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Border agent facing criminal charges called migrants 'murdering savages' in texts


Posted 4:30 pm, 05/21/2019

And your a smart mouth **** who thinks he knows it all.

News flash: you don't.

You have your opinion and I and much of America has theirs.
I'll leave it at that.

Hope you have a good day ****.


Posted 3:43 pm, 05/21/2019

he was hired in 2008 and his vitriol pre-dates Trump

You haven't cleared up anything except that you are a liar


Posted 3:18 pm, 05/21/2019

He is giving nut bags a green light to act.


Posted 3:11 pm, 05/21/2019

Let me clear it up for you chen.

I pretty sure he mentioned Trump in a text. Let me see. Oh yea here is is.

In one text to agent Lonnie Swartz, Bowen wrote, “mindless, murdering savages. PLEASE let us take the gloves off trump!”

You got that part right?

Now see if you get this one.

a nationwide review conducted by ABC News has identified at least 17 criminal cases where Trump's name was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault.


Posted 1:09 pm, 05/21/2019

“intent on committing this civil rights crime

I like these words also, they invoke high tension. For the fun of it, look up what civil rights are. And what they are meant for. Then look at how the words are used in the cut and past post.


Posted 12:54 pm, 05/21/2019

"I don't have any evidence that this **** did this because of trump"

'nuff said,


Posted 12:44 pm, 05/21/2019

You started this thread with;

"Just another example of trump inciting violence."

You further stated;

" "it sure looks like maybe he never would have thought of it had he not had the president of the united states of America behaving and condoning this behavior."

Do you even understand what words mean, let alone how to string them together into a cohesive sentence?


Posted 10:50 am, 05/21/2019

I think this is what I said if you like re read it.

Now with that being said no I don't have any evidence that this **** did this because of trump

Here's something you can take a look at.

No Blame'? ABC News finds 17 cases invoking 'Trump' in connection with violence, threats or alleged assaults
Trump has repeatedly refused to accept any responsibility for inciting violence in American communities, dismissing critics who have pointed to his rhetoric as a potential source of inspiration for some citizens acting on bigoted beliefs.

Little more than a week ago, he insisted he deserves "no blame" for what he called the "hatred" seemingly coursing through parts of the country, and outside of the White House on Friday, Trump accused news outlets of fomenting the very violence they've been asking him about.

But a nationwide review conducted by ABC News has identified at least 17 criminal cases where Trump's name was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault.

The perpetrators and suspects identified in the 17 cases are mostly white men, as young as teenagers and as old as 68, while the victims represent an array of minority groups -- African-Americans, Latinos, Muslims and gay men.

Federal law enforcement authorities have privately told ABC News they worry that -- even with Trump's public denunciations of violence -- Trump's style could inspire violence-prone individuals to take action against minorities or others they perceive to be against the president's agenda.

Here are couple you have to read the rest

AUG. 19, 2015: In Boston, after he and his brother beat a sleeping homeless man of Mexican descent with a metal pole, Steven Leader, 30, told police "Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported." The victim, however, was not in the United States illegally. The brothers, who are white, ultimately pleaded guilty to several assault-related charges and were each sentenced to at least two years in prison.

APRIL 28, 2016: When FBI agents arrested 61-year-old John Martin Roos in White City, Oregon, for threatening federal officials, including then-President Barack Obama, they found several pipe bombs and guns in his home. In the three months before his arrest, Roos posted at least 34 messages to Twitter about Trump, repeatedly threatening African Americans, Muslims, Mexican immigrants and the "liberal media,"

JUNE 3, 2016: After 54-year-old Henry Slapnik attacked his African-American neighbors with a knife in Cleveland, he told police "Donald Trump will fix them because they are scared of Donald Trump," according to police reports.


Posted 9:15 am, 05/21/2019

...I am not arguing politics. Nor am I defending anyone... I believe in precision and accuracy. I will repeat my point;

You know nothing about this guy's predilection for violence and racism. You are SOOO convinced that he was an altar boy/boy scout before?

You have no authority to state how he was until Trump came along.

I am even willing to agree that Trump has/does incite violence. But you cannot say how this has impacted the agent.

I am willing to bet that he has a past history of violence or racism. For you to arbitrarily attribute his actions and words to Trump is partisanship. I don't even like Trump. But GAWD, I hate knee-jerk dim witted posters who always try to spin events to support their myopic world view even more.

Learn to think critically, .


Posted 8:43 am, 05/21/2019

Funny how you hardly ever see chendo on a political thread unless he comes to the defense of fins.

That's O.K. boys.
To incite violence defined..

To incite is to cause to act or occur. Violent words can incite violent actions which, in turn, might incite public outcry against violence.

Trump has repeatedly and not-subtly suggested his supporters could be violent �" sometimes in an approving manner. And there’s a common thread running through much of it: Again and again, Trump has suggested they could rise up if they feel either they or Trump have been wronged by the political process.

There are several examples. The most well-worn was when Trump suggested during the 2016 campaign that “Second Amendment people” could stop a President Hillary Clinton from installing liberal judges.

At a weekend rally, President Trump launched a riff that, even by the feverish standards of his closing campaign argument, stands out for its brutal authoritarian overtones. The president mocked Antifa demonstrators: “You see these little arms, these little arms,” he shouted, forming his fingers into tiny circles to illustrate their puny biceps. And then he invited his supporters to imagine these weaklings having to fight against Trump’s own militant cadres. “Where are the Bikers for Trump? Where are the police? Where are the military? Where are �" ICE? Where are the border patrol?

This is a revealing setpiece of authoritarian theater. There is, first of all, the evocation of strength as a moral signifier. Trump’s people are strong and good, and his opponents weak and bad, a classically fascist ethos. Second, he conflates his private political militia, “Bikers for Trump,” with government agencies that are not supposed to operate as a political arm of the president (police, military, ICE.) Trump, of course, has always believed the government’s law enforcement apparatus should be at his personal command, and has in fact deployed the military to the border for the benefit of his party’s campaign messaging.

Third, as he has done throughout his presidency, he also conflates Antifa (the miniscule faction operating totally outside of, and frequently at odds with the Democratic Party) with the opposition as a whole. “If the radical resistance �" and that’s what they are, radical resistance �" they will move immediately to reverse America’s progress.” The term “radical resistance” treats the political opposition writ large as a dangerous, violent, and essentially illegal movement.

Wrestling grandpa1

Posted 8:22 am, 05/21/2019

Aficionado. .that's right skirt the issue...this agent needs to be prosecuted for his action...a badge is not justification for thid..I have members of my family who have served on these position..and will hold any agent who goes rogue..accountable..denial is no excuse to back this agent...the law is the law for everyone...


Posted 8:20 am, 05/21/2019

We don't know the border agent's state of mind or home life, that's true. So maybe the President should watch the words he using when addressing their particular job and what they should do. His followers tend to be easily led.


Posted 8:10 am, 05/21/2019

so now ol smonk is against the first amendment.

There is differences in the words. I would like to punch some one, versus I am going to punch some one.

Do you get it.

I would like to have a steak today, viruses. I am going to go get a steak today.


Posted 11:07 pm, 05/20/2019

"it sure looks like maybe he never would have thought of it had he not had the president of the united states of America behaving and condoning this behavior."
You know absolutely nothing of this guy's life before this incident, and his predisposition to violence and abuse of power/authority. How can you make this statement?


Posted 10:54 pm, 05/20/2019

Trumpers can't take the truth.


Posted 9:47 pm, 05/20/2019

You keep doing the same work out song and dance. There’s no evidence that the guy’s actions had anything to do with anything Trump said or did. So you are a liar.


Posted 9:39 pm, 05/20/2019

How is it fins that you think I'm a liar?

To incite violence defined..

To incite is to cause to act or occur. Violent words can incite violent actions which, in turn, might incite public outcry against violence.

Incite comes from a Latin verb meaning "to move into action" and if you incite someone to do something, that is exactly how to describe it. Usually it is used in a negative context. Radical and intolerant teachings can incite hatred in those who listen

Trump examples:

“I’d like to punch him in the face”

Trump said this in front of a crowd of supporters, after a protester was removed from one of his rallies in Las Vegas on 23 February 2016.

“Part of the problem is no one wants to hurt each other anymore”

Trump said something very close to this at a tense rally in St. Louis, Missouri in March 2016.
I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will”
Trump said this on 11 August 2015, when asked at a press conference in Birch Run, Michigan whether he would ever yield the stage to a protester at one of his events.

The audience hit back. That’s what we need a little bit more of”
Trump said this at a press conference in Palm Beach, Florida on 11 March 2016. He was referring to the Las Vegas incident weeks earlier, after which he mused that he would like to have punched a protester in the face.

If you do (hurt him), I’ll defend you in court, don’t worry about it” Trump said this during another rally in March 2016, this time at Macomb County Community College in Warren, Michigan.

“I’ll beat the crap out of you”

At a rally in Kansas City, Missouri on 12 March 2016, Trump riffed on an incident earlier in the day in Dayton, Ohio, when a protester attempted to storm the stage he was on, before being dragged away by Secret Service agents.
Reflecting on the dramatic earlier incident, the candidate said, “He got over this railing … tries to make a rush at me �" I was ready, I don’t know if I would’ve done well but I would’ve been out there fighting, folks. I don’t know if I would’ve done well, but I would’ve been ‘boom boom boom, I’ll beat the [crap out of you].”
On the words “boom boom boom
I could do this all night but I think yo get it.
Now with that being said no I don't have any evidence that this **** did this because of trump but it sure looks like maybe he never would have thought of it had he not had the president of the united states of America behaving and condoning this behavior.

A roar rose from the crowd of thousands of Trump supporters in Panama City Beach on Wednesday night, as President Trump noted yet again that Border Patrol agents can’t use weapons to deter migrants. “How do you stop these people?” he asked.

“Shoot them!” someone yelled from the crowd, according to reporters on the scene and attendees.

The audience cheered. Supporters seated behind Trump and clad in white baseball caps bearing the letters “USA” laughed and applauded.

“That’s only in the Panhandle you can get away with that statement,” Trump replied, smiling and shaking his head. “Only in the Panhandle.”

Though Trump didn’t explicitly endorse the suggestion to shoot migrants, his joking response raised concerns that he was tacitly encouraging extrajudicial killings and brutality against asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants. The president has long been accused of endorsing acts of violence through his incendiary rhetoric and allusions to the potential for violence at his rallies,


Posted 8:38 pm, 05/20/2019

If this guy is found guilty, it’ll be interesting to see if Drumpf pardons him. I wonder what the odds are?


Posted 7:23 pm, 05/20/2019

You have no evidence that Trump had anything to do with this guy’s texts. You are a liar


Posted 6:24 pm, 05/20/2019

Just another example of trump inciting violence

An Arizona Border Patrol agent, facing criminal charges for hitting a migrant with a truck, sent text messages in which he referred to immigrants as “mindless, murdering savages.”

The use of such words is commonplace in the Tucson, Arizona sector, the agent’s attorney said in court documents, although he’s backpedaling from that statement.

Prosecutors obtained the texts that Matthew Bowen, 39, sent to other agents through a subpoena of phone records. The content of the text messages was first reported by the Arizona Daily Star.

The prosecutors wrote in a court document that Bowen’s text messages speak to his state of mind and his “intent on committing this civil rights crime.” They further stated the texts show “his subsequent effort to cover up his crime.”

In one text to agent Lonnie Swartz, Bowen wrote, “mindless, murdering savages. PLEASE let us take the gloves off trump!”

Swartz was tried and acquitted on charges of murder and involuntary manslaughter in the 2012 shooting death of Jose Antonio Rodríguez. Swartz has since returned to work for the agency, said Art Del Cueto, national vice president of the Border Patrol Council, the union that represents border agents.

Another agent sent a text to Bowen that said, “Did you gas hiscorpse or just use regular peanut oil while tazing?? For a frying effect.”

Bowen said in response, “Guats are best made crispy with olive oil from their native pais.” País is the word in Spanish for country, and Guats refers to people from Guatemala.


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