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CIA confirms Russia interfered to help Trump win election.

Thematic element

Posted 8:38 am, 12/11/2016

Anyone who thinks there isn't widespread hacking going on, including our own nsa, cia , is kidding themselves. Google stucknet.

Hillary issued a talking point to her co conspirators, to try and whip up this meme, to discredit our new president.

Failing miserably.


Posted 8:22 am, 12/11/2016

GOPigs, your beloved Trump is in bed with his good buddy, Putin....you know it, I know it...why do you deny it?


Posted 8:19 am, 12/11/2016

batman (view profile)

Posted 7:53 am, 12/11/2016

ok local libtard idiots why do you only give half the information ?... The actual report said they may have hacked into both parties not just the Democrats......and anybody with a brain would know that Trump will be tougher than Hillary on Russia...Putin laughed at her weakness!!!!

You're the one who only gives half the information...true, they may have hacked into both parties, but, the other half of the story is...THEY WITHHELD THE INFO THEY GOT FROM THE REPUBLICANS, numbskull.


Posted 7:53 am, 12/11/2016

ok local libtard idiots why do you only give half the information ?... The actual report said they may have hacked into both parties not just the Democrats......and anybody with a brain would know that Trump will be tougher than Hillary on Russia...Putin laughed at her weakness!!!!


Posted 6:51 am, 12/11/2016

Why don't they just put Trump in office now!!! By Jan. 20 our national debt gonna be 30 trillion before then if not. Thanks Oblunder, Clintoons & steins.

sparkling water

Posted 7:28 pm, 12/10/2016

They've tried accusing him of association with Nazis, now communists.

I guess next they'll accuse him of being a Jesuit.


Posted 7:26 pm, 12/10/2016

I figured the libs would finally come around to accusing conservatives and Trump of being communist. They had to figure some way to connect us to communists so they could. The Communist Karl Marx implored people to 'accuse others of what you do.' And the liberals are stepping right in line.


Posted 3:10 pm, 12/10/2016

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 10:46 am, 12/10/2016

You only have BoZo O-Blower to thank for that. Though that course of action is about to be changed for the greater good of our Nation.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:29 am, 12/10/2016

sad day that anyone in this country would take a stand in favor of a communist government instead of just taking a stand of courage to stare down that devil....

how weak we have become as a nation

*btw, i am only posting my thoughts while trying to ignore the site clown who actually thinks he's saying anything of worth.


Posted 10:25 am, 12/10/2016

Can he LIE and DENY like Hit-Ler-Ry did ??? Will that be ok with you Libs.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:22 am, 12/10/2016

McConnell is supposed to have received the intelligence information. He's in a tough spot. He will be pressured to conform or deny....


Posted 10:20 am, 12/10/2016

You need to turn from Channel from the Communist News Network and the Tinkle Matthews show and listen to something else. Does your TV only have two Channels.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:16 am, 12/10/2016

at this point, the president elect has stated that our own intelligence reports are wrong and has sided with Putin.

i am personally uncomfortable with that and it has not one thing to do with any vote or who won...

this is the same president elect that is not even attending security briefings


Posted 10:11 am, 12/10/2016

More false claims from the washington compost. Yet the recount that they have done in wisconsin has trump gaining votes. Deal with it you liberal crybabies.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:05 am, 12/10/2016

sparkling water (view profile)

Posted 9:17 am, 12/10/2016

God Bless our Russian Friends.

Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave ... and somehow you will respond expected flip nonsense.


Posted 10:03 am, 12/10/2016

What a idiot ! He gets better&better with each day...RIGHT ? all you poor Trumpers will be crying for help before long....but guess what, its too late now suckers .


Posted 9:22 am, 12/10/2016

Commies chose to back the most left wing candidate

sparkling water

Posted 9:17 am, 12/10/2016

God Bless our Russian Friends.

Thematic element

Posted 9:14 am, 12/10/2016

Breaking news: hussein is gonna dispatch Joe Biden, to take Putin out behind the gymnasium! True leadership?

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