could happen to you.Is put you all in room and let yha beat the crap out of one another get this anger management out of your system and let the true patriots of the USA take back this country and what it stands for.


Posted 11:04 am, 05/29/2017

so blackrose, you think people in America, perfectly able to work should sit back and live off of entitlements paid for by working Americans?

You answer that question and i'll be satisfied, because that is what is happening.


Posted 10:43 am, 05/29/2017

Rose kicked some political Arse! Lmao


Posted 12:42 am, 05/29/2017

Then your a f'n idiot if you think I have to support either group to disagree on a certain subject like this.
Quite frankly you both a joke that I laugh at up and down because it's a power struggle between you 2. Both of you can't work together because you want to control everything and everyone who you disagrees with you. Well yha know what I think of both the democrats and republicans and liberals? Screw every single one of you! My loyalty is myself and to it's people, not a big *** elephant that stampedes over the rights of the people, or the ignorant ***es of a donkey that would ignore the people and do only when it feels like it.
No, the best thing that could happen to you.Is put you all in room and let yha beat the crap out of one another get this anger management out of your system and let the true patriots of the USA take back this country and what it stands for.


Posted 6:48 pm, 05/28/2017

Who says? You said

"Who says I'm a democrat to dislike a certain subject that effects people who wanna avoid the responsibility of parenthood?"


Posted 5:28 pm, 05/28/2017

Honest_Johniii (view profile)

Posted 9:00 am, 05/28/2017

What Trump is doing is cutting back the democrat entitlements so we can balance the budget. Obama did not summit 1 balanced budget in 8 years, and we went from 10 trillion to 20 trillion in debt.

They just no more money to borrow.
Do you democrats not want your grand children to have anything? You want them to pay for the lives of people a generation behind them? They going to say, how sorry were they.
We got to do a lot of cutting, you have a better solution speak up. if not shut up

Who says I'm a democrat to dislike a certain subject that effects people who wanna avoid the responsibility of parenthood? I you people made sterilization available then you'd know the pill would no longer be required cutting down on insurance and also child welfare and orphanages.And I don't mean just for the women, but the mens balls off too. If the government besides trump like Obama would quit giving the rich tax cuts and making them contribute. Then their would be enough for all. I get the feeling like Trump might change that around and force these big *** companies to do so which is why it's pissed them off so much. They been getting freebies for so long that they don't wanna surrender a single dime that they owe to America.
Were also now charging and tax companies outside of the usa to let them sell their **** here which is why it should have been that way to begin with since every other country does the same to us. Now they can either do so, or can cut them off with zero profit and force the companies to place jobs in America if they wanna sell their products. Enough is enough!
Still, I support sterilization because it's 100% effect then a condom or pill and it very rare that a women ever gets pregnant. Think of the money you would save and lives that would not be effected do to a birth control malfunctioning or a condom breaking and the children you could adopt by giving them a 2nd chance by allowing them to adopt at an affordable price while cutting down on the poverty in children along with less and less use for government to support the unwanted children.


Posted 1:13 pm, 05/28/2017

Yes I've worked out over a million dollars and paid the government over a third of it in taxes. You should check to see if the Doctor who performed your circumscision can produce a signed consent form.


Posted 12:44 pm, 05/28/2017

Crypt, you wait until you work out a million dollars for the government to take half of it to hand over to people too dang sorry to work in food stamps and welfare, medicaid, and then you will be singing a song of a different tune.

You delusions that you suppose to steal from the rich and give to the poor just shows how stupid you are.
What's these rich people suppose to use to open factories, and create jobs with if you take their money? You do not think things through. All you looking at is they shouldn't have all this money!,
You ever stopped to think, these people have worked 18 hours a day for 30 or 40 years for that money? Yea. some people do that !!!!!!, and you think you have the right to just take it from them to feed people that is too sorry to work.,Bull Crap.
I hope you starve!!!!!


Posted 11:59 am, 05/28/2017

You want to run the rich people down, you mean the working people that have a job!!!!!!,

You democrats robin hood bull crap is what has got to stop. and the entitlements.
If you not making at least 50 thousand a year for 1 person, you not paying any taxes now you dummys.
What needs to happen is these people living on entitlements, "welfare", need to get them a **** job and support their selves. They need to do their part !!!!!! people too sorry to work, living off my hard earned work has got to stop!!!!!! and that is mostly democrats


Posted 11:52 am, 05/28/2017

Crypt, that is bull crap, we all need these tax loop wholes, and we all need tax relief.

What we need is to cut spending you dummy. Tax relief will span the economy. We need to get all these taxes off the people that will invest and create jobs, and you say close loop holes, you are a big big dummy, lmfao


Posted 10:03 am, 05/28/2017

I sometimes wonder how the rich folk get these poor uneducated hillbilly republicans to back them. I've said it many times, there has to be lead in the water.


Posted 9:52 am, 05/28/2017

Kenc is right it all comes down to the Rich want the Poor to continue to carry them on their backs.


Posted 9:45 am, 05/28/2017

True Crypt , but we have to take care of the rich folks first.


Posted 9:37 am, 05/28/2017

Do away with tax loopholes and we have over 2 trillion more dollars each year. That alone could pay for Medicare, Medicaid, Food Assistance, and even the Military.


Posted 9:00 am, 05/28/2017

What Trump is doing is cutting back the democrat entitlements so we can balance the budget. Obama did not summit 1 balanced budget in 8 years, and we went from 10 trillion to 20 trillion in debt.

They just no more money to borrow.
Do you democrats not want your grand children to have anything? You want them to pay for the lives of people a generation behind them? They going to say, how sorry were they.
We got to do a lot of cutting, you have a better solution speak up. if not shut up

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