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Don’t donate a single penny to Wilkes Republicans


Posted 11:53 am, 05/03/2024

No money for politicians who ignore animal abuse


Posted 9:05 am, 05/03/2024

DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN it matters not because I've lived in places dominated by both --WHEN YOU LIVE UNDER THE SAME DOMINANT PARTY CORRUPTION WILL HAPPEN. In Wilkes, it happens to be republican. No matter who's in charge though, it needs to change now and then to prevent THIS happening


Posted 10:18 pm, 05/02/2024


Posted 5:54 am, 05/01/2024

I am happy with where I am, and not ashamed to live in Wilkes County.

Foxnose, this is one of the few things you have ever said that I wholeheartedly agree with ☺ Despite its flaws, there's no place like home ♥


Posted 12:30 pm, 05/02/2024

I'll do it for FREE.
NOT about me it's about all of YOU.


Posted 3:33 pm, 05/01/2024

Republican leadership in Wilkes looks bad

dog gate

Posted 8:09 am, 05/01/2024

Where has this incompetent individual got you? The county will now have a debt of $22M +$10M in interest that will be owed. His influence over 2 other commissioners got us here.

This needs to be revisited by commissioners. It was a terrible mistake. This is why citizens have no confidence in their leadership. Why would he did not do a study? There is more to the story in my opinion. It has to be about money .


Posted 5:54 am, 05/01/2024

I am happy with where I am, and not ashamed to live in Wilkes County. I do have a suggestion for you though" If you don't like Wilkes County why don't you go back where you moved here from. Where do you think Wilkes County should be now, considering where we have been? Which county in North Carolina do you want us to be like?


Posted 11:00 pm, 04/30/2024

FLUssy why basically ask the same stupid question over and over again. Oh sorry! Thats the extent of your failed brain


Posted 10:56 pm, 04/30/2024

Hey piker, will YOU feel compelled to step up AND run in '26?


Posted 10:24 pm, 04/30/2024


Posted 5:02 pm, 04/30/2024

Good try Actually, but no cigar. We have had Democrats

Wilkes County has been more or less "owned" by the GOP longer than most anyone here can remember. Look where it has gotten you

Albert Pike

Posted 10:17 pm, 04/30/2024

No one is asking that you support Greene and no longer has the support of the GOP in Wilkes.

"Minton added that he received communication from leaders of the Wilkes County Republican Party asking that the following be added to the motion he presented: "We, the Executive Committee of the Wilkes County Republican Party, join with the Wilkes County Board of Commissioners' motion in asking Commissioner Greene to resign as commissioner immediately for the good of the county."



Posted 10:10 pm, 04/30/2024

I'll keep my money not giving it to some rich arseho%e


Posted 7:08 pm, 04/30/2024

Again, thanks for admitting you have no original thought and do as you're told.

Dont run from it now ***anose, you done dug that grave!


Posted 7:06 pm, 04/30/2024

Name ONE Democrat you can vote for


Posted 7:01 pm, 04/30/2024

Thanks for saying you only vote party without thought.

How poetic with irony.


Posted 6:55 pm, 04/30/2024

Just weighing the difference Which is the lessor of two evils? A corrupt, wicked, lying animal abuser, woman beater, bank robber , murder, rapist, terrorist or a Democrat. Hmmmmmm


Posted 6:52 pm, 04/30/2024

Ya jes gotta love f*xxy's values she's good Christian, my fine white arse!


Posted 5:21 pm, 04/30/2024

We will disagree on this Foxnose

If Republicans want us to support an animal abuser then the Republicans are really insane

I'll vote for anyone but an abuser of animals and women

WTF are the Republicans thinking?


Posted 5:02 pm, 04/30/2024

Good try Actually, but no cigar. We have had Democrats.

Anyone that would vote for a Democrat is worse than a dog fighter.


Posted 4:55 pm, 04/30/2024

THANK YOU! But not all Republicans love to see animals tortured, Greene is a special kind of trash. But it's likely they'd vote him in again against ANY DEMOCRAT. There's where the voter shows who they really are.

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