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Dr. Thompson


Posted 9:55 pm, 08/03/2021

Well...I'd say ask anyone who worked with her.

See how much I've neglected to mention


Posted 9:52 pm, 08/03/2021

Do you have any proof of that or are we to just take your word? Are you doctor Tompson? You did say you were a multi millionare.


Posted 9:31 pm, 08/03/2021

And theres something called prior consistency

She took hush money from and diff dr to cover up a diff affair


Posted 9:22 pm, 08/03/2021

News flash. She turn him in for tryig to blackmail her. There is no place she said there was anything he could blackmail her for. You are just placing a dirt bag spin on it. All we know is the doctor tried to blackmail her and she turned him in and sued him. If there was anything to what the doctor said, I doubt we would have ever heard about this.


Posted 9:21 pm, 08/03/2021

Only libel when it's not true and there are dozens of 1st hand witnesses to everything I've said.

old lady

Posted 9:10 pm, 08/03/2021

We sure know what is in lawsuit and that does not make her look good. Who is she going to sue for that? That was herself saying it. I would certainly be ashamed if anyone had information on me that was bad enough for blackmail. You can't blackmail unless it is information that you do not want to be made public. And it could be made public anyway.


Posted 9:00 pm, 08/03/2021

It is libel until you can prove it true. Right now, it is libel being push by a bunch of dirt bags who don'r care who gets hurt.

Hot Mess

Posted 8:58 pm, 08/03/2021

it's only Libel if it's not true.


Posted 7:52 pm, 08/03/2021

No hot, I am not her husbamd. In fact, I don't even know who we are talking about. I am just pointing out what dirt bags you and your friends are.


Posted 7:50 pm, 08/03/2021

Jason, why are you letting Tman libel this person. I hope she sues both you buts off.

sparkling water

Posted 7:48 pm, 08/03/2021

Who should play these teagic figures in the Movie ???


Posted 7:43 pm, 08/03/2021

Too many people knew he was doing her. He admitted to the affair. Not to blackmail

Shes the one attempting blackmail

She even sent lewd text to his phone that his wife saw when he was in ICU.

None of this was a secret.


Posted 7:39 pm, 08/03/2021

Just saying, why would any sensible man earning probably a 6 figure or maybe even a 7 figure salary Admit to what was stated against him just to lose it all over a piece of GRass?? Not a very intelligent man in my book.


Posted 7:32 pm, 08/03/2021

She deserves to be fired and sued by those she has destroyed thier lives

old lady

Posted 7:06 pm, 08/03/2021

It says that they were good friends and their families socialized. So doesn't that makes sense when tmann I think said she went with her best friend's husband. I do not know. Do not know her. But when there is smoke, there is fire. And with comments made, and some I heard from others that were patients and they said they were not surprised with what they have witnessed.

I do know that this hospital is really receiving really bad press from this and I would not be shocked to see changes made. Her next mistake and she will be gone. They have to protect themselves.

Hot Mess

Posted 5:03 pm, 08/03/2021

Acumen are you her old man

Hot Mess

Posted 5:03 pm, 08/03/2021

If she farted he knew it.


Posted 4:25 pm, 08/03/2021

Have you consided the fact that the doctor only thought she was sleeping around because people talk and he had no evidence. People do talk in Wilkes and the story gets bigger and bigger every time it is told. A 50 year old man dates one 21 year old and before you know it everyone is calling him a child molester and worse. So, she is flirt? Maybe she even fooled around. What difference does it make? It don't change what the doctor tried to do. As for the $525K, you are proving why she deserves it. If she is innocent of all wrong doing, it won't make any difference, she will still have to put up with little minds like yours. For that, she deserves the money.


Posted 4:11 pm, 08/03/2021

Is she known to be a flirt?

old lady

Posted 4:04 pm, 08/03/2021

This is not the only news story that has been published about this case. Plus, you have to remember, this is a small town. People talk, and people see things. Your article says he recorded a highly personal conversation with a third party. So we know it was not her husband cause how could he blackmail her with that unless she was admitting some crime that she had committed or something sexual with a different party?

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