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Booming economy, Money in my pocket


Posted 10:44 pm, 09/25/2018

For example, 788 amendments were submitted during the ACA’s markup in the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee (HELP). Three quarters of them were filed by the committee’s Republican members, according to John McDonough in his book Inside National Health Reform. Of those, 161 were adopted in whole or revised form.

You didn't lose coverage due to the family glitch before it was passed, so you were impacted by the literal hundreds of amendments made by Congress.


Posted 10:30 pm, 09/25/2018


The problem comes with how Congress finally approved ACA. In order to get the Republican votes they needed, they agreed to give the states the option to opt out of the Medicaid Expansion, and of course Republican-led states opted out:

Zero Republicans voted for the ACA ,and the family glitch was in it from the beginning and on purpose by the dems. I know I had to deal with it and my family lost their affordable coverage because of it.

The Supreme Court ruled that Obama and congress could not force states to expand medicaid.


Posted 10:07 pm, 09/25/2018

Anti, actually I'm making about 20% more thank you and that's not counting my tax break.

That's really awesome, Tilly, congratulations! I haven't heard of any jobs giving a 20% raise over the last 2 years, so I would say that you're in a very unique and enviable position! On average, wages have increased at a lower rate than inflation, so most people are making less after inflation adjustments.

Not to change the subject, but I once asked you to explain the Obamacare family glitch to everyone since you are so good at that sort of thing. Never got a response.

Sorry, I don't remember you asking. I usually post during slow periods at work, and we've been pretty busy for the last few months.

The problem comes with how Congress finally approved ACA. In order to get the Republican votes they needed, they agreed to give the states the option to opt out of the Medicaid Expansion, and of course Republican-led states opted out:

This left a hole where the people that needed insurance the most were not eligible for subsidies.

The family glitch specifically refers to a loophole where, if the employee is not eligible for premium subsidies for their individual care, then they are not eligible for subsidies for the entire family.

This glitch didn't exist in the original ACA text, it only came about in the later revisions. Sen. Al Franken actually tried to fix it in 2017 with the Family Coverage Act, but again the Republican Congress has refused to even consider it.


Posted 9:52 pm, 09/25/2018

Anti, actually I'm making about 20% more thank you and that's not counting my tax break.

Not to change the subject, but I once asked you to explain the Obamacare family glitch to everyone since you are so good at that sort of thing. Never got a response.


Posted 9:41 pm, 09/25/2018

I thought this statement would have answered your question.

Oh, OK, sorry JT. I missed that.

This is acceptable, then. We were in the middle of a major recession, nearly a depression, and going through the real estate collapse and market crash. They didn't know what to expect, so it makes sense that they weren't spending.

But that's a reflection on Bush, since Obama wasn't even in office yet.

I wonder how that continued during his administration?

I have noticed the feminine way you go about your debates, and attacks.

I've never attacked you, 1047, but I'll happily call you out on your BS.

Glad you finally noticed that I'm a woman! I've only been telling you that for several years

Easily, I am curious why so few of the demo_rats on here will not answer the question.

Without pulling any statistics or news articles, based on local businesses that I regularly deal with, I have yet to run across anyone who is not doing better. This includes 2 local large scale business the depend heavily on imports that are forecasting recorded profits this year. 1 manufacturing building materials and has orders backed up for almost the next year.

Umm, I don't see where you asked any questions, or where you've said anything in this thread that wasn't answered?

Just a few weeks ago, several local businesses were interviewed in the JP who reported having major problems because of Trump:

At least 2 of those businesses are long-term Republican supporters, but I suspect that they all are.

Tilly, I asked you a question at 9:16, I'm really curious about the answer...


Posted 9:31 pm, 09/25/2018

littlewoman, I happen to work a job that requires a federal back ground check. Guess you draw a gubberment check right?


Posted 9:31 pm, 09/25/2018

Jimmy is just mad because his well fare check went down


Posted 9:29 pm, 09/25/2018

1047, I have noticed that you simply like to talk, babble, and say anything to get in the last word. You can't even stay on topic, or make sense. Just babble. babble. babble babble. Looking for attention?


Posted 9:29 pm, 09/25/2018

Small man,

Are you doing better than you were in 2016?


Posted 9:27 pm, 09/25/2018

Cite your sources, otherwise it's rumor and speculation.


Posted 9:24 pm, 09/25/2018

Easily, I am curious why so few of the demo_rats on here will not answer the question.

Without pulling any statistics or news articles, based on local businesses that I regularly deal with, I have yet to run across anyone who is not doing better. This includes 2 local large scale business the depend heavily on imports that are forecasting recorded profits this year. 1 manufacturing building materials and has orders backed up for almost the next year.


Posted 9:24 pm, 09/25/2018

Tilly22 (view profile)

Posted 9:13 pm, 09/25/2018

I'm making more money now than under Obama. Same job too.

Yeah, and that job will get you 5-10 if caught and convicted of dealing.


Posted 9:21 pm, 09/25/2018

antithesis (view profile)

Posted 8:57 pm, 09/25/2018

First, I'll just say this... I think that 1047 is full of bologna. I doubt they have a company or they would not be making these false statements, and her statement about illegal immigrants was just her way of being racist without being blatant about it. But it backfired, and she doesn't know how to fix it.
I have noticed the feminine way you go about your debates, and attacks.

Joseph T.

Posted 9:19 pm, 09/25/2018

antithesis (view profile)

Posted 8:57 pm, 09/25/2018

That's an interesting story, JT. What year was that? I could understand the fear in 2009 or even 2010, but by 2015 it was clear that new construction was booming, nearly at a record high! Interest rates were at a near record low, so selling developed property would have been easy, too.

I thought this statement would have answered your question.

I loss count of the number of people I talk to but a lot of them would say they liked it and thought it would do well but that they didn't like the incoming president (Obama) ideas or polices and for that reason they were going to sit on their money instead of invest it.


Posted 9:16 pm, 09/25/2018

Just curious, Tilly, is your increased income higher than the rate of inflation?

Meaning, if you made $50,000 a year in 2016 and inflation has been 3% per year, then making $53,045 a year in 2018 would be the same pay.


Posted 9:13 pm, 09/25/2018

I'm making more money now than under Obama. Same job too.


Posted 9:06 pm, 09/25/2018

Ooookkkk... I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, so feel free to explain...


Posted 9:02 pm, 09/25/2018

U left out a little thing called 911 and its effect on the US economy


Posted 8:57 pm, 09/25/2018

First, I'll just say this... I think that 1047 is full of bologna. I doubt they have a company or they would not be making these false statements, and her statement about illegal immigrants was just her way of being racist without being blatant about it. But it backfired, and she doesn't know how to fix it.

So I'll ignore that, and get back to the topic.

By demo_rat logic:
Economy is doing great = it’s all thanks to the great Obama laying the groundwork
Economy doing bad = it’s all Trumps fault since he’s in office

No, you're trying to oversimplify a complex issue.

The economy began growing in 2009, shortly after Obama took the reins from Bush Jr. You can see that the GDP to debt ratio began to skyrocket around 2008, and then balanced out in 2010. Then it jumped to over 100 again in 2017:

It's obvious to anyone that Bush took the longest economic boom in American history and turned it in to a depression. Obama got us out of that depression, and now Trump is increasing the debt faster than the GDP is growing.

If this continues, we will see another depression within a few years.

Harley Davidson has been seeing declining sales and declining profits long before the tariffs were even thought about but that’s aside from the fact.

Well that's just not true. Their stock was $10.82 in February 2009, and increased steadily to a record high of $70.15 in December 2014. It dropped to $40.44 by the end of January 2016, but then increased again to $60.81 by the end of 2016.

It immediately began to crash after Trump took office:

This obviously has nothing to do with millenials, the change happened specifically in January 2017.

I use to work for a company who specialize in grading for developments...

That's an interesting story, JT. What year was that? I could understand the fear in 2009 or even 2010, but by 2015 it was clear that new construction was booming, nearly at a record high! Interest rates were at a near record low, so selling developed property would have been easy, too.


Posted 8:26 pm, 09/25/2018

1goddess (view profile)

Posted 5:58 pm, 09/25/2018

continuing to sin after salvation is what...hypocritical...you are putting your salvation in jeopardy
So you confess that you believe that I am Saved?

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