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Calhoun, North High janitor, accused of raping a student


Posted 6:40 pm, 11/16/2018

The phrase "messing with her" should have been fully explained. Maybe it was.


Posted 6:29 pm, 11/16/2018

This testimony does bother me, though:

Det. Jason Adams of the Wilkes Sheriff’s Office testified earlier in the trial that Calhoun admitted “messing with her” and said he shouldn’t have done it.

Taken out of context, I don't know if he meant "I wish I'd never messed with helping her out," or "I wish I'd never messed with sticking my pee-pee in her."

But the jury didn't take long in deciding that there wasn't any evidence, so I'll have to assume they knew what they were doing.


Posted 5:59 pm, 11/16/2018

There is a great lesson for all parents here. Make it your business to know where your child will be, and with whom, at all times. We can assume that these parents sorely wish none of this had ever happened. My best wishes are with the girl and I also believe justice has been done. Learn from it and move on.


Posted 5:28 pm, 11/16/2018

Jury finds former North Wilkes High School custodian not guilty in rape case

A jury in Wilkes Superior Court deliberated just over a half hour late Thursday afternoon before finding a former custodian at North Wilkes High School not guilty of raping a student in November 2016.

Alvis Bruce Calhoun, 64, of 325 Montieth Acres, Hays, was charged with second-degree forcible rape, second-degree forcible sex offense, taking indecent liberties with a student and four counts of committing a sexual act on a student.

Representing Calhoun were attorneys Jay Vannoy and Brandon York of North Wilkesboro and prosecuting for the state was Assistant District Attorney Kisa Posey. Presiding over the week and a half-long trial was Judge Martin McGee of Concord.

After being instructed by McGee on applicable law in the case, jurors retired to the jury room and selected a foreperson. McGee, around 5 p.m., asked jurors if they would like to go home and resume deliberations in the morning. They asked to continue deliberations in an effort to reach a decision and returned to the courtroom about a half hour later with the not guilty verdicts.

Calhoun and his family members “were all in tears” after he was acquitted, Vannoy said. “I’m very happy for Mr. Calhoun and his family. We believed in his innocence all along.”

“We were all very pleased with the verdict, Vannoy said. “I appreciate the jury’s attention. I could tell (jurors) were very attentive.”

The incident occurred Nov. 4, 2016, following a football game at the high school between North and Wilkes Central, according to testimony.

The girl, 17 at the time and a junior at North, testified Tuesday about being raped by Calhoun.

She said she went to the game alone and met friends in a parking lot where people tailgate before football games. She said that she and Nathaniel Godfrey left before the game and obtained some 4 Loko malt beverages. Several witnesses testified that this brand has a very high alcohol content.

Godfrey testified that he and the girl also purchased marijuana and smoked it.

She said she became highly intoxicated through the evening as she, Godfrey and two other boys rode around and drank. The girl noted that she hadn’t eaten anything that day.

Around midnight, the boys dropped her off in front of the school, saying they couldn’t take her home. She said she saw Calhoun’s pickup in the parking lot and approached him.

The girl said she was so intoxicated that she had trouble walking and was vomiting. “I felt wobbly and I felt sick,” she said.

Calhoun offered to give her a ride, she said. The girl asked to use his cell phone to call someone to pick her up, but he said he didn’t have any service at the school.

After giving her his jacket, Calhoun helped the girl into his truck. She said she vomited before they got out of the parking lot. “My eyes were kind of opening and shutting,” she said. “I couldn’t move.”

The girl said she could feel that Calhoun was driving in the opposite direction of her home, and that he eventually turned onto a gravel road and stopped.

She said Calhoun molested her with his hand before getting out and walking around to her side. The girl said Calhoun then pulled her pants down and raped her.

“I couldn’t do anything to stop him. I was so wasted,” she said.

“It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me,” the girl testified. Sobbing on the witness stand, she said, “I’ve never been so embarrassed.”

Calhoun, who had been a janitor at North for three years, told her, “I’ve been wanting to do this ever since I first met you,” the girl said.

On the way to her home, Calhoun “said he’d had a really good time,” she said. “He kept telling me I was beautiful,” and also said she shouldn’t tell anyone about what had happened.

The girl said she dropped out of school after being raped because she couldn’t bear to see Calhoun there.

Jason Llewellyn, principal of C.B. Eller Elementary School and, at that time, assistant principal at North, said he was approached by the girl on the night of Jan. 14, 2017, while he was working at a basketball game at the high school. He was told by the girl that she had been raped by a custodian named Bruce and that this was the reason she had quit school.

Llewellyn contacted Wilkes Superintendent of Schools Mark Byrd about this situation and then informed authorities. The girl and Calhoun were interviewed before he was charged. Calhoun was fired from his job at North after being charged, Vannoy said.

Det. Jason Adams of the Wilkes Sheriff’s Office testified earlier in the trial that Calhoun admitted “messing with her” and said he shouldn’t have done it.

On the day of his arrest, Calhoun told the detective that he was afraid of losing his 38-year marriage and felt suicidal.

Calhoun, testifying Wednesday in his own defense, said no one was left at the high school on the night of the football game when the girl approached him. He said he didn’t smell alcohol on her and that she didn’t appear intoxicated. He said that she did say she was nauseous and appeared to vomit.

“I asked her why a pretty girl like her would come to school without a ride,” Calhoun said. He said the girl responded that she “had issues.”

He said the girl told him to turn right out of the high school’s parking lot and not left toward her home. He said he stopped at Grissel Tail Road after she said they were going the wrong direction.

Calhoun said the girl opened the passenger’s side door and appeared to vomit. Afraid she was going fall out, he walked around to that side of the truck.

He said that by the time he walked around the girl had pulled her pants and underwear down and was “giggling.”

“I rubbed her on the belly. I said, ‘Babe, this is not happening,” Calhoun testified.

He said that after the girl pulled her pants up, he drove her home. Calhoun said the girl’s father asked who he was and he explained that he was a janitor at North and that she had asked for a ride home.

Calhoun denied raping or molesting the girl.


Posted 10:05 pm, 11/12/2018

but yet you feel you are qualified to question their decisions based solely on a J-P article

I feel like I am qualified to read a quote, yes.

Charges were filed after interviews were conducted by detectives with the sheriff’s office.

Posey and Vannoy both conceded to the jury that the case boiled down to the girl’s word against Calhoun’s.

Oh and one more thing, testimony from the victim would not be considered circumstantial evidence it would be considered testimonial evidence.



Posted 9:56 pm, 11/12/2018

Talk about snide cooments, however you are correct in that I don’t know who you are but I’m willing to wager that you are neither the District Attorney, nor the ADA who is prosecuting this case, or the investigating detective; but yet you feel you are qualified to question their decisions based solely on a J-P article. Oh and one more thing, testimony from the victim would not be considered circumstantial evidence it would be considered testimonial evidence.


Posted 7:19 pm, 11/12/2018

I’ll defer the decision to prosecute to the cops and DA, that’s their job, if you disagree with them then get a law degree and run for DA then you can make those decisions.

You don't know me or anything about me, Cowboy, so you're welcome to keep your ignorant and snide comments to yourself.

Regardless, when the Assistant DA tells the jury that this is a case of her word against his, then they're clearly asking the jury to prosecute based on circumstantial evidence. And we all know that whether he's found guilty or innocent, the accusation alone will hurt him for the rest of his life.


Posted 10:46 am, 11/12/2018

JP article January 2017 said 2 counts against Alvis.


Posted 11:38 pm, 11/11/2018

I’ll defer the decision to prosecute to the cops and DA, that’s their job, if you disagree with them then get a law degree and run for DA then you can make those decisions.
If Ford had reported it to law enforcement when it happened and if after an investigation the cops and DA felt that prosecution was warranted, you dog gone right; but that ain’t what happened in that case now is it.


Posted 10:56 pm, 11/11/2018

According to the JP, the assistant DA "conceded to the jury that the case boiled down to the girl’s word against Calhoun’s."

In a twist of hypocrisy, now you're the one arguing that Kavanaugh should have gone to trial?


Posted 10:44 pm, 11/11/2018

Apparently the DA feels like the evidence is strong enough to warrant prosecution. And a trial by ones peers is the bedrock of our judical system.


Posted 9:49 pm, 11/11/2018

Funny how I didn’t have call you out by name for you to chime in

I'm sorry, was I expected to read your mind and just stop replying to the topic?

going back to the Kavanaugh hearings we were constantly told that we had to always believe the woman no matter what, even if she waits 33 years to report it, but here we have a teenager who reported an alleged sexual assault to law enforcement which investigated and apparently they and the DA’s felt there was enough evidence to file charges and prosecute the alleged perpetrator, and your statements are full of “if’s”. You are a hypocrite.

You didn't call me out by name, but I'm going to assume that you're talking to me here.

Can you find a single time where I said anything like that? No? Then you're a liar.

In fact, had you bothered to do even 5 seconds of research, you would find several times in the past where I've condemned women for making false allegations.

Regardless, you clearly have no understanding at all about what the MeToo movement is about. Read this:

The phrase is “believe women”�"meaning, don’t assume women as a gender are especially deceptive or vindictive, and recognize that false allegations are less common than real ones. And, as a matter of fact, neither of those phrases is the actual rallying cry of the current moment. That slogan is #MeToo�"which is, itself, a reference to a verification tactic.

In this case, sure, her accusation warrants an investigation. But the problem is this:

Charges were filed after interviews were conducted by detectives with the sheriff’s office.

Posey and Vannoy both conceded to the jury that the case boiled down to the girl’s word against Calhoun’s.

So they did an investigation, found no physical evidence, but still decided to file criminal charges based exclusively on the testimony of the teenager that was black out drunk at the time.

And now the man is facing a criminal trial by jury.

Are you not bothered by that? After all, the majority of the county (including you, Cowboy) seemed to believe that a woman accusing a man of rape doesn't even warrant an investigation.


Posted 9:13 pm, 11/11/2018

Ever bother to think that maybe Calhoun confessed.


Posted 9:13 pm, 11/11/2018

Funny how I didn’t have call you out by name for you to chime in, but going back to the Kavanaugh hearings we were constantly told that we had to always believe the woman no matter what, even if she waits 33 years to report it, but here we have a teenager who reported an alleged sexual assault to law enforcement which investigated and apparently they and the DA’s felt there was enough evidence to file charges and prosecute the alleged perpetrator, and your statements are full of “if’s”. You are a hypocrite.


Posted 8:59 pm, 11/11/2018

Don't be a fool, Cowboy. As I said, the Kavanaugh investigation was to determine whether he was qualified to be appointed to the Supreme Court. This is a criminal investigation to determine whether the janitor should spend the rest of his life in prison.

The ignorance of Republicans knows no limits.

Also in NC isn’t Sex between a student and school personnel a Felony even if the sex was consensual.

Yes, if it happened then I believe it would be a felony, regardless of her age. But so far there's no proof that it happened, or that any rape at all happened.


Posted 8:51 pm, 11/11/2018

It is just like Blasey-Ford, except it was reported to law enforcement when it happened and not 33 years later. Just like Blasey-Ford except an investigation was conducted by law enforcement.

Also in NC isn’t Sex between a student and school personnel a Felony even if the sex was consensual.

I love liberals, their hypocrisy knows no limits.


Posted 8:29 pm, 11/11/2018

Except that this man is facing criminal charges. The Kavanaugh investigation was just to determine whether he was qualified for a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court.

Ole Sarge

Posted 8:15 pm, 11/11/2018

To be honest this sounds a lot like the Christine Blasey Ford replay.


Posted 8:06 pm, 11/11/2018

I honestly don't know why the word "rape" even came to anyone's mind. She was drunk to the point of puking and blacking out, so she has no idea what happened after that.

She might have had consensual sex with one of the guys she was drinking with. Or with all 3 of them for all she knows.

And she might have also had sex with the janitor.

Or she might not have had sex at all.

Joseph T.

Posted 10:44 am, 11/10/2018

Or maybe the 3 males she left and got drunk with raped her and that's why they dumped her off and didn't take her home. Also since she broke the law was she charged with underage drinking and did she lose her DL.

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