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Economical Survey


Posted 7:29 am, 05/05/2021

It was just so stupid!


Posted 7:28 am, 05/05/2021

Like everybody?


Posted 5:41 am, 05/05/2021

Just for curiosity did you notice any resistance to his attempt to build the wall ? and IF so, who opposed him?,


Posted 4:54 am, 05/05/2021

I never thought he shoulda on account as it was ridiculous in this day and age. Point being, he just could not even do it. All that time and money wasted.


Posted 4:32 pm, 05/04/2021

So, are you saying he should have built the wall but couldn't? Is Slow Joe xenophobic?


Posted 4:03 pm, 05/04/2021

Fox. Trump could not even build the wall that made us laughing stocks. The dude is xenophobic and hardly capable.

Abraham Drinkin

Posted 7:27 am, 05/04/2021

"The reason I'm bothering to do this is I keep hearing in the press �Biden's going to raise your taxes' � anybody making less than $400,000 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes," Biden said.

Don't hold you breath. Remember Biden has Dementia and has no idea what he says.


Posted 7:26 am, 05/04/2021

Good to hear Democrats finally say Make America Great Again. Too late for the Trump train but American Exceptionalism is the basis of his success. Different than the America was never great "you didn't build this" statement from McEars.


Posted 7:09 am, 05/04/2021

Right? I think, at some point, we need to take back being the leader of the free world. I do not know who said it but it is true! China is building cities and we cannot even fix a bridge.


Posted 7:00 am, 05/04/2021

Building stronger means eliminating price and productivity killing unions.

If that's true then how was the greatest economy in the world created with unions?

It also means loosening the strangle hold of environmental activist,
If that's true then we'll go back to massive pollution like we had before. 28% of people already do not have safe drinking water.

erasing racial quotas,
Why do we have these, according to you we're not racist.

and freeing capital from heavy taxes.
Who would this be? Examples?

Investing in profit generating ideas and equipment and fair trading policies.

Every thing the Democrat party opposes.
Hard to believe that some folks want less pollution, better paid workers, equal opportunities for all, fair taxation, and education opportunities.
How's the "economical" survey?

Drew Sweeps Midtown

Posted 6:49 am, 05/04/2021

jimbo brightens the board early today, spreading joy, cheer and good feelings!



Posted 6:42 am, 05/04/2021

Building stronger means eliminating price and productivity killing unions. It also means loosening the strangle hold of environmental activist, erasing racial quotas, and freeing capital from heavy taxes. Investing in profit generating ideas and equipment and fair trading policies. Every thing the Democrat party opposes.


Posted 6:36 am, 05/04/2021

Yes fox, elections have consequences. That's why Trump is a "one term" loser.

Other than you listening to yourself lie and complain, how's your survey coming?


Posted 6:27 am, 05/04/2021

Anyhoo, take a look at the commodities market. Why can't we build better stronger faster. We are Americans for Christ's sake! We got this!


Posted 6:25 am, 05/04/2021

A parasite off the government?


Posted 6:09 am, 05/04/2021

Always look at your fortunes in the light of "who signed your check" and "who made the deposit"


Posted 6:07 am, 05/04/2021

It is hard to take advice from a person that has been a parasite on the government for life. Some of us have really experienced investing (our) money, worked hard to produce, and made financial gain on our own.


Posted 5:53 am, 05/04/2021

You really don't know.


Posted 5:43 am, 05/04/2021

Maybe some of you liberals don't know how your vote influences commodities. Elections have consequences/


Posted 5:41 am, 05/04/2021

And this happened before the inauguration, so....what could he do but what he proposes to do, which makes sense, what with what happened to the commodities market.

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