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Food Stamps, Medicaid, SSI, Welfare


Posted 10:27 am, 05/30/2017

Home again, to get these people out of the habit of all the entitlements they receive, sometimes you have to shame them, take away the entitlements, put a time limit on it, like 6 months, but when they finally get settled into a productive job they are so happy, and PROUD.

I don't think people understand we are a creature of habit, and when you get in the habit of living off welfare, it's hard to leave that security blanket.
You almost have to be forced, but once you start getting that pay check, and soon things are looking real good for you, and you make advances on your job, moving up, you feel proud, and that is what every man and woman in this country deserves.
All this welfare is doing is holding people back once Trump has these jobs in place.

White America

Posted 10:07 am, 05/30/2017

If you had any success at all why would you be paying rent?


Posted 9:53 am, 05/30/2017

Honest John...Your words..Very first post..( I think they need a line at the grocery Stores that says Food Stamps here, and when they been on it over 6 months when they swipe their card it comes up in A banner their name and address.

And Medicaid, will have a special doctor, and out side the sign will give the name of the person receiving free medical care.
And ssi and welfare should have to gt in a special line when the taxpayers are paying their bill.

And 3rd but not least, they should have to go by Social Service and prove they have applied for a job 5 days a week to continue receiving welfare.)

SO, I repeat. I have never seen so many people ignorant of what it is like to need help. And to think that this is the society that I have to look forward to when I am in the nursing home, because I can't take care of myself anymore. Next thing that you will want to do is say, since I am no longer able to feed myself or bath myself, I should be taken to the gas chamber and killed. I am 60 years old worked offshore on a production platform for 12 years, then as a trucker, company man and owner operator for 21 years. And after all the taxes, I paid in to the system, had to draw Social Security because my back has degenerated to the point where I am barely able to move most days, and I draw 838 a month, Now, tell me how I am supposed to make 400 a month rent, 150 a month electric, plus insurance, and medication, doctor visits, water and property taxes, without help. You want to segregate and humiliate me for needing help now. After I delivered the toilet paper you wipe your *** with and the food you eat every day. I honestly hope I die, before people with your mentality decide that I should be put down for needing help. Honest John, you really need to have some humility and compassion for your fellow man. Not everyone is abusing the system and to lump everyone together is deplorable and cowardice.


Posted 8:04 am, 05/30/2017

I'm not putting poor people down, the democratic party is doing that, making them feel useless by giving them medicaid, food stamps, and welfare.

The republican party is wanting to give them something that makes them feel worthy, " A JOB ".
The fact is the only way you can get the poor to cooperate is to take away these entitlements. their security blanket.
Then they will not be poor people anymore, they will be productive people in society, but the democrats do not want that.
Do you know how it makes you feel to get a job, and start getting pay checks, and to start having a pocket full of money. It's the best feeling in the world. Thats what I want for my friends and family.


Posted 11:42 pm, 05/29/2017

Absolutely .


Posted 11:41 pm, 05/29/2017

Real preachers never put the poor down, they realize that anyone can need a helping hand and are there to offer what they can. They never brag on how wonderful they are

.....lol...yea. I'd call that a red flag wouldn't you lady?


Posted 11:35 pm, 05/29/2017

Homeagain5699 (view profile)

Posted 9:55 pm, 05/29/2017

WOW, never seen so many people ignorant of what it is like to need help. And to think that this is the society that I have to look forward to when I am in the nursing home, because I can't take care of myself anymore. Next thing that you will want to do is say, since I am no longer able to feed myself or bath myself, I should be taken to the gas chamber and killed. I am 60 years old worked offshore on a production platform for 12 years, then as a trucker, company man and owner operator for 21 years. And after all the taxes, I paid in to the system, had to draw Social Security because my back has degenerated to the point where I am barely able to move most days, and I draw 838 a month, Now, tell me how I am supposed to make 400 a month rent, 150 a month electric, plus insurance, and medication, doctor visits, water and property taxes, without help. You want to segregate and humiliate me for needing help now. After I delivered the toilet paper you wipe your *** with and the food you eat every day. I honestly hope I die, before people with your mentality decide that I should be put down for needing help. Honest John, you really need to have some humility and compassion for your fellow man. Not everyone is abusing the system and to lump everyone together is deplorable and cowardice.



Posted 10:33 pm, 05/29/2017

Real preachers never put the poor down, they realize that anyone can need a helping hand and are there to offer what they can. They never brag on how wonderful they are.


Posted 10:27 pm, 05/29/2017

The day I spend $15.00 for junk food in a convenience store is the day they will pry my credit card from my cold dead hand.


Posted 9:55 pm, 05/29/2017

WOW, never seen so many people ignorant of what it is like to need help. And to think that this is the society that I have to look forward to when I am in the nursing home, because I can't take care of myself anymore. Next thing that you will want to do is say, since I am no longer able to feed myself or bath myself, I should be taken to the gas chamber and killed. I am 60 years old worked offshore on a production platform for 12 years, then as a trucker, company man and owner operator for 21 years. And after all the taxes, I paid in to the system, had to draw Social Security because my back has degenerated to the point where I am barely able to move most days, and I draw 838 a month, Now, tell me how I am supposed to make 400 a month rent, 150 a month electric, plus insurance, and medication, doctor visits, water and property taxes, without help. You want to segregate and humiliate me for needing help now. After I delivered the toilet paper you wipe your *** with and the food you eat every day. I honestly hope I die, before people with your mentality decide that I should be put down for needing help. Honest John, you really need to have some humility and compassion for your fellow man. Not everyone is abusing the system and to lump everyone together is deplorable and cowardice.


Posted 8:19 pm, 05/29/2017

Crypt, you are a fool, We were 8 trillion in debt from the last 45 presidents when Obama took over we went from 8 trillion to 20 trillion in debt.

Obama and the democrats handed out 12 trillion dollars in food stamps and medicaid to the too sorry to work!!!!!

You might want to rethink your argument, Johnii. In fact, the debt has grown more under Republican leadership for at least the last 40 years.

Barack Obama: Added $7.917 trillion, a 68% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of George W. Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.

George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101% increase from the $5.8 trillion debt at the end of Clinton's last budget, FY 2001.

Bill Clinton: Added $1.396 trillion, a 32% increase from the $4.4 trillion debt at the end of George H.W. Bush's last budget, FY 1993.

George H.W. Bush: Added $1.554 trillion, a 54% increase from the $2.8 trillion debt at the end of Reagan's last budget, FY 1989.

Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, a 186% increase from the $998 billion debt at the end of Carter's last budget, FY 1981.

Jimmy Carter: Added $299 billion, a 43% increase from the $699 billion debt at the end of Ford's last budget, FY 1977.


If the national debt is that big of a concern, Ronald Reagan created the largest increase, at 186%. Clinton increased it the least.

But the debt really isn't as important as the Debt to GDP ratio. And what you'll see is that, in spite of the lower debt under Democrats, they also consistently bring the ratio back under control. Meaning that Democrats use the debt to improve the US economy, where Republicans do not:


I tried to talk about it a few weeks ago, but the Republicans were surprisingly quiet until it went away...



Posted 7:49 pm, 05/29/2017

YES, But you not entitled to food stamps and medicaid, and ssi, even if you are wrong !!!!!!


Posted 4:13 pm, 05/29/2017

Dishonestjoniiii You're entitled to your opinion even thou it is wrong .


Posted 3:37 pm, 05/29/2017

Honest_Johniii (view profile)

Posted 2:28 pm, 05/29/2017

And blackrose **** you just had 8 years of running us in the ground. 20 trillion in debt for our grand kids to pay off.
Trump is the man to straighten it out, "let him" you might be entitled to 1 vote, but you not entitled to them food stamps and medicaid you getting.
Note from GoNC: a portion of this post, including the **** above, was removed for trolling.

I guess I am since I'm drawing them.


Posted 3:13 pm, 05/29/2017

I fell sorry for the working men and women of this country for the last 8 years, and I think I have a right too.


Posted 3:05 pm, 05/29/2017

Honest_Johniii you must have been brainwashed, circumscised and sexually abused. I was taught to have compassion for the mentally deficient. You're right on everything. Feel better now?


Posted 2:57 pm, 05/29/2017

Crypt, you are a fool, We were 8 trillion in debt from the last 45 presidents when Obama took over we went from 8 trillion to 20 trillion in debt.

Obama and the democrats handed out 12 trillion dollars in food stamps and medicaid to the too sorry to work!!!!!


Posted 2:54 pm, 05/29/2017

The Bush/republican tax cuts for Billionaires which caused this Nation's 20 trillion dollar debt and brought us to this point, must be erased. Anyone over 25 yrs old with an ounce of common sense already knows this.


Posted 2:28 pm, 05/29/2017

And blackrose **** you just had 8 years of running us in the ground. 20 trillion in debt for our grand kids to pay off.
Trump is the man to straighten it out, "let him" you might be entitled to 1 vote, but you not entitled to them food stamps and medicaid you getting.

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post, including the **** above, was removed for trolling.

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