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Child suicides


Posted 1:37 pm, 12/23/2021

Abeech, have you joined that local organization that helps address these issues yet? It's pretty well understood that mental health issues across the board have increased for most demographics over the past two years. The issue is that Abeech doesn't want to share that mental health issues have been on the rise for over a decade and people have been paying attention to those increases for quite some time.

To sit there and act like this is a new issue and to attempt to blame one or two things is lazy. Nothing the loser has ever provided links masks (now he/she has shared an article about metaphorical masks from a 2012 article) alone or at all have had any effect on youth. Articles he/she has provided have pointed that the loss of a loved one has caused grief.

Another issue with the abeech loser is that pretty much we can all agree that kids being in school is a top priority and is best for kids. There are certainly issues that have arisen due to remote learning, but Abeech doesn't bring these up nor does he/she address that masks have kept kids in school, especially in Wilkes County. As for Ashe County, suicide has been a major issue in that county for quite some time, so much so they have integrated a mental health counseling service for school aged children (oddly, this all happened before COVID hit).

In closing, I would still like to acknowledge that abeech is indeed a worthy loser. Not only that but abeecg enjoys being the greatest loser of all time so much, that he/she has a daily devotion dedicated to hyping himself/herself each morning, it's beautiful.


Posted 10:05 am, 12/23/2021

YOU are not nuffin'whiner, silly.


Posted 10:04 am, 12/23/2021

So Betsy, that makes it ok to put policies in place that are more damaging to children than the virus you're protecting them from? How about the huge spikes in drug abuse and over doses in adults too? Is that dismissible too as long as you can pretend you're safer? This isn't war. This is a virus. A virus that isn't a threat to children. Or to the 18 to 45 demographic either. The flu is a bigger threat to both of these groups. Your policies have killed more of these demographics than Covid has. Surviving war is one thing. But they aren't surviving the cure.


Posted 10:00 am, 12/23/2021

Sorry, I don't demand fins to do anything. Fins is fins! We are all family here.


Posted 9:55 am, 12/23/2021

Have YOU done what YOU demand of FINS, nuffin'whiher?


Posted 9:48 am, 12/23/2021

Sucks for the kids! I was just complaining about this the other day and my friend said, "Kids have and continue to survive wars." Put it in Perspective.


Posted 9:41 am, 12/23/2021



Posted 9:39 am, 12/23/2021

Like you actually care, fins.


Posted 9:36 am, 12/23/2021

So killer and Annie both make the excuse, this is no big deal because teen suicide has been happening for years! Wow, you losers will do anything to try to defend your actions that have killed children, and adults.

Annie, are you really too stupid to understand there are multiple points?

One being drug over doses and suicides in 18 to 45 y/os have skyrocketed for the last two years because of you. Those are the number one and number two killers of that age group. Covid, which you are protecting them from, is a distant third. You've killed these people protecting them from something that's not a risk to them.

The other point is the rise in drug use and suicide attempts in children. But apparently in your mind, these only matter if they actually die. Teen girl attempts are up 50%. You don't care though unless they actually die. You fail to comprehend this is a cry for help. And I didn't say anything about this is because of masks, you dum broad. You made that leap. The sources I gave you, that you didn't read, made it clear it's from isolation and quarantine, and from two years of being constantly told they are going to die from a virus that doesn't effect kids. Yes, you kill children. Covid doesn't.


Posted 7:42 am, 12/23/2021

Abeech, have you joined that local organization that helps address these issues yet? It's pretty well understood that mental health issues across the board have increased for most demographics over the past two years. The issue is that Abeech doesn't want to share that mental health issues have been on the rise for over a decade and people have been paying attention to those increases for quite some time.

To sit there and act like this is a new issue and to attempt to blame one or two things is lazy. Nothing the loser has ever provided links masks (now he/she has shared an article about metaphorical masks from a 2012 article) alone or at all have had any effect on youth. Articles he/she has provided have pointed that the loss of a loved one has caused grief.

Another issue with the abeech loser is that pretty much we can all agree that kids being in school is a top priority and is best for kids. There are certainly issues that have arisen due to remote learning, but Abeech doesn't bring these up nor does he/she address that masks have kept kids in school, especially in Wilkes County. As for Ashe County, suicide has been a major issue in that county for quite some time, so much so they have integrated a mental health counseling service for school aged children (oddly, this all happened before COVID hit).

In closing, I would still like to acknowledge that abeech is indeed a worthy loser. Not only that but abeecg enjoys being the greatest loser of all time so much, that he/she has a daily devotion dedicated to hyping himself/herself each morning, it's beautiful.


Posted 7:33 am, 12/23/2021

When confronted with facts, anti replies,
"Stupid, stupid, stupid." Careful, honey, your desperation is showing...
Next thing you know she will accuse you of trolling her.


Posted 7:23 am, 12/23/2021

If you're trying to prove suicides did not increase during the pandemic ......why would you post data from 2009 to 2019?????


Posted 5:32 am, 12/23/2021

I do not agree with fins on the cause, but to ignore the CDC's report on the 50% increase in attempts by adolescent girls? You can blame a lot of causes, but to blatantly ignore the facts? Welcome to anti's world!


Posted 5:22 am, 12/23/2021

And then she twists and turns just to mock you. Watch! Fins and I go back and forth but anti? Ridiculous!


Posted 5:13 am, 12/23/2021

Anti makes stuff up, not on purpose, but I think from a lack of mindedness and to serve her own agenda. She presents what she googles as facts and ignores recent data. She stated that there were no statistics from 2021 but never acknowledged the most recent data from the CDC which completely contradicts her point. She does the same thing when she posts dictionary definitions. Go figure!


Posted 12:38 am, 12/23/2021

you are denying reports from esteemed medical groups like Baylor University and the APPA?

Nope, just pointing out that you are cherry picking data while ignoring the actual facts.

And the facts show a 1% decrease in female suicides, in spite of an increase in population. You're demanding that we pretend COVID doesn't exist... presumably, you want those numbers to go back up to where they were?

you're looking at just the fatalities. You aren't looking at the numbers of attempts

Aren't you the one that keeps saying people are "killing" children? Now you apparently define anyone under 45 as a child. And you define an attempted suicide as "being killed."

You're also drawing a false comparison... this made-up increase must be due to masks, right? But by your logic, the fact that numbers went up in 2017 and 2018 must be due to Trump being in office. Right?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that's the case. I'm saying that you're jumping to ridiculous conclusions based on false data.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." Careful, honey, your desperation is showing...


Posted 12:14 am, 12/23/2021

****, are you really so stupid that you are denying reports from esteemed medical groups like Baylor University and the APPA? They are the ones saying you're wrong. But you are so afraid of covid, you can't accept the damage you've done to children.

Now, I'll give you a hint, ****. You're so ****, you're looking at just the fatalities. You aren't looking at the numbers of attempts, ****. Good god, you're dum. Now, go back and read every article and piece of story I've given you. You've destroyed way more lives than covid.


Posted 11:58 pm, 12/22/2021

Talk about cherry picked data!

You can clearly see that they picked specific demographics that they could make look as bad as possible. And then they left out specific details that brought it back into perspective.

For example. You wanted to say that female suicides were the worst. OK... comparing 2019 to 2020:

Age 10-14:
203 in 2019, 203 in 2020... 0% change

1,154 to 1,196... 4% increase

1,526 to 1,566... 3% increase

1,710 to 1,572... -8% decrease

Help me out here, but... 0 + 4 + 3 - 8 = -1, right? So in the 10-44 age group (the one you selected), female suicides went down by 1%.

This is even more interesting when you see that the US female population increased from 2019 to 2020:


Which, of course, means that an increase in numbers (like from 1,154 to 1,196) is to be expected.

Overall, the female suicide rate dropped by 8% comparing 2019 to 2020.

The male suicide rate dropped by 2%, from 22.4% to 21.9%.

The total suicide rate dropped by 3%, from 13.9% to 13.5%.

I've noticed that you tend to call people names, Affy, when you know you've been proven wrong. You're like a wild animal, backed into a corner... you can't defend yourself with logic, so you lash out with childish insults.

It's OK to admit when you're wrong. People might actually start to respect you.


Posted 11:33 pm, 12/22/2021

laughingjac is always a pileroner, lacking in originality.


Posted 10:46 pm, 12/22/2021

Licking her wounds front he thrashing she took earlier. Maybe you can PM her and tell her how you survive when your hero shames you for everyone to see

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