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Church Services Yesterday that brought up Marriage of Homosexuals


Posted 12:02 pm, 06/30/2015

The Supremes ruled that states could not make laws banning same sex marriage....ruled it was unconstitutional. They made NO NEW law. As for these two clergy running the wedding chapel......they were running a business...for profit. It was not a church. Therefore local discrimination laws covered their business.....Not all laws are passed by Congress......Time to accept that this is the law of the land.


Posted 11:58 am, 06/30/2015

I haven't heard of any gays beating down doors of churches, begging to be married in one. Why worry ?


Posted 11:53 am, 06/30/2015

They are still members of the clergy and members of the US and as both you violate the constitution for persecuting for their beliefs. Why would anyone even want to be married by in a church by a pastor when they dont believe anyway? Remember to look up the constitutional chain of command and the function the supreme court serves. You will find that they can not execute executive order nor are they allowed to make laws under our constitution. They can amend laws already written but they can not make our laws. They violated the constitution and the honor their positions serve for. Go back to your political science then come talk to me. They are not allowed to force a law. They make opinions and decide cases that can then be made a law but they are not allowed to create a law nor enforce it. They can make a decision but it is up to congress and our votes as a democracy to create new laws. Every site that you look at shows the chain of command and this power they have tried to make you believe they have they do not and for them to try to violates the constitution of united states.

I will state again the only reason I am angry is that all of our constitutional rights were violated by a panel of nine judges. No just christians not the lgbt community but all rights. This was done for several reasons and none of them good. Do your homework people.


Posted 10:51 am, 06/30/2015

Lashe, these people ran a wedding chapel not a church....big difference.


Posted 10:45 am, 06/30/2015

Muse, for everything you've said on the subject. You know what you're talking about . So many don't have a clue.


Posted 10:29 am, 06/30/2015

I will post more as they arrive. Some of you wanted to see where christians religious freedom were being infringed on. This is just the beginning. As I said yesterday no ones rights should trump anothers. http://www.washingtontimes....rry-gays-/


Posted 10:00 am, 06/30/2015

you made a funny. cute. I can assure you, since I have been in a heterosexual marriage as well, that my husband and I bring out the best in each other. This marriage is far better and more honest than my first to my ex wife.

Because of HIM I am a better man. We have different chemistries and personalities. He and I look at the world differently the same way you and your wife do. We are not just "two guys." We are a family in a loving, caring, committed, happy, productive marriage full of warmth, excitement, compassion, community involvement, and laughter. and more than that, we don't hurt you or your marriage in any way.


Posted 9:54 am, 06/30/2015

Sure, you can get along great with your lover of the same gender. You think alike concerning life and you don't have the challenges that heterosexual couples have . My wife makes me a better man and I make her a better woman. Two men would still be...two men. Women look at things different than men because they are wired different and vice versa. The challenge of a man and woman being married creates a dynamic that two people of the same gender cannot create. That is the definition marriage...two distinct beings becoming one. The only way two men can become one is if they get stuck.


Posted 9:29 am, 06/30/2015

Mine is a happy mariage. You might even call it "gay."


Posted 9:28 am, 06/30/2015

So all of your heterosexual marriages are unhappy? WOW. That's sad. I feel bad for you.


Posted 9:17 am, 06/30/2015

Sure, Gays have the right to be in an unhappy marriage too! Go for it Skippy! Enjoy when your boy lover goes for half or more of your stuff in the divorce, as well as joint custody of the toy poodle! I hope you get to cry your eyes out.


Posted 5:39 am, 06/30/2015

Just teasing, but folks should think about what marriage is and never deny folks the opportunity to find sacred grace in monogamy. I don't care who you are. Families come in all shapes and sizes.


Posted 5:36 am, 06/30/2015

But...but...but...Marriage is sacred!


Posted 8:56 pm, 06/29/2015

If this isn't just the silliest bunch of crap!

Everybody gets to enjoy the right to be married.....if this hurts you, you and/or your marriage you are way too fragile.

If you think that you are the only person who "deserves" to be married, there is no hope for you.


Posted 8:50 pm, 06/29/2015

So, they actually went out of business because people wouldn't do business with them, huh? Check that. I'm not so sure about that. Could it be the fines or lawsuits? Because actually there really are a lot of people out there that do support religious rights and they've actually been flooded with support. So, idk? I could totally see where people would just choose another line of work to avoid the confrontation.

He's right, mommo, they closed before the court found that they had violated state law, "following intense scrutiny and furor among gay rights advocates that inevitably impacted business."


She said that vendors stopped selling to them, and customers stopped referring them due to the negative publicity:


So cassidy is entirely correct, the community refused to support them because of their bigotry, which put them out of business.

gay republican

Posted 7:11 pm, 06/29/2015

We did not hear a word about any of it at our church.....just Church as usual!


Posted 4:14 pm, 06/29/2015

Sure you do mommo! You are not a business. You can hate who you want to.


Posted 3:40 pm, 06/29/2015

I bet ISIS just laughs at the US, we quibble over stupid crap and they are plotting to kill us all. By the way they do want to kill us all, republicans, democrats, independents, unaffiliated - all of us. It is my hope they start with the politicians and the news media, they have created 95% of the problems.


Posted 3:10 pm, 06/29/2015

It's kind of sad in a way...all these folks are chasing happiness, running like a bull in a china closet tryng to find it. It will not be in marriage...You can marry 10 people, as soon as that gets legalized, but you still won't be happy. If you can't be happy sitting in a chair all by yourself, anything else won't make you happy or satisfied.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 3:01 pm, 06/29/2015

As far as refusing a service, there is an individual, locally, who refuses to sing at weddings if either the bride or groom have previously been married. So, yeah, it's done.

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