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Duped America Voted for �Hope & Change,� What They Got Was a Fundraiser-in-Chief


Posted 1:44 pm, 07/27/2014

I don't see how anyone can say Bush was worse than obama. This country is in the most terrible shape ever, the rest of the world is laughing at us !

Seriously? He not only plunged us into a recession, but he knowingly and purposefully lied about the presence of WMDs to get Congress to okay a war that wasted money and cost us thousands of innocent lives.


Posted 1:22 pm, 07/27/2014

Either way, America was/is doomed.


Posted 1:21 pm, 07/27/2014

The American People had a choice:

The little brown biting donkey
The kochsucker's 5 people eating from 1 can of pork and beans plan.


Posted 12:50 pm, 07/27/2014

I don't see how anyone can say Bush was worse than obama. This country is in the most terrible shape ever, the rest of the world is laughing at us !


Posted 12:47 pm, 07/27/2014

Crypt says: President Obama is one of the greatest leaders of all time. The will of the average hardworking American People has been carried out, validated and confirmed. Hallelujah.

Ken-c says: Obama is giving us hope for the world, and a great change from republican policies of take form the poor and give to the rich. He's doing a great job.

In other words pay no attention to that man over there behind the curtain.


Posted 12:42 pm, 07/27/2014

Wish I had just a little of that money they throw around in Washington.


Posted 12:40 pm, 07/27/2014

As you read this blog, there is enough sources to show that both sides stink - and they do!. We are stuck with what we have. We will never see term limits or our officials will always be influenced by the rich. Just look at what the dems and reps charge for a plate at a fundraiser ($30,000). That is a year's salary for a lot of us. As far as presidents - Bush is at the top of my list as the worst and Obama is a close second. We need some new political parties to come along.


Posted 12:38 pm, 07/27/2014

Poor liberals, it is comical how you are so blind you cant or don't want to see your party's failures.


Posted 12:20 pm, 07/27/2014

Poor pitiful Conservatards. The sheeple go along bleating in accordance with the pronouncements of their masters at Fox. It would be comical if it weren't so sad.


Posted 11:48 am, 07/27/2014

Its really funny how you liberals condemn Fox news when you have plenty of left wing news channels with their brainwashed cronies trying to cover up current events instead of reporting the truth.

fountain headed

Posted 11:46 am, 07/27/2014

just because the liberal way of thinking is proving to be weak and has failed in the social Darwinism known as capitalism. its sad really watching people cling onto their make believe hippy beliefs that do not produce results. the reason Conservatives have less fundraising events is because the donations are larger, because we typically are more successful. those that want to make a fair market are disillusioned by thinking there ideas will take hold.


Posted 11:35 am, 07/27/2014

Thank God we have a strong President to stand up against the evil Kochsuckers and their dirty money

alonzo harris

Posted 11:22 am, 07/27/2014

Like I said earlier, sniffer blogs. In this case, without even the self-respect to name an author!

Media Matters for America (MMfA) is a politically progressive[1] media watchdog group that says it is "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media"

MMfA started with the help of $2 million in donations from liberal philanthropists connected to the Democratic party. According to Byron York, additional funding came from MoveOn.org and the New Democrat Network.[16][17][18]

In 2004 MMfA received the endorsement of the Democracy Alliance, a partnership of wealthy and politically active donors.

Media Matters as a matter of course has a policy of not comprehensively listing donors. Six years after the Alliance endorsed MMfA, financier George Soros�a founding and continuing member of the Alliance�announced in 2010 that he was donating $1 million to MMfA.

Former chief of staff to president Bill Clinton John Podesta provided office space for Media Matters early in its formation at the Center for American Progress, a Democratic think tank that he had created in 2002.[23] Hillary Clinton advised Media Matters in its early stages out of a belief that progressives should follow conservatives in forming think tanks and advocacy groups to support their political goals.[23][24]

Media Matters hired numerous political professionals who had worked for Democratic politicians and for other progressive groups.[18][25] In 2004 article on Media Matters the National Review referred to MMfA staffers who had recently worked on the presidential campaigns of John Edwards and Wesley Clark, for Congressman Barney Frank, and for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.[18]

Progressive Talent Initiative

Established to "incubate a new generation of liberal pundits", the Progressive Talent Initiative trains potential pundits in media skills.


Posted 11:21 am, 07/27/2014

youlie (view profile)

Another Fox "News" hack selling out to the Kochsuckers

That would make you the First one in line


Posted 11:14 am, 07/27/2014

Another Fox "News" hack selling out to the Kochsuckers

Top Soil

Posted 11:08 am, 07/27/2014

alonzo harris (view profile)

Posted 10:55 am, 07/27/2014

So, the gowilkes libs counter with some unknown sniffer blogger, and/or Rachel Maddow. Talk about political hacks!!!

at least we don't confuse satire news for real news.


Posted 11:03 am, 07/27/2014

Somebody needs to counter all the money the Kochsuckers are spreading trying to destroy America. Just be thankful Obama has stepped up to the plate and said to the Kochsuckers "not on my watch "

alonzo harris

Posted 10:55 am, 07/27/2014

So, the gowilkes libs counter with some unknown sniffer blogger, and/or Rachel Maddow. Talk about political hacks!!!

Top Soil

Posted 10:55 am, 07/27/2014

lets see yours. but then again you might have me beat, I've never written for the Tyson Chicken Clucker Times, its kind of a prerequisite that you're already employed with them.

Top Soil

Posted 10:52 am, 07/27/2014

bandit (view profile)

Posted 10:44 am, 07/27/2014

Top Soil

Posted 10:39 am, 07/27/2014

bandit (view profile)

Posted 10:31 am, 07/27/2014

alonzo harris (view profile)

Posted 10:27 am, 07/27/2014

Well, Charles Krauthammer is a pretty respected journalist.
A pretty well respected journalist? By whom? You? Sarah Palin?
Some guy named William Jefferson Clinton
Well, after NAFTA, I don't believe anything he says, either, and, I'm a democrat.
lol true

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