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Driving Miss Crazy


Posted 9:11 pm, 03/24/2016

Where's Bill Clinton?

After the former president criticized Barack Obama's "awful legacy" during a campaign appearance on Monday, he hasn't campaigned publicly for Hillary since.

He was scheduled to be in Cheyenne, Wyoming yesterday, but the event was canceled and an impending snow storm was blamed.

There have been no local media reports of appearances on Hillary's behalf, and his Twitter account has been largely silent, with the exception of an obligatory tweet about the Brussels terrorist attack.

Has he finally become too much of a liability to his wife's campaign?


Good riddance.


Posted 6:51 pm, 03/24/2016

Rudy Giuliani Says Miss Crazy Is a "Founding Member" of ISIS

Hillary Clinton could be seen as "founding member" of ISIS, Rudy Giuliani said in an interview on Fox News Wednesday night.

"She helped create ISIS! Hillary Clinton could be considered a founding member of ISIS," the former New York mayor said on The O'Reilly Factor during a discussion of the Obama administration and terrorism.

Asked why, Republican Giuliani said Clinton, the Democratic presidential frontrunner, had contributed to the creation of the terror network "by being part of an administration that withdrew from Iraq. By being part of an administration that let [former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki] run Iraq into the ground ... By not intervening in Syria at the proper time. By being part of an administration that drew 12 lines in the sand and made a joke out of it."



Posted 11:47 am, 03/23/2016

I understand President Trump will be waterboarding terrorists... and hopefully Hillary, too.


Posted 8:55 am, 03/20/2016

Miss Crazy isn't winning over many pundits, even on the left...

Some commentators see troubling signs in Clinton's performance so far and wonder how she would withstand a Trump onslaught.



Posted 9:54 pm, 03/19/2016

Idiot thread.


Posted 12:49 pm, 03/18/2016

Barney, responding to reports President Barack Obama called on Democrats to rally around Hillary Clinton as the likely nominee, said on Thursday it was "absurd" to suggest he drop out of the race.


I do not understand why Sanders' people would rally around an old school establishment politician like Miss Crazy. She is the problem not the solution.


Posted 9:36 am, 03/18/2016

16 Most Notorious Hillary Clinton Scandals -- For your viewing pleasure



Posted 8:22 am, 03/18/2016


Sanders concedes Missouri Democratic primary; Clinton wins



Posted 10:08 pm, 03/10/2016

Miss Crazy says she won't be indicted over emails...


Is it April fools already?


Posted 4:02 pm, 03/08/2016

Michael Moore... Flint, Michigan native, rips Miss Crazy

"Hillary has no clue that the "auto bailout" didn't save ONE single job in Flint. We used to have 80,000 GM jobs here. Today? 5,000 jobs left," he wrote.



Posted 7:15 pm, 03/04/2016

Monica Lewinsky won't be voting for Hillary this election...

She says the last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth


Posted 12:33 pm, 03/01/2016

Podesta attacks State Dept. watchdog as noose tightens for Miss Crazy

John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, says there are "serious questions" about the integrity of the State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG).

The OIG is locked in an increasingly contentious fight with Clinton's campaign on a host of issues, including her use of a private email account during her time as secretary of State.

It has also reportedly subpoenaed the Clinton Foundation for documents related to charity projects and is investigating close Clinton aide Huma Abedin's work as a "special government consultant" while she worked at State.



Posted 10:57 am, 03/01/2016

I'll just leave this here for the racist,



Posted 10:54 am, 03/01/2016

In Front of Tiny Crowd, Howdy Doody Condemns 'Racist, h*mophobic, Sexist' Republicans

Only 75 people came out to hear Howdy condemn the Republicans for being racist, h*mophobic, and sexist. She called this election the most important one of her lifetime. Howdy's mother, Miss Crazy, is of course the Democratic frontrunner.



Posted 9:51 am, 02/29/2016

Miss Crazy could lose to Trump in Democratic New York

Confidential polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose the presidential election in heavily Democratic New York to Donald Trump as the GOP front-runner's support grows to the point of being "surprisingly strong,"



Posted 10:13 pm, 02/28/2016

Sunday at the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan said don't "fall" for Democartic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's "crap" on African-American issues because she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton are responsible for mass incarceration of black people.


Oh Lordy, could trouble be brewing with the stupid vote?


Posted 8:43 am, 02/28/2016

CNN Chief Political Correspondent Dana Bash stated that Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State is is running to "effectively be the third term of Barack Obama" and "embracing it wholeheartedly"


Yes Miss Crazy, hitch your wagon to the worst president ever. You go girl!


Posted 11:34 am, 02/27/2016

Is Herr Trump suitable for the job?


Posted 10:33 am, 02/27/2016

Miss Crazy banks on the stupid vote in SC. Yes, the very ones that brought you eight years of the worst president ever.


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