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First a Rump aid tests positive, now a Penis aid as well


Posted 12:04 pm, 05/09/2020

Milksop never adds any substance to a convo. Just insults, gargles and leaves. Serious lack of oxygen going to that brain. I'll pray for you buddy.


Posted 11:55 am, 05/09/2020

That's cute. And it's your only function on the board. Someone posts, you react. Post, react.

Think about it. Besides that, can you name something recently you've contributed to the board?


Posted 11:51 am, 05/09/2020

Calling out you leftist schlitz for what you are and there's plenty of it.


Posted 11:30 am, 05/09/2020

See? Another drone. No independent thought, just a regurgitation if talking points.



Posted 11:28 am, 05/09/2020

For the leftist schlitz it is all about control and their failure to prevail in the last cycle and continue with the hildog pushing their agenda on humanity is eating them up.


Posted 11:17 am, 05/09/2020

No, you truly don't. If you did, you'd know a leader doesn't react. A leader is proactive. A leader plans for contingencies, and doesn't make excuses.

And a leader wouldn't demean a job he or she though was "beneath them," like you did. In fact...I doubt you've even had many jobs, have you?

But more than anything, your failure to understand how my post labeled "Step One" doesn't start to answer your question shows you aren't a leader. Or you're just ignorant. You can choose.


Posted 11:10 am, 05/09/2020

Wrong as always Shadow. Unlike you, I have experience in control and know how delegating responsibility works. You don't sit over top of every employee and department. You let department heads do their jobs. But you clearly think it's the same as your gas station job.

You still don't have a plan.


Posted 10:58 am, 05/09/2020

I see. If you can't argue the point, attack the source.

You've obviously never been in any position of leadership, and it shows. You have no idea how a leader actually leads. Drumpf is literally the perfect candidate for someone like you, who's life is a litany of ready-made excuses.


Posted 10:55 am, 05/09/2020

Politico? I shouldn't be surprised, Shadow. What is it with you liberals that think a president micromanages every department and the personnel?

And I see you still don't have an actual plan. Just more *****ing and moaning.


Posted 10:44 am, 05/09/2020

Step One: If I were Drumpf, i would have listened to people smarter than me.

In 2017, outgoing members of the Obama administration briefed Trump's team ahead of the inauguration about how to confront a pandemic, Politico reported.

The simulation reportedly used a situation similar to the coronavirus pandemic - a respiratory-borne virus that originated in Asia made its way to the United States.

While many incoming Trump officials took it seriously, others seemed dismissive of the training, Politico reported based on documents and conversations with attendees.

Later that year, a bureaucratic fight within the Department of Homeland Security led to the wind-down of a program that created models about how pandemics would affect critical infrastructure, Politico reported.

Politico also reported that the Trump administration declined to use a nearly 70-page pandemic playbook that the NSC's health unit put together under the Obama administration.


Posted 10:35 am, 05/09/2020

Well Rosie, let's ask this, if you were president, just what would you have done to handle this pandemic?


Posted 7:18 am, 05/09/2020

L.M.A.O. !!! "IF", Rump and Penis get sick and die, Nancy Pelosi WILL become President of the U S !!!!!


Posted 5:17 am, 05/09/2020

Get the sparkle out of your eyes Rose. There are 331,002,651 people that would get to be president before Hillary would be called upon,

granny smith

Posted 3:31 am, 05/09/2020

If their aids have the Virus it was Pelosi and Schumer who gave it to them


Posted 2:36 am, 05/09/2020

Look on the bright side. If Rump and Penis get incapacitated or kick over, we are blessed with President Pelosi. Life is good 😃😃😃


Posted 5:13 pm, 05/08/2020

It's true, granny, you dirt-road drivin' diva, you.


granny smith

Posted 4:59 pm, 05/08/2020

That's just a Democrat for ya always telling lies ain't that right Rosenut


Posted 4:56 pm, 05/08/2020



Posted 4:52 pm, 05/08/2020

Rumps handling (or Mis-handling) of the pandemics is biting him in the area 😏😏😏😃

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