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Clinton�s inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules


Posted 11:40 pm, 05/26/2016

A simple google search citing the words willful, disregard, rules and hillary yielded over 150,000 hits in less than half a second; way too many to list here, but many corroborating and continuing to discuss the points raised by the editorial board of the Washington Post. It's like Yogi said about that new restaurant down in the Village, " It's so crowded nobody goes there anymore".


Posted 11:19 pm, 05/26/2016

You have provided incorrect info as of 11:18.

hillary is a murderer

Posted 8:25 pm, 05/26/2016

Story on front page on CNN. On politics page for WXII.

Not on MSNBC, no surprise there.

Lots of discussion on Twitter.

This story is far from over. Many believe indictment is coming soon.


Posted 2:27 pm, 05/26/2016

Checked FOX. Lead story on that site, naturally. Page hits are important.

Non-propaganda sites seem to have moved on.

Will this report have much staying power past the weekend?


Posted 2:26 pm, 05/26/2016

It's not really an issue of disregard for the rules, it's blatant disregard for the law.

this n that

Posted 2:18 pm, 05/26/2016

It may work to distract GW's, but it's all the TV is talking about.

Some actually reporting how bad this is, and some trying to "spin".

Judge Napolitano went into deep detail of the legalities of this, and how she has broken the law many times over. Not to mention all the lies she's told about it. Her UN speech concerning the E mails, all lies from beginning to end.

When asked,,"Will she be indicted"> ? The judge said, he did not know IF , but there is overwhelming evidence that she should be.

Then I saw Doug Shoen on a panel. Doug is a loyal democrat, and a loyal friend to Hillary. He has sided with her to the point that he just looks foolish, and has been told so by his buddy Pat Caddell, several times.

But, this morning, even poor Doug could no longer deny how the FBI surely knows all this and more, Doug said, "I think she has a disastrous legal problem". The host said, "really?" Doug said, "yes, I don't think there's any other way to say it".. I kinda felt sorry for him.

BUT.. Doug didn't just fall off the turnip truck... So..

I wonder about Doug, as I wonder about any one who knows Hillary the way we ALL know Hillary., and would still vote for her.

What is there about her policies that would be good for America, that is so good, that you would over look all the crime, corruption, lies and deception, and cast your one and only vote for her anyway?


Posted 2:18 pm, 05/26/2016

One day past, and already I'd forgotten the State Department report came out yesterday.

It really struck a cord, huh?


Posted 12:40 pm, 05/26/2016

What a pitiful attempt at distraction.


Posted 12:29 pm, 05/26/2016

Even for a Republican White House that was badly stumbling through George W. Bush's sixth year in office, the revelation on April 12, 2007 was shocking. Responding to congressional demands for emails in connection with its investigation into the partisan firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the White House announced that as many as five million emails, covering a two-year span, had been lost.

The emails had been run through private accounts controlled by the Republican National Committee and were only supposed to be used for dealing with non-administration political campaign work to avoid violating ethics laws. Yet congressional investigators already had evidence private emails had been used for government business, including to discuss the firing of one of the U.S. attorneys. The RNC accounts were used by 22 White House staffers, including then-Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, who reportedly used his RNC email for 95 percent of his communications.



Posted 12:24 pm, 05/26/2016

Hillary Clinton is ABOVE the law!


Posted 12:22 pm, 05/26/2016

HILLARY CLINTON'S use of a private email server while secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 has been justifiably criticized as an error of judgment. What the new report from the State Department inspector general makes clear is that it also was not a casual oversight. Ms. Clinton had plenty of warnings to use official government communications methods, so as to make sure that her records were properly preserved and to minimize cybersecurity risks. She ignored them.


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