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Embezzlement of $4,361 from bank charged


Posted 2:50 pm, 02/20/2015

Also keep in mind that for some, drugs are the symptom of an already existing problem and not the cause. You can never know the kind of emotional pain or other psychological distress that some people may be in.


Posted 7:39 am, 02/20/2015



Posted 7:38 am, 02/20/2015

I was on pain meds for 6 weeks following major back surgery. You don't become addicted unless 1) you choose to continue taking them and possibly more than prescribed. "Most" doctors will not keep prescribing them to you. If you are getting "high" off of your pain meds and enjoying it, you need to look at an alternative for what you are on the meds for. If that means surgery to correct the problem, do it. Don't let yourself become addicted. My doctor cut off my pain meds at six weeks and I knew that was the plan. If there's nothing a doctor can do to fix your pain by doing surgery, just be very careful. I've seen people steal, even from their friends and family, to keep their addiction fed. I've also seen people lose their children because they spent their money on these pills instead of feeding and itching their children. I've seen adults walk away from their spouses and children and choose the life of a pill head instead. This is real, and until we get rid of some of these doctors who make their living selling pain med prescriptions, it's only going to get worse. If you genuinely need the pain meds, take it. Just be very careful!


Posted 5:33 am, 02/20/2015

I have been on different pain meds since 2008. when you lay in bed and cry from pain it is VERY REAL. my dr. has started to slowly reduce the amount that I take and he said I should be off of them by 2017. my back is pretty much destroyed from degenerative disk disease and i also was in a car accident in 2013.i wish I could do without pain meds but there is no way at this time. I hope that I don't have problems stopping them. I have already stopped smoking and drinking with no outside help and I hope it is the same this time. I'm afraid this time will be different because I have been told the pain will always be there at the same level and my body will have to adjust to deal with the pain without pain killers. i no I have an uphill battle and I am not looking forward to going through it at all.


Posted 9:26 pm, 02/19/2015

We always talk about young kids turning into crooks because of pain pills. Those are the ones i dont feel sorry for. They make a choice in the beginning to do them for recreational purposes. After a while they are addicted and will do almost anything to get them.
But then there others who by no choice of their own get addicted to them. They could be anyone who has had a surgery, or car accident victims. You get the point. Anyway these people,usually with hesitations at first have to take meds for the pain. Because no one wants to hurt, i see them getting addicted. No pain is alot better than pain. I have seen successful people loose alot due to the latter. Very sad for everyone.
No matter the age or the background, if these people WANT help then help if you can. And i dont mean give them a ride to get pills. Lol


Posted 2:53 pm, 02/19/2015

Addiction is a disease no matter how old the person may be.


Posted 1:28 pm, 02/19/2015

She needs to face the consequences of her actions and apparently needs some help with her addiction.
26 is old enough to know better, but young enough to turn her life around.


Posted 1:24 pm, 02/19/2015

No doubt pain meds are over prescribed, but OTC meds can't take care of everything, as in my fathers case.

I know one individual who was prescribed 3 or 4 pain meds after a surgery. You'd think they'd prescribe whatever was strongest and be done with it. But no. They had to hand out a c*cktail of the stuff. Then the same doctor wouldn't refer them to a clinic when their meds ran out and the individual didn't want more meds, they wanted off of them and help to do so.

White America

Posted 1:11 pm, 02/19/2015

How long till she is in line at the clinic?


Posted 1:03 pm, 02/19/2015

I agree with Gherrie. And I have experienced serious pain myself. 600 mg of ibuprofen more often than not takes care of my pain and without the addictive factor. Not to mention the side effects of itching, indigestion, and constipation. This is not to say that more potent pain medication hasn't ever been needed. It's just that I believe that it is over-prescribed, especially here in Wilkes.


Posted 12:37 pm, 02/19/2015

Yes, you did hit close to home. I'm taking it upon myself to enlighten you.


Posted 12:36 pm, 02/19/2015

Also, Gherrie, Ibuprofen does NOTHING when you're in genuine, sharp, never ending pain. My father had some issues with his hip a few years back and as naturally stubborn as he is, he laid in bed for a month trying out various over the counter meds before contacting his doctor. He even had a business to run and he had to assign someone to temporarily fill in for him. He finally broke down, went to the doctor, and got pain meds. Within a few days he was like a new man.

Apparently you've never experienced real pain. And I mean REAL pain.


Posted 12:36 pm, 02/19/2015

Learntofly sounds like I hit to close to home for you.


Posted 12:29 pm, 02/19/2015

This is really sad. At 26 she has potentially messed up her life. I sure as heck hope that she doesn't relapse again. This has to be very hard to deal with.


Posted 12:22 pm, 02/19/2015

There's some place over beside of Cook's SG near Old Sky City that's some sort of rehab center I was told. A lot of days when you go by there the parking lot is full of people.


Posted 12:17 pm, 02/19/2015

Seriously, you think this person couldn't be addicted because of her age???


Posted 12:15 pm, 02/19/2015

Gherrie, you are IGNORANT!

People get addicted to pain meds from prescriptions from their doctors and then the doctors don't offer help to these individuals when it's time for them to get off the meds. I've seen many people get addicted from surgeries, car accidents, other medical conditions, etc.

Mountain Health Solutions has helped many people in this area and there actually needs to be another one. Because rehabs DO NOT work. Ultimately, it's up to the individuals to seek help and take care of themselves and WANT to be off of their meds. But along the way they need a doctor that specializes in this stuff and therapists to encourage them along the way.

Don't judge others for going through something you've never gone through.


Posted 12:02 pm, 02/19/2015

Nobody forces pain pills down anyone's throat. People take the stuff of their own free will. I say Ibuprophen does wonders and it's not addicting.


Posted 11:05 am, 02/19/2015

I've never had to take a lot of meds for pain even at my age. It would make me wary off taking any thing like that with so many people addicted to them. It makes you wonder if people gets hooked on these things because of their doctor or do they take them in the beginning for recreation. Poor girl here has really messed up. I hope she's able to overcome it.


Posted 10:54 am, 02/19/2015

"She said she is addicted to pain pills, and is currently seeking treatment for her substance abuse addiction at Mountain Health Solutions in North Wilkesboro," Martin wrote in the report.

Those pain clinics should have never been invented. These drug addicts make me sick. It sounds like Sun Trust needs to do some random drug testing.

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