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BREAKING NEWS! NC Gop saves us from slow drivers in the left lane


Posted 11:08 am, 03/22/2017

You just tailgate the person, flash your lights, and shot them the "finger" when they finally get over.

I'm joking I'm joking.... I'd never flash my lights I'd honk my horn.

Mad Scientist

Posted 9:52 am, 03/22/2017

Pooper will veto it.


Posted 7:58 am, 03/22/2017

I think that it is an education issue. I don't think that many people really understand and often do not have the common courtesy to share the road with others. For instance, how many times are we driving in the left hand lane because we are going faster than those on the right only to have another vehicle switch to the right lane to try to pass there instead of waiting until the traffic in front of them had time to clear the traffic to the right and then switch to the right lane to allow the individual to pass? Many times, people switch to and subsequently pass on the right hand in anticipation of existing traffic as opposed to because of existing traffic. I guess the point is that, regardless of our speed and the surrounding traffic, too many of us are, too often, ****s on the roadway.


Posted 7:57 am, 03/22/2017

When listening to "it's my left lane, by God!" explanations, I just mention keeping to the right helps avoid the deadly head-on collisions with the got on the wrong entrance ramp/wrong way drivers. If I maintain eye contact, I see the wheels spinning. Unless the wrong way driver is a left lane hog, but more people keep right. Now silver haired, I keep repeating, median on the left, median on the steering wheel side.

If you are in the left lane, and glance left to a shoulder and a long range view and keep driving, you definitely shouldn't be.

Keeping to the right also seems safer to me as the left laners might take the first hit from a median jumper and there is more escape room generally to the right.

After many years hanging with the speeders, I still remember the daily grind, and try to stay out of the way now that I'm old and non-productive.


Posted 6:18 pm, 03/21/2017

I drive more in a week than most do in a month and I don't see anyone who is obeying the speed limit getting slowed up by a driver in the fast lane. On rare occasions a heavily loaded truck may have a few vehicles slowed up when going up a hill. This is another stupid law that has no real merit.


Posted 6:10 pm, 03/21/2017

I will speed to a reasonble degree to flow with the traffic, however the best thing to do is to take the next exit and let those idiots go on.


Posted 1:54 pm, 03/21/2017

It is usually someone with their hands at 10 and 2, seat under the stirring wheel, and they are starring straight out. And more often than not, if you ask the person why they are sitting in the left lane it is because they are not comfortable changing lanes and/or they don't use their mirrors properly.


Posted 7:37 am, 03/21/2017

The way it's written it appears that if everyone in the left lane is speeding it's OK because it's "the flow of traffic." What's wrong with just passing on the right if someone is going slower than you in the left lane?


Posted 1:25 am, 03/21/2017

I was hoping they would get me to pull over but the turned left. My actions were in the wrong but that horn pushed me to far.

I posted they turned left but I meant to say they turned right on the back road that goes by the DMV. I was watching TV while typing. I had to make up some excuse for I am perfect in every way.


Posted 1:15 am, 03/21/2017

Crypt (view profile)

Posted 12:47 am, 03/21/2017

People, we have too many laws. Any laws requiring a lawyer to interpret their meaning should be simplified or abolished. We have too many fools making rules and too many fools following them.

You are right about to many laws but in this All About Me Me Me generation we needs some laws about people being selfish and inconsiderate towards others. There is something wrong in peoples head when they know you are going faster than they want to go but they do not want you to be able to pass them. Some of them are attention wh*res and if they are holding you up they know for a period of time in your life your attention is on them. You can tell everything about a person by not what they drive but how they drive it and we have some sick disturbed people around us so we need laws protecting us from them.


Posted 1:06 am, 03/21/2017

right on shagbag


Posted 1:03 am, 03/21/2017

Jr88 (view profile)

Posted 11:09 pm, 03/20/2017

Everyone already knows that the left lane is the fast lane and they can pass all the laws they want and people will still use it. Plus most people that uses the left lane is speeding, including my self so you're damed if you do and damed if you don't.

I'm not so sure everyone knows what the left lane is for on freeways interstates and three lane sections of the highway on steep grades. I've had coworkers argue that the left lane is not for passing only. If a driver is traveling on 421 from Winston Salem toward Boone they are suppose to stay in the right lane regardless of their speed until they get to the Yadkin river bridge. Many people will argue different but they get tripped up when asked if they are right why is there a sign stating (End of Freeway) Traffic can only access a freeway and interstate via access ramps on the right side of the road so inbound traffic is unimpeded. If a vehicle rides in the left lane when not passing another motorist they are interfering with how the highway was designed for use.
I hate driving because of other motorist. Today around 6pm I was going to Taylorsville on highway 16 where it's a four lane road traveling in the right lane passing a white SUV that was in the left lane. "Side note FWIW this stretch of four lane road would not fall under Senate Bill 303 because traffic can turn left" When my front bumper was at their front door they decided to change lanes forcing me to swerve across the solid white line before they realized I was beside them. The whole time I never slowed down so by the time they got back into the left lane I was already past them so they changed lanes then started blowing their horn like I did something wrong. It didn't make me mad until they honked their horn. Maybe they gave a turn signal but if so I was already beside them so I never saw it. If they did signal that little flashing light does not magically give them the right of way. I was five car lengths ahead so I hit my brakes just enough to get their attention without reducing speed then gave them the finger out the drivers window I was hoping they would get me to pull over but the turned left. My actions were in the wrong but that horn pushed me to far.


Posted 12:53 am, 03/21/2017

I think it is a good bill. If you are speeding, shame on you.

But if someone speedier pulls up behind you, get into the right lane. After they go by, move your pokey speeding butt back into the left lane.

I have flicked my lights up and down on way too many peeps just creeping along or thinking, well you can just wait, I am speeding already.

Let us by and let us get our speeding ticket for crying out loud.


Posted 12:47 am, 03/21/2017

People, we have too many laws. Any laws requiring a lawyer to interpret their meaning should be simplified or abolished. We have too many fools making rules and too many fools following them.


Posted 11:09 pm, 03/20/2017

Everyone already knows that the left lane is the fast lane and they can pass all the laws they want and people will still use it. Plus most people that uses the left lane is speeding, including my self so you're damed if you do and damed if you don't.


Posted 9:27 pm, 03/20/2017

This law is a good law.


Posted 9:22 pm, 03/20/2017

All those folks on 268 east and Hays area will have to Retake Drivers Ed. To know what lane to use.

Mad Scientist

Posted 7:27 pm, 03/20/2017

Pooper will veto it.


Posted 7:25 pm, 03/20/2017

I wish they'd pass a law that bans moped.


Posted 7:10 pm, 03/20/2017

The GOP should pass a law banning the GOP from passing laws. Now that would be useful,

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