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Can someone post all the GOP Candidates so we can make sure we all vote strait ticket Nov 4


Posted 10:09 am, 10/25/2014

What I think would be best is if party affiliation was ban from the ballot and people had to figure out on their own what each candidate stood for/against.


Posted 10:07 am, 10/25/2014

Elmo there is a reason people are asking for just the name because they are tired and fed up with your gay agenda, illegal immigration, anti gun, anti capitalism socialist ways. They are going to vote one way in hopes to save America from the cancers that are the Democrat party. Just the facts. Your good ole Mav.

White hawk

Posted 10:02 am, 10/25/2014

New voter law doesn't allow for straight party voting. You can vote for all in one party, but you have to select each one on the ballot.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:02 am, 10/25/2014

i need to save this thread for when the word "sheeple" starts being thrown around. this is just a bunch of people unwilling to do any research ... just give me the name so i know which button to push. sheesh,....


Posted 9:58 am, 10/25/2014

Can someone verify the straight ticket vote option on the ballot? If not I need a list of the names I would like to vote a straight Republican ticket also.


Posted 9:57 am, 10/25/2014

Personally, I think voting along party lines only is a terrible way to choose leadership. But at least they're voting.


Posted 9:56 am, 10/25/2014

I think you are correct osmosis, except in some cases, like judges I think who are on the ballot Without party affiliation.


Posted 9:52 am, 10/25/2014

I maybe wrong but I think there's a place on the ballots that lets you do that.


Posted 9:51 am, 10/25/2014

You got it. ALL friends I have and know are voting strait ticket this time. We are tired of your socialist agenda dems. Just the facts. Your good ole Mav.


Posted 9:50 am, 10/25/2014

So you are a strict party-line voter? Which implies you think that your party of choice has always, and will always have the only, best person for the job.

That is what's wrong with this country far more than any single other factor.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:49 am, 10/25/2014


this is the problem in this entire nation. it doesn't matter the qualifications just as long as the person has the right party affiliation.


Posted 9:47 am, 10/25/2014

We need someone to put up the list of all GOP candidates for NC and Wilkes so we can vote a straight party line. I have been asked by many for these info and I don't have it. If anyone has it post it and I will copy it off and start handing it out. Go GOP!

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