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Daily Tips for Those Still Capable of Independent Thought


Posted 8:09 am, 08/04/2020

Tip #4 - Think carefully about the things you needed and had trouble getting during the last lockdown. Go get those things now. There is going to be another lockdown ( Sept I am guessing) and it will be far more restrictive and dehumanizing. The objective of the radicals it to reduce you to a state of basic primal survival. Think I am wrong....what were people stock piling last time. Here in the most abundant country on earth people hoarded toilet paper and told how much you can buy. Why?

And the people who did act in the interest of preparing what were they called? Crazy, hoarders or better yet the cause of the problem. The left wants you in a food line and totally dependent on them.

Tip #5 - Expect the enforcement of trivial rules. Think about the most recent 11:00 rule and why now? Masks mandated 90 days into the crisis. Follow arrows in stores and of course house arrest. You were told rioters were peaceful protests but protesting lockdowns was dangerous. Looting has been permitted but sitting in Church pews isn't This is meant to condition you to follow orders and induce a feeling hopeless isolation.

Go live, enjoy time with your family ...Stop obeying.


Posted 10:53 pm, 08/03/2020

Get over yourself Karen


Posted 10:42 pm, 08/03/2020

No, you like me best. It is in the cards.


Posted 10:15 pm, 08/03/2020

might I remind you, I am an equal opportunity disliker!!!!


Posted 8:43 pm, 08/03/2020

Sparkling, I think goddess like me more then she does you.


Posted 8:41 pm, 08/03/2020

nope, merely pointing out a truth!

sparkling water

Posted 7:21 pm, 08/03/2020

Actually, he was making a confession.


Posted 7:18 pm, 08/03/2020

1048andonehalf (view profile)

Posted 2:09 pm, 08/03/2020

God, what an idot.

Nailed it!!!!!


Posted 3:22 pm, 08/03/2020

I got a better conspiracy for you. Why did the FBI announce Hillary was under investigation and not announce Trump was under investigation. This question was over looked basically because Obama was President. Who would have expected Obama to trash Hillary's campaign and give aid to Trump?


Posted 3:09 pm, 08/03/2020

Billy, it doesn't make sense to you that there's a worldwide conspiracy with the evil end game of making Americans wear cloth masks?


Posted 3:07 pm, 08/03/2020

A sincere question for you tmann, why is it outside the realm of possibility that the pandemic is real? Haven't we seen situations like this in history before? Couldn't the moving of the goal posts really just adapting to a changing situation and learning more about the virus? Why does this have to be a conspiracy, who is behind it and why?


Posted 2:14 pm, 08/03/2020

Tip #5: Listen to an overweight orange buffoon over doctors and scientists when it comes to questions of health.


Posted 2:11 pm, 08/03/2020

Two words for you: Herman Cain.


Posted 2:11 pm, 08/03/2020

Tip #4: Before complaining about what a mayor does, learn what a mayor does.


Posted 2:09 pm, 08/03/2020

God, what an idot.


Posted 2:03 pm, 08/03/2020

I plan to start an ongoing series of tips for those people wanting to survive and thrive in the attempted re-engineering of America (its happening all over the world too) that will assist you battling the masked cult members. I'll try to update daily or weekly for a while ....For those of you still capable of independent thought I hope this helps.

Tip 1 - Give yourselves immunity to the insults coming your way from the masked cult members. Name calling and attempting to socially shame you for non-compliance is tactic #1 of the enemy. But if you don't care it doesn't work.

Tip # 2 - Realize that the goal line keeps moving and each time it does any "reward" (restitution of your freedom) comes with a price. This is done to systematically condition you to think that you are dependent on the state and local government for everything. Hint.... You are called selfish if you place others at risk by non-compliance.

Tip #3 - My final tip for today. Refuse to be threatened. Regardless if it comes in the form of a headline "Experts warn more will die if.....we don't do whatever" or in the more personalized form of "if you become sick you will be isolated and separated from your family". These are threats meant to cause fear. See this for what it is.... Systematic "no - touch" torture. Refuse to live in fear.

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