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Elizabeth Warren's plan to erase student debt


Posted 5:30 pm, 04/23/2019

Hammy thinks that college costs $50k or less. Hammy thinks that thousands of these new graduates won't find a job yet Hammy brags about Trump's economy and unfilled jobs.


Posted 5:24 pm, 04/23/2019

Absolutely not when you can move 2 counties west of Wilkes and receive 2 years of college for free now. Would rather relocate for a year than be stuck with her for 4 years. It is your own fault if you pay for wilkes community college or your first two years at Appalachian.


Posted 4:09 pm, 04/23/2019

Free tuition wouldn’t mean you get a free diploma, nitwit.

You’d still have to do the work.

Good Lord you’re simple.


Posted 4:08 pm, 04/23/2019

I don't know college has any real value anyway, honestly. I learned more working in the field for a month than I did in 4 years of college.

But places still require a college education, so the degree is all that matters. And it doesn't matter whether you graduated with a 4.0 or a 2.0, it's the same degree.

Currently, 35% of the surplus jobs require at least a Bachelor's degree:

And from the above:

STEM, Healthcare Professions, Healthcare Support, and Community Services will be the fastest growing occupations, but also will require high levels of post-secondary education.

So there's no question that a college degree is going to be critical for the next generation, really.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 3:52 pm, 04/23/2019

What an idea! We will have thousands and thousands of graduating students with liberal arts degrees that can't get a job. Even more than we have now.

This is the second worst idea from the left (first is Medicare for all). Who is going to pay for these unmotivated kids to get their free college degrees?

A better idea would be to work at lowering college costs. Get rid of tenure and stop building these fancy campuses!

Not everyone needs to or should go to college.

Plus you get what you pay for. If it's free it's really not worth much more than that.

Pocahontas has realized that she is losing bigley and needs to promise more free stuff than the rest of the communist Democrap candidates.

Sparkling water

Posted 3:31 pm, 04/23/2019

Great Idea.

Let’s go a step further and have the gubmint erase all consumer debt up to $1 million dollars.


Posted 3:30 pm, 04/23/2019

So what do you guys think?

Personally, I'm torn. I paid back my student loans without any help, so it stings a bit to see that all of my hard work might have been for nothing.

But by making college virtually free, I have the ability to go back for my pHD and really step my career up... something I couldn't afford to do now.

I definitely can see the advantages to the next generation. It helps people get a degree because they're good in the field, not just because of how much money daddy makes. And there's no reason for the next generation to suffer just because the previous generation did.

And on a national level, we have a surplus of 7 million jobs and no one to take them. This plan would help educate our citizens so that they're actually qualified for those jobs, and then maybe we can loosen our immigration restrictions to bring in uneducated citizens for those lower jobs that we've left behind.


Posted 3:26 pm, 04/23/2019

Under Warren’s plan, the government would wipe up to $50,000 in debt for individuals living in households that make less than $100,000 per year. Higher earners would receive less. But according to an analysis the candidate commissioned from Brandeis researchers, the program would write off at least some debt for 95 percent of borrowers, and three-quarters would have their entire balance cleared.


But there are also a some obvious downsides. First, it would be expensive: Americans currently have about $1.5 trillion of outstanding education loans, which is close to Trump-tax-cut money. More importantly, as previously noted, it would be pretty economically regressive. People who attend college tend to earn more than those who don’t. And while the folks who have the most difficulty paying back what they owe, such as former students at scammy for-profit schools, tend to have relatively low balances, the biggest borrowers�"the ones racking up those fabled six-figure tabs�"are usually graduate and professional degree students who go on to earn good money as doctors, lawyers, and engineers. (Fun, little-known fact: 39 percent of all new student loan dollars are borrowed for grad school.) As a result, 49 percent of all outstanding student loan balances belong to the highest earning 25 percent of U.S. households. Hence why the New York Times’ David Leonhardt once wrote that “student debt cancellation would be a giant welfare program for the bourgeoisie.”

Finally, some people just find the concept of student debt forgiveness inherently offensive, either because they already paid their loans and think others should too�"people tend to get moralistic about debt�"or because they didn’t go to college and don’t understand why people who did deserve special help.

Warren’s plan is designed to address a lot of these concerns. First, it tapers forgiveness for higher earners. (Under its formula, someone with a household income of $140,000 could get up to $40,000 written off their debt; at $200,000 in income, they could get up to $17,000 written off; at $250,000, they’d get nothing.) And because it caps forgiveness at $50,000, it won’t hand giant windfalls to lawyers and doctors by forgiving their entire law or medical school debt. The upshot is that it’s both less expensive and less regressive than universal forgiveness�"Warren’s campaign estimates that the total cost would be $650 billion.


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