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Charity question


Posted 2:32 pm, 08/19/2019

Foxnose (view profile)

Posted 6:40 pm, 08/17/2019

Single mom, 2 kids no child support payment? Must have slept with a loser. Families work better when they are families instead of overnight guest.

And right here everyone is what perfect looks like, take a good look as they don't come around often. They are an endangered species for now, until Trump has his way.


Posted 9:01 am, 08/19/2019

Exactly Hunter, people would be amazed at how many are in that situation.


Posted 9:12 pm, 08/17/2019

What do you mean?

Hunter S Thompson

Posted 8:13 pm, 08/17/2019

Most don't realize how many deadbeat dads are out there. Getting money from many of them is harder than getting blood out of a turnip. One so called dad pays his ex $50.00 a week for three children with the mother having to beg and plead to get the money. He makes close to $100k a year cash under the table


Posted 7:00 pm, 08/17/2019

I don't necessarily disagree, but that's completely beside the point.


Posted 6:40 pm, 08/17/2019

Single mom, 2 kids no child support payment? Must have slept with a loser. Families work better when they are families instead of overnight guest.


Posted 3:56 pm, 08/17/2019

I started to apply for a job last week and saw that over 200 people had already applied for it!


Posted 2:00 pm, 08/17/2019

Okay, you've got a single mom, two kids, she's got a job making $9 an hour at Burger King, doing the best she can. Let's pretend she's getting 40 hours a week, which is generous because I doubt any fast food places are giving out 40 hours a week. She's bringing $1440 a month...before taxes/deductions. Let's say $1350. She's found a super cheap place to rent for $400 a month. After she pays rent, she's got $950 for the month. She's gotta have power, so on the low side, let's subtract $100. Then subtract $30 for water and $40 for the internet that she has to have because her oldest kid is in high school. She bought a cheap car at a buy-here pay-here, and that's $50 a week or $200 a month. She has to have it to get to work. Insurance is $40. She has to have a phone, it's not even nice, but the prepaid plan is $50 a month.

We're now left with $122 a week for gas, food for 3 people, things like shampoo and soap and deodorant and laundry soap and diapers, and I didn't even figure in childcare for the youngest because I honestly have no idea how much that is. I know it's expensive.

That's not even including the million other things that come up. Heaven forbid there's an extra unexpected expense. Hopefully she'll never get the stomach flu and have to miss a couple days of work. Hopefully the daycare never calls saying she's got to leave work and pick up her kid with a fever.

I know there are people who will say this is the exception...a working mom, trying her best, but I'm pointing out that just because someone works full time, it doesn't mean they might not need some help at the end of the month, even living on the bare minimum. I would guess it's easier to pay the power bill and ask for food than it is to buy food and ask for money for power.


Posted 1:11 pm, 08/17/2019

I haven't seen that old lady, they must be few and far between .

old lady

Posted 1:00 pm, 08/17/2019

Just spend some time watching people in a convenient store. They have kids stuck in the car while they go in and buy cigarettes, beer, and lottery tickets and come out and start smoking inside the car with the little ones inside. That is their priorities. Having healthy children is certainly not one.


Posted 7:13 am, 08/17/2019

Human beings need to eat. The way I look at is...I throw so much out.
I am an old woman and remember the dinner table with my parents when I did not like peas.
Mom: There are starving people in Africa that need those peas!
Me: So, box them up and send them to Africa! I am not going to eat that mess!

Then one time my auntie and uncle had a farm and they served fresh cut corn.

Me: What is this?
Auntie: Fresh cut corn!
Me: Well, why is not on a cob?
Auntie: Cause, I cut it! Try it! It's good!
Me: No Way!

I felt so guilty, when I got older. Seriously, when canned peas go on sale, why not buy twice as much and donate?

Then there was this one time when all I had was a can of soggy peas and a pat of butter. I remember the grease of the butter pulverizing those peas and it was the best midnight snack ever!

Do not get me on the canned kernel corn!


Posted 10:17 pm, 08/16/2019

Thank you Hunter. All difficult circumstances.

Hunter S Thompson

Posted 3:30 pm, 08/16/2019

Troubled, you hit the nail on the head. I have been in several sessions that dealt with poverty, food insecurity, etc and they all basically said the same thing you did.

I have seen it with my eyes, and it is not pretty. We stress education, but a hungry mind cannot learn. Just don't get me started on some of the people that contribute to this.


Posted 2:09 pm, 08/16/2019

To answer your original question here are my thoughts.

1. Parents not prioritizing feeding their children over things they want.
2. Parents not prioritizing feeding their children over addictions.
3. Single parents who are doing the best that can at a minimum wage job and no one making sure that the other parent is paying the child support allocated by the courts. It takes a lot to clothe children and feed children.
4. Parents that are not paying enough child support working for money "under the table" so that it is not factored into their child support payments.
5. Grandparents who are now on Social Security raising their grandchildren and not bringing in enough money to feed everyone.
6. Elderly folks who can't afford to buy their medicine and food too.
I have volunteered at a food pantry many times and that is my personal assessment of what the issues are, I have not done any research to prove these points. A large majority of the people getting food are over the age of 60.


Posted 10:36 am, 08/16/2019

Foxy's career in stand-up was short-lived.


Posted 8:50 am, 08/16/2019

LOL. Yes you got me. Ouch, your come backs are amazing.


Posted 8:10 am, 08/16/2019

There is one important step between a man and a woman that prevents conception. Of course you do not need to know that, it has nothing to do with constipation.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 8:09 am, 08/16/2019

Hangs believes that abortion is the only method available for birth control.


Posted 8:03 am, 08/16/2019

Are you advocating abortion if you are poor?


Posted 7:24 am, 08/16/2019

If you can't afford your cigarettes, what makes you think you can afford children?

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