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Posted 11:41 am, 01/20/2021

How about we just create jobs and stop the rich from stealing our money? That is what they are doing, stealing our money. Every time they get a tax break, we have to make up for it. We lose something or we pay more.


Posted 11:30 am, 01/20/2021

My ideas are crazy and . I think AOC and a lot others in big government would agree with those type of ideas. Are you getting my point. Nope not stealing I was on beak on lunch now lol


Posted 11:17 am, 01/20/2021

We can cross that bridge when we get to it, if we get to it. Right now, it is just made up BS.


Posted 11:14 am, 01/20/2021

So what happens when it costs 10% on the dollar to use a foreign work force? I would think those jobs will go bye bye. Who will you tax when we are back to high unemployment?


Posted 11:12 am, 01/20/2021

So, you are stealing time from your employer


Posted 11:08 am, 01/20/2021

Lol you have to attack my spelling I'm at Work and have to type fast So please forgive my spelling I'm paying into the system for ya


Posted 11:06 am, 01/20/2021

It is interesting that you can use the word, racest but I can't. I have to misspell it.


Posted 11:01 am, 01/20/2021

Lol just going left with ya. How about a white tax I know I know taxing one race is racist but it's white people. Add a tax to every dollar any white person gets disability , ssi , pay check , retirement etc. then give that money for affordable housing for minority's That will get more on the system.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 10:57 am, 01/20/2021


A tax cut allows people to keep more of their hard earned income. That's not a handout.

The money never belonged to the government to hand out until the government confiscated it.


Posted 10:35 am, 01/20/2021

I wonder, do you just set around and make these fantasies up or has someone with more reading skills told you?


Posted 10:22 am, 01/20/2021

Cut all sanctions out let other countries sale their cheaper goods here. Cheaper goods for us also cutting jobs here so that will get more people on the system. Open boarders all the migrants are good people and just want to come here to work. Stop building the wall change the funding for the wall to affordable housing for everyone build said affordable housing in federal an state parks so the land will not have to be bought. When that land runs start taking land from large land owners to build more affordable housing.


Posted 9:37 am, 01/20/2021

The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Ok, chicken little.


Posted 9:34 am, 01/20/2021

Springy 10 likes it because mopeds will be back in style. You won't be able to afford to drive a car and put gas in it.


Posted 9:32 am, 01/20/2021

More hand outs means more money in the economy. More money, more spending. More spending, more jobs. More jobs, more money. More money, more spending. More spending, more jobs. It seems as if you have no idea how the economy works.


Posted 9:28 am, 01/20/2021

No cut hand outs so more people can get hand outs. Then it want be enough money to live on so people will have to Work .Tax the rich more I like that idea to. Also add a gas tax to give big government a raise they definitely deserve it. Make everything automatic so there's less jobs in fast food , etc so more can get on the system .


Posted 9:04 am, 01/20/2021

You don't cut handouts. You give out more. What is a tax cut but a hand out to the rich? If a company goes up on prices then we go up on taxes to make up for it. Do away with deductions. Another form of hand outs for the rich.


Posted 9:00 am, 01/20/2021

1048 couldn't come up with $400 to save his life. Not enough to even buy a bus ticked out of town. Have you not seen him beg for the past 2 years?


Posted 8:55 am, 01/20/2021

Print more money raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour so the $1.00 menu is a $5 menu . Also cut all free hand outs in half to all then give free hand outs to all migrants that want to come here. That way we can get more people riding the system an the money will run out faster and everyone can go to work.


Posted 3:59 pm, 01/19/2021

I'm on medicare. I have AARP United Healthcare Insurance through medicare. It costs only the $147 or so taken out of my SS check for medicare. I have medical, prescription, vision & dental. Zero or low copays. I don't know anyone on SS who pays $400.00 a month for insurance unless you were conned into purchasing several extra supplement plans that you didn't need.


Posted 11:58 am, 01/19/2021

When I was about to retire, I realized I didn't have much of an income. I did my research and now I live as well as or better than most on half the income. If you are paying $400 a month, I have better insurance then you at about a third the cost. I live pretty well on social security and even manage to save some money every month.

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