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Calhoun, North High janitor, accused of raping a student


Posted 9:30 pm, 11/18/2018

I honestly don't know anymore, backwater. If what thinblueline says is true and they had a confession on tape that the jury heard... well, that's a horse of a different color. Why did the JP only refer to the detective's testimony if there's a tape?

But if the jury heard it and still didn't think that there was enough evidence to convict him then I have to assume that the jury knows more about the case than I do.

I wish that the tape could be made public. That could definitely change things.


Posted 9:24 pm, 11/18/2018


Ole Sarge

Posted 6:47 am, 11/18/2018

Seem like you are doing a fair amount of guessing. Would you mind sharing with us how bible thumpers came into your fertile membrane? I know you must have facts, it would be a gamble to assume.


Posted 6:35 am, 11/18/2018

only in pillbilly wilkes county can a child molester admit to“messing with her” and said he shouldn’t have done it.,call the school the next day a say "guess i'm fired" and find the p.o.s. not guilty. i guess all the bible thumpers can feel good in church today knowing they let a admitted child molester walk free. just glad it's not any of my family or the s.o.b. would be begging to go to prison. how many on that jury would let their child,grandchild be in the same room with the p.o.s. is the question i would like to ask them.


Posted 1:02 am, 11/18/2018


“This testimony does bother me, though:

Det. Jason Adams of the Wilkes Sheriff’s Office testified earlier in the trial that Calhoun admitted “messing with her” and said he shouldn’t have done it.

Taken out of context, I don't know if he meant "I wish I'd never messed with helping her out," or "I wish I'd never messed with sticking my pee-pee in her."

But the jury didn't take long in deciding that there wasn't any evidence, so I'll have to assume they knew what they were doing.”

“True, I wasn't there so I'm just going by what the JP said that the detective said.

You would think that the interviews would have been recorded so that they could be played back at the trial, instead of relying on second hand information.”

I know for a FACT All interviews are recorded and further more the entire interview was viewed by the jury, even the part where he confessed to what he did after her pants were pulled down. Yes, I said confessed to “playing with it” and how much he regretted it. Yet, on the stand he turned it around and claimed he meant her belly!!! I mean come on people, common sense tells us all what he meant when he said it!!!! That’s what our world is seriously lacking: COMMON SENSE!


Posted 12:07 am, 11/18/2018

If the young lady had reported it the night it happened, she would have been examined by a Dr and a rape kit done. Physical evidence would have made a big difference in the case. Not pointing fingers or casting blame on her. But DNA evidence is key in sex cases

sparkling water

Posted 6:35 pm, 11/17/2018

Like it or not, every defendant deserves the best defense available.

I’m guessing he did not use a court appointed attorney.


Posted 5:40 pm, 11/17/2018

OJ trial where did the system fail? Law enforcement - DA etc?

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 5:24 pm, 11/17/2018

I have never met a defense attorney who is concerned with the truth, they are concerned with getting paid and getting their clients acquitted. I personally could not sleep at night knowing that I got a guilty person acquitted of a criminal charge. I asked a very good defense attorney once how he slept at night after he admitted that he knew his client was quilty but he had gotten an acquittal in a recent murder trial, he said,,,,,on $500 silk sheets.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 4:10 pm, 11/17/2018

I question a couple of things...why would Calhoun even take the risk of driving the girl home by himself? Why not go back in in the school, call the parents, or call someone, anyone, to get there and be a witness? You can't do anything without a witness now. Conversely, what teenage girl isn't inches away from her phone? If it was dead, most people now even keep a charger with them.

That said, did anyone question him turning on Grissel Tail Road to turn around? That's not exactly the best road to turn around on and it's very remote. He had just passed the library and was almost to Traphill BP. That doesn't add up.


Posted 3:19 pm, 11/17/2018

None of us know here on Go Wilkes what happened, we didn’t sit through all the evidence or lack of. Hashing it out on Go Wilkes is doing neither party involved any good.


Posted 2:48 pm, 11/17/2018

there was enough reasonable doubt to find him not guilty


Posted 2:43 pm, 11/17/2018

What a shame that a smooth talking lawyer got a man off that confessed to touching a student. As a school employee you are held to a higher standard. Drunk or not he had no business touching her in anyway. All I got to say is shame on the jury for not having enough common sense to hear through the attorneys bs.


Posted 12:24 pm, 11/17/2018

According to the article Calhoun didn’t say messing around, this is what the article says; “Det. Jason Adams of the Wilkes Sheriff’s Office testified earlier in the trial that Calhoun admitted “messing with her” and said he shouldn’t have done it.” Now if Calhoun didn’t do anything wrong what is it that he shouldn’t have done after saying “messing with her”.
My common sense tells me he’s guilty and his lawyer did a good job of blaming the victim.


Posted 11:30 am, 11/17/2018

Isn't Messing Around such as what have you been doing today,nothing just messing around- A Southern Term??


Posted 11:21 am, 11/17/2018

good foot note, LEO

Just 'cause he's not guilty, doesn't mean he didn't do it...sad, but true,

Blackstone's Formulation

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 9:33 am, 11/17/2018

I’d like to remind everyone that during a trial a jury doesn’t necessarily get to hear all of the evidence. The jury’s finding was not guilty, that doesn’t equal innocent, remember OJ was found not quilty of two counts of murder, does anyone think OJ is innocent of murder.


Posted 8:48 am, 11/17/2018

Found not guilty.... but he’s lost his wife, church family, job. No matter where he goes people are still going to refer to him as the custodian at news that was accused of raping a student. What about her reputation? Not nothing compared to his. She needs her ****& kicked


Posted 11:05 pm, 11/16/2018

Second hand information is what you read in the JP and see on here,. Questions answered in a interview by a suspect is not. And in felony cases a signed statement by the suspect at the end of the interview is pretty standard


Posted 9:34 pm, 11/16/2018

True, I wasn't there so I'm just going by what the JP said that the detective said.

You would think that the interviews would have been recorded so that they could be played back at the trial, instead of relying on second hand information.

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