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De Niro


Posted 11:29 pm, 05/05/2024

What bill was that and how much money was going for remodeling the veterans home for immigrants.


Posted 11:21 pm, 05/05/2024

You tRumpers are so easily duped. tRump told his minions to kill the bill that would have sent help to the southern border because he didnt want it to look like Biden had done anything. Just makes the republicans look like no balls nor brains for not passing it when it was their own bill. You Rethugs are real bright ya know


Posted 10:53 pm, 05/05/2024

The sanctuary cities says the unmanned wall isn't working and New York is to expensive for immigrants. So the immigrants need to go somewhere else.


Posted 9:19 pm, 05/05/2024

So the wall aint working?


Posted 8:33 pm, 05/05/2024

These lying Democrats know what the truth is they are just afraid to repeat it. They fear being shunned by other Democrats


Posted 8:22 pm, 05/05/2024

The most traveled sections Biden has sued the states to keep the border open.


Posted 7:34 pm, 05/05/2024

f*xxy, it shouldn't have been our money, remember Mexico was supposed to pay for it.


Posted 7:28 pm, 05/05/2024

Really interesting to hurl around the "L" word then turn around lie yourself.

"But border barrier construction has continued in Texas and elsewhere since the early days of Biden's term. As early as 2021, construction crews were erecting 15-foot concrete panels topped with 6-foot steel bollards in the Rio Grande Valley. In 2022, U.S. Customs and Border Protection detailed plans to build 86 miles of border wall in the Rio Grande Valley, including Starr County."

Are you a **** or are you a **** that is just dumb?


Posted 3:44 pm, 05/05/2024

Tribute have you seen the millions of dollars worth of steel border wall materials rusting away in piles at the border since Joe Biden halted construction on day one? There is your money


Posted 3:19 pm, 05/05/2024

Piss ant take dont no and go to the border and send them back since all yall can do is chirp cnn and democrat talking points.


Posted 1:45 pm, 05/05/2024

Trump claimed his wall that we paid for, plus what he pocketed: Would stop illegals. drug and arms smugglers and Mexico would pay for it. Well?


Posted 1:27 pm, 05/05/2024

The wall with our military beside it would stop them. You know how it is in other countries.


Posted 12:58 pm, 05/05/2024

You cannot help yourself can you. Why do you ALWAYS need to lie about things? Is it because you are a Democrat or are you a Democrat because you are a liar. Which is it. NOBODY said a border wall would stop "everything" But lying Democrats think it would not help anything.


Posted 9:23 am, 05/05/2024

But i do appreciated you acknowledging that the wall does not stop everything as you were sold it as.

They certainly do love you for being a such a great low level gullible!


Posted 9:22 am, 05/05/2024

Except you were the **** hollering "build that wall," like it was going to stop everything.


Posted 9:03 am, 05/05/2024


Posted 8:36 am, 05/05/2024

The wall mexcio bought us isnt working?

And your solution by electing Joe Biden as president is not working either


Posted 8:57 am, 05/05/2024

So many are following in now they're not vetting them.


Posted 8:36 am, 05/05/2024

The wall mexcio bought us isnt working?

DB Cooper

Posted 8:32 am, 05/05/2024

I agree. China should have been left back in the stone age where they belong. The worst is yet to come with China.

De Niro = POS.


Posted 8:11 am, 05/05/2024

Actually I lay part of the blame on Richard Nixon for establishing support to lift China from poverty. That put a crack in the door and helped them to rise to power. As far as the illegal immigrants from the south, that was caused by politicians and business owners combine. One wanted votes the other wanted cheap labor. Both are still in the mix. But now, we have had more than enough and are being over run and abused. A stop must come, our generosity has become an invasion. One party wants to stop, but the other party wants to flood the country. It is called "fundamentally changing America" I will let you look that one up to see who said it.

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