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~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:53 pm, 10/09/2014

jenniferniten (view profile)
Posted 2:31 pm, 10/01/2014
Since only a few of you are concerned about your tax dollars, and paying for mite I say a very small amout of bills here... THANK YOU!! YOUR DOLLERS WERE WELL SPENT!!


Posted 2:50 pm, 10/09/2014

Where is the proof that these people are getting free medical care and food? I know of a teen that got pregnant and now the system bases help off the parents of the girls income. The teen didn't get any "help" and bills were paid out of pocket by the girls parents.

Or are all you fine gossiping Christians just assuming?


Posted 1:28 am, 10/09/2014

It's really no ones business but these family's and instead of bashing why not pray for them for strength and guidance in raising their beautiful child!

that's where you're wrong. it's everyone's business when the taxpayers are paying for the mistake of two immature people who didn't have contraception at the time. and if you don't have protection with you at the time of then guess what. you don't do it. how hard is that. just because the public dole raised yours doesn't mean it was right. and no she should not have had the kid out that late. people just don't have any manners anymore.


Posted 6:14 pm, 10/08/2014

I think this infant (2 to 3 months old ) should have been at home instead of on a Football Field on a Friday night where it is warm . The Child's HEALTH should come FIRST . I don't think the Child is gonna remember being there . This young man should have 2 work a Public Job not working for his dad 2 help pay for these 2 children before baby no 3 comes along bet he would use some type of birth control.If all the Free medical & baby food & FREE baby Sitting ( from PARENTS stopped .) And with him living with his parents & being under age they could also do something about this before baby no 3 comes along . Unless their in it for all the FREE STUFF 2 also .


Posted 1:18 pm, 10/08/2014

This involves
1 male highschool
2 highschool females and
2 children under the age of 2.
We are patiently waiting baby number 3... She says they will have more kids


Posted 8:47 am, 10/08/2014

It is not child it is children.


Posted 7:27 am, 10/08/2014

For the love of God these two aren't the only teenagers who have became parents as teens in this county,at least they chose not to abort and to give this precious child life! People make mistakes and God forgives all mistakes no one sin is greater than the other,appears to me they are doing the best they can as parents at their age and that they love their child very much. It's really no ones business but these family's and instead of bashing why not pray for them for strength and guidance in raising their beautiful child!


Posted 12:26 am, 10/08/2014

it keeps changing it to this way ......***tupid does


Posted 12:23 am, 10/08/2014

fingers got ahead of me...stupid is ***tupid does


Posted 12:21 am, 10/08/2014

just goes to show the acorn doesnt fall far from the tree......stupid is ***tupid does


Posted 7:18 pm, 10/07/2014

I've been reading all of this with interest but did not intend to comment because these school children just have no idea what they are talking about.

But - I just have to say this: Jennifer Niten, did you really go to the Sheriff about these posts?? What in the world did you think law enforcement would do about it? I am just astonished at your immaturity and lack of understanding about how the world works.

Feel Burger

Posted 1:43 pm, 10/07/2014

Feel Burger says it doesn't matter now. But also know it will still be here five years from now.


Posted 1:37 pm, 10/07/2014

Jennifer, I know it's hard to ignore this stuff. But it's the best thing to do. I personally think Jason should have it removed. But if he doesn't just hang in there and know that 5 years from now, whatever was written on gowilkes won't matter and you'll still have your grandbabies to love and all those that have gossiped and bashed will have moved on to someone else.


Posted 11:46 am, 10/07/2014

Royal row, I have u to know we tried getting it deleted, I personally emailed and filed numerous complaints,and also took it to the sheriff.. All to which they can't do nothing about it.

Feel Burger

Posted 10:14 am, 10/07/2014


had to speak

Posted 10:09 am, 10/07/2014

Hey, just had to post on this because I know Absher and You guys should let anything he says fall on deaf ears. If you guys knew half of what I do about him, you would wonder why he even bothered to post. Jennifer, if Jordan graduates, he will already be ahead of most of Abshers children and I guess use of tax dollars only upsets him when he's no longer using them himself.


Posted 12:26 am, 10/07/2014

If this were my son he sure as heck wouldnt be on the football field on Friday night...he would be flipping burgers at mcdonalds to pay for these two children he brought into this world......maybe if he had something to keep him busy and less time to play the population in his family might not be growing every year


Posted 11:51 pm, 10/02/2014

I also noticed how even after the direction and suggesting the family or those being talked about reporting this and therefore getting it deleted still chose to not report this thread and rather continued talking back. Seems that the drama is well liked and therefore they actually do care what we are saying. Otherwise it would make sense that you would want it gone all together.

Mature adults that are in control of themselves educate themselves and choose to protect themselves knowing that they don't have the means of raising a child. So don't hop on your high horse thinking that you're an adult because you chose to ignore this. Although it's the better and the thing to do, it doesn't make you an adult. It simply mean you have tolerance.
People really need to learn what being an adult is. It's not making up your own terms of things that qualify you as being an adult. And as being an adult you'll learn that somethings no matter your desire for them, might just be wiser that you choose to no pursue them. Like having your child ride with you, it opened a door you and both families obviously wasn't not ready to handle. I'm sure it can be argued that it was something that was so simple and nothing to be blew out of proportion but you see that it still did and it didn't only effect you. Having your daughter there would of been the way to share the special moment with her instead of basically holding her out like a target for everyone to attack. Thankfully she's still young and can't come one here to read this.


Posted 11:37 pm, 10/02/2014

The reason why it's an issue that these kids get WIC and Medicaid, is because they CAN'T work a job to pay back what they take. There's nothing wrong with people that need to use either service, because that's what it's there for. Those innocent babies deserve to be healthy with full tummies. But it's always a take and never a give especially with teen moms. By the time these babies are old enough to get of WIC their parents are just then starting to get jobs to pay back. They of course don't think about this when they're doing the nasty. BC is free at the health department. Chances are if you got pregnant then this wasn't something that "just happened". You were sexually active and irresponsible. So you had the chance to take the precautions and chose not to. What's really wrong about this is the WIC/Medicaid takes much more money and being on it you obviously like free things handed to you. So what's so hard about getting FREE BIRTH CONTROL?


Posted 10:55 pm, 10/02/2014

the apple dont fall far from the tree......

has a bright future,,,child support child support..x 2 no way he will keep one happy much less 2 lmao

married ??? why buy the cow if you get the milk for free...

yeah great image for all the young girls n the stands to see thanks .weatherman poor poor leadership on your part..... go east !!

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