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don't give up on Hillary


Posted 11:13 pm, 07/09/2015


Posted 10:38 pm, 07/09/2015

I read the entire article. I got kinda tingly when the NRA doofus started pouting.


Posted 10:31 pm, 07/09/2015

Read the paragraph quoting Bill Clinton on this topic.


Posted 10:28 pm, 07/09/2015

Oh, God! Not Mudcat! NOT MUDCAT!!!



Posted 10:24 pm, 07/09/2015

David "Mudcat" Saunders, a Democratic strategist based in conservative rural Virginia, warned that Clinton's focus on guns could taint the entire Democratic ticket, including candidates for state and local offices.

"Never in the history of the Democratic Party have they started a gun debate that didn't cost them numbers in the general election,"


Posted 10:17 pm, 07/09/2015

Here's goatlover's story.


It's a weird commentary on our society that what she said in this article would be shocking enough to warrant goat's hyperbole.


Posted 10:07 pm, 07/09/2015



Posted 10:05 pm, 07/09/2015

Latest Hillary headline on WA Post....the heifer's gonna make gun control a centerpiece of her campaign; declares war on the NRA!

Since every word she spews is focus group tested; I cannot for the life of me understand why she chooses a cause that has killed more democrat careers than any other?

But it will be entertaining!

Once a gun grabber, always a gun grabber!


Posted 9:50 pm, 07/08/2015

Oh, noes! Surely this will be the bombshell that'll sink her campaign!!! Surely, I tells ya!!



Posted 11:54 am, 07/08/2015

Wait a second. You are actually blaming liberals for Donald Trump performing well...in preliminary polling for the Republican primary. With twenty-odd other candidates. So if Trump continues to do well, and beat your other candidates, liberals are to blame. Oh, and "real 'Mercans something something truth".

Holy ****. How many two-liter bottles of stupid did you chug this morning?

this n that

Posted 9:52 am, 07/08/2015

Liberals and their lapdog twit have actually created an environment where Donald Trump could actually become President of the United States.

When you think about it, Trump speaks the first real truth we've heard spoken in years.

And "real Americans" are taking notice.


Posted 9:49 am, 07/08/2015

It's obvious the collective LDLP wants to discuss the Republican field. You really shoulda start a thread on that topic, that way you coulda try and stay on topic and woulda have a better chance at succeeding.

HILLARY, The topic for today is my ability to lie my way out of anything, especially telling the truth.


Posted 9:38 am, 07/08/2015

Choose you a candidate from the repub multitude conrad , we'll support ours, Ours puts the repub multitude to shame. Sorry you're so unhappy with your has been party.

Well no , actually you should be unhappy and ashamed.


Posted 9:31 am, 07/08/2015


Posted 9:31 am, 07/08/2015

Isn't it curious that the unflagging devotion to all things HILLARY gets left behind as soon as she stumbles even a little bit. All of a sudden support is growing for Sanders. O'Maley is a distant possibility. With Webb announcing the field grows. The LDLP knows HILLARY has too many problems and too much baggage to win next November and they will abandon her just like they did in 2008. Wow, what a choice -- HILLARY or an old white Yankee spouting socialism. Wow, what a choice -- HILLARY or the failed mayor of Baltimore/failed Governor of Maryland. Their best possibility is Webb, but he will not get the party support he deserves, so they're back to ---- HILLARY!!!


Posted 9:29 am, 07/08/2015

goatboy (view profile)

Posted 8:12 am, 07/08/2015

I posted the video at 10:18, in which the actual reporter from CNN gave the after-action report. On CNN
Yet you still insist on pawning everything off on fox? This is the sniffer tactic kenc spews out about 20 times a week.


I post when I please goatboy. It's tough I know, for the repubs to have so many candidates, like the "old woman who lived in a shoe ." Cry, Cry , Cry.

this n that

Posted 9:14 am, 07/08/2015

Actually the CNN interviewer was a bit late in her criticism of her own ability to interview.

Sure, she asked a question or two that got Hill puffed up, and then she did nothing. No follow up. She just moved on.

What GW READERS should take note of is the GW libs who have stated their support of Bernie, (I can't wait to turn America into Greece) Sanders.

Dada and da wants to see Americans lined up at an ATM machine only allowed to take about 60 bucks of their own money to buy food.
SOCIALISM.. never works.

And there are others. For instance..."I will definitely be voting for Bernie Sanders" said by TRUTHSEEKER when Sanders first declared he was running for POTUS.

Pay attention people. These are the enemies of America. Take a look at what is happening in Greece, and see your future if you're stupid enough to vote for any democrat.



Posted 8:53 am, 07/08/2015

I just noticed Conrad posted again without adding anything to the discussion. All is right in the world.


Posted 8:51 am, 07/08/2015

Oh, no, I'm not pawning off everything on FOX. They have developed a business model that works, and older, less educated people love it. Good for them.

I'm blaming YOU.

The CNN interview was never supposed to be a "puff piece" (your words). It's an interview. You don't recognize what an interview looks like because YOU, again, think Hannity polishing off Donald Trump is an interview.

I actually agreed with Keller's after-interview assessment on a couple of fronts, as I've already stated (and which you subsequently ignored)...but Keller should've kept after the Secretary on Sen. Sanders. Keller let her off the hook.

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