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Elizabeth Warren's plan to erase student debt


Posted 12:03 pm, 04/26/2019

Quit painting yourself in corners. At least give us some inkling of a challenge.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 11:58 am, 04/26/2019

I got to give shoulda and hangs credit. They are very consistent in babbling nonsense.


Posted 11:50 am, 04/26/2019

That will be interesting to remember the next time Hammy drools something out about abortion.


Posted 10:28 am, 04/26/2019

LOL. Make up your mind when the government can/needs to get involved. What age limit does that change?

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 9:48 am, 04/26/2019

It is not the responsibility of the Federal Government to take care of anyone, even the children. Read the constitution.


Posted 9:26 am, 04/26/2019

So apparently Ronald is an actor that the right is good with being involved in politics.

So now we don't want the government involved in helping children?


Posted 9:15 am, 04/26/2019

Was that quote before or after he went brain dead?

And would you be able to tell the difference?

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 9:04 am, 04/26/2019

This discussion brings to mind a great and relevant quote:

“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem. It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

-Ronald Reagan


Posted 8:54 am, 04/26/2019

Who needs doctors, lawyers, veterinarians, teachers, etc.

I have a teacher friend that is now 42 and she just made her last student loan payments.


Posted 8:47 am, 04/26/2019

The inability of certain voters to not look at the bigger picture when it comes to obvious problems like student debt, and to not be able to think of big solutions, means we get saddled with nitwits like Drumpf in office who slouch around on Twitter making fools out of themselves.

Seriously, when the opposing side’s argument is as intellectually ignorant as thinking Warren is wanting to give away diplomas, how do you argue with that? What can you do besides smile and offer that person a nice sugar cube?


Posted 7:59 am, 04/26/2019

So Fox is good with the parents that bribed and cheated the system to get the under achieving kids into university. Because those parents were rich and could do it, then oh well. Screw all the kids that have worked hard and tried.


Posted 8:00 pm, 04/25/2019

Those evil rich people, That means anyone that has more money than she does. She is a hypocrite


Posted 7:55 pm, 04/25/2019

So who does Pocahontas plan to pay for these student loans?


Posted 7:50 pm, 04/25/2019


Posted 4:08 pm, 04/23/2019

I don't know college has any real value anyway, honestly. I learned more working in the field for a month than I did in 4 years of college.

Since Anti knocked out her Masters in 4 years it should take over 6 more months to finish her "Phd" ( Pill Head Degree)

sparkling water

Posted 9:57 am, 04/24/2019

I wish Anti could get her PhD.

I think she should study political science or maybe statistics.


Posted 9:37 pm, 04/23/2019

new york is same as Tennessee if not better free college for a few years.north carolina has nothing a lot have to pay wilkes community college lmao


Posted 6:58 pm, 04/23/2019

Most of those loans were made by private lenders, with the government insuring them. So, who’s going to pay those companies back? This wouldn’t just be deciding to forgive debt.

If you want a PhD, then work for it and appreciate it. That includes paying your way.

Mad Scientist

Posted 5:46 pm, 04/23/2019

Warren's plan doesn't take geography into account. People can make $250k a year, but live in places like SF or NYC and can't afford housing. So those making a large payroll, with a huge student loan debt, but living in a high cost living area are basically screwed.

Sparkling water

Posted 5:36 pm, 04/23/2019

But, Jemi knows better.

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