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Posted 10:44 pm, 12/05/2018

Emails are simply a political hammer, and by the way, we've pretty much covered it, ok? The hacking of mails by the Russian government for the purpose of disrupting our election process rates at the same level as Pearl Harbor, literally. As Americans shouldn't we be focused on that? This is James Bond stuff and nothing to do with politics. Where is the outrage from the membership and elected officials of the Republican Party? That whole side of the aisle is quiet as a mouse. that's odd and what makes it worse is when all the news agencies blast it all over the world. I'm glad i'm no longer a member of that party.It's not the Republican party any more it's changed horribly and it's new name should be, THE NATIONALIST PARTY I don't say that to offend anyone, but my god, did you see Trump sitting beside the Obamas and all the living presidents? awkward comes to mind. why was it so awkward? the tweeter an chief has bad mouthed all these people and you thinks it's ok. you think the hacking is less offensive.


Posted 1:14 am, 12/04/2018

you worried about the emails and im worried about the Russians hacking the emails..that don't bother you?


Posted 10:12 pm, 12/03/2018

The DNC emails proved it. Ignore them if you want. But I know several left sided voters that stayed home because they disliked Hillary. They would have voted for Bernie.


Posted 9:55 pm, 12/03/2018

Do you honestly think that he could have beaten Trump? Or wouldn't they have just trumped up (haha) some other investigation to hurt him during the election?

We will never know because the left had to have HRC on the ticket and sold their soul for it. I completely disagree with Sanders on most political issues but I don’t think he has the skeletons in his closet that HRC does.


Posted 9:48 pm, 12/03/2018

I'm asking you to show me some proof, Affy.

Not that I really care, because whether it's true or false has no impact on how the delegates should have voted. They pick the candidate that they think could win, that's all. So they didn't need to rig anything.

But again, are you saying that you would have voted for Bernie had he been the Democratic candidate?

Do you honestly think that he could have beaten Trump? Or wouldn't they have just trumped up (haha) some other investigation to hurt him during the election?

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:40 pm, 12/03/2018

The Democrats were the ones CONSPIRING!



Posted 9:31 pm, 12/03/2018

Yeah, you keep your head in the sand and ignore those DNC emails.


Posted 9:28 pm, 12/03/2018

She didn't beat trump

I'm referring to the popular vote, JT. She beat him, 65,845,063 to 62,980,160.

You really are a democrat party hack if you defend what the party did to Bernie.

I haven't actually seen any proof, just conspiracy theories:

My point is that the conspiracy seems stupid because they didn't have to rig anything, they could just promote Hillary if they wanted her to win.

Are you saying that you would have voted for Bernie had he been the Democratic candidate?


Posted 9:19 pm, 12/03/2018

I'm waiting to see how Trump works with a Democratic house, which by the way me and most American love the idea of some oversite of this administration. and certainly loving that right here in North Carolina the Democratic party has broken up a veto-proof Republican held congress. Now when Gov. Cooper vetos a purely partisan bill the house can't override it.. again oversite..

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:09 pm, 12/03/2018

"Which she did, in spite of the Republicans creating numerous false investigations to besmirch her. Just not by enough."

I'll say it again. When liberals were asked before the election what their reaction would be if Trump won the popular vote and Clinton won the electoral vote, liberals said Trump and his supporters would have to accept it. The electoral votes are what counted.

Now they change their reaction.

And, as far as Hillary Clinton goes, she ''besmirched" herself.



Posted 8:59 pm, 12/03/2018

yeah, Trump won and it's weird, I was just watching cspan just as Trump shows up for H.W.'s funeral. you could tell Trump was tripping about having to go, awkward, very awkward and then the police motorcade was hugely monstrously bigly. The man needs that level of security in his own country?...very sad


Posted 7:33 pm, 12/03/2018

You really are a democrat party hack if you defend what the party did to Bernie. The party leaders were straight up caught fixing the primary after the people of the party voted for Bernie. Yes, there was no law or even party rule that said they couldn’t do what they did, but they had to rig the primary to make it happen.

It’s down right laughable though that you try to spin what they did and claim Bernie didn’t win, but then try to lie and claim Hillary beat Trump when we do have very clear laws on how the actual election works, and according to those laws, Trump won.

Joseph T.

Posted 7:22 pm, 12/03/2018


Posted 4:20 pm, 12/03/2018

I didn't vote for her in the Primaries, either, but she was definitely the only one that could really beat Trump.
Which she did, in spite of the Republicans creating numerous false investigations to besmirch her. Just not by enough.

No matter which candidate had won in the Primaries, those same investigations and same collusions would have happened in favor of Trump.

She didn't beat trump


Posted 7:09 pm, 12/03/2018

I wasn't that crazy about Bernie either. the ideal Democratic ticket didn't materialize. at least as far as I am concerned. But I've always said just keep feeding the Republican Party more rope and sooner or later they'll hang themselves. they do it every single time. fascist will always fall. history shows that. The grand ole party adopted a fascist political approach and welcomed without rebuke every neo-Nazi anti government Ku Klux Klan group there was, again, without rebuke. They are burying the last Republican president I voted for. A true President for all Americans not just those he agreed with politically. Newt Gingrich ushered in the hardline political tribalism we now have to endure. But we will just keep feeding the rope... soon the American people will be loosed from the bonds of fascism.

sparkling water

Posted 4:57 pm, 12/03/2018

Why are the Libtards running from Bill’s Spouse????

I don’t remember any of those reservations being expressed during the ‘16 Primary.

I suspect some deception is being attempted.


Posted 4:55 pm, 12/03/2018

That makes no sense. If Bernie couldn't beat Hillary, how could he beat Trump? Even I would have been tempted to vote for Trump over a Socialist.

BTW, there's no way he could have been "cheated" in the Primaries. There's no law saying that they have to promote the winner of the Primary vote, that's all for show.


Posted 4:53 pm, 12/03/2018

Clearly she wasn’t the one. Bernie would have beat him if y’all hadn’t cheated him in the primary


Posted 4:20 pm, 12/03/2018

I didn't vote for her in the Primaries, either, but she was definitely the only one that could really beat Trump.

Which she did, in spite of the Republicans creating numerous false investigations to besmirch her. Just not by enough.

No matter which candidate had won in the Primaries, those same investigations and same collusions would have happened in favor of Trump.


Posted 4:13 pm, 12/03/2018

Speaking as a card carrying Democrat who believes in a centrist approach to politicking. Frankly, Hillary was not my first choice. Whether you believe all her bad press or not. We as a party should always put forth the most electable candidate. We failed to do that. There were and still are more electable people who could just as easily represent our party. A few names come to mind.


Posted 10:29 am, 11/14/2018

Not a blue wave, but a wave of stupid is coming

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