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Can BIden win without the Democrats


Posted 8:06 am, 08/01/2020

Open the *borders.


Posted 8:03 am, 08/01/2020

When did Joe Biden say he would open the believers completely or amend the 2nd amendment?


Posted 5:19 am, 08/01/2020

Are you foolish enough to think a democrat would vote for Trump? We want Trump out and a democrat in. We want to totally erase Trump and his polities. There is not a reasonable person in the world that thinks Biden is a socialist. Besides it takes congress and the senate to over rule the 2th amendment or to change our economic system. Even AOC would not have the power to do that if she was President. So, stop your insane BS.


Posted 5:07 am, 08/01/2020

LOL, who are you trying to convince, me or yourself? Many are not ready to become a socialist country: those many can move to Russia. Trump supporters are not real Americans anyway.


Posted 4:57 am, 08/01/2020

Looks like Biden is diving further to the left. He thinks he must have the AOC, Bernie and the Squad to be able to win. This leaves the old clinging Democrats that are already ashamed to admit to being Democrats behind. If the "Independent" branch of the Democrat Party gets spooked it's over before it starts. Some of the ole timers don't agree with defunding police, opening the borders completely, destroying the economy or changing the Constitution concerning the 2nd Amendment. Personally, I think some will sit it out to save the embarrassment of facing their neighbors. Many are not ready to become a Socialist country.

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