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Black Americans think Ferguson cop should be convicted of murdering Michael Brown


Posted 5:04 pm, 08/20/2014

I Remember all the Same Liberals on here crying and moaning about how the little tray tray martin was so innocent and we all know how that worked out poor little tray tray was such a nice boy


Posted 4:29 pm, 08/20/2014

arkton26 (view profile)

And white Americans are showering money on him at gofundit. Over $70,000 last I looked. I'm gonna donate, just considering how much. More if he is persecuted... I mean prosecuted.

Oh, he will be persecuted, the Ultra Lib-Turds will see to that.


Posted 4:28 pm, 08/20/2014

Honestly, this whole case is a cluster ****.

Glad I'm not responsible for digging for the truth. Emotions run deep with this one, and both sides have fairly convincing arguments.


Posted 4:24 pm, 08/20/2014

And white Americans are showering money on him at gofundit. Over $70,000 last I looked. I'm gonna donate, just considering how much. More if he is persecuted... I mean prosecuted.


Posted 9:11 pm, 08/19/2014

Like2Laugh (view profile)

Posted 8:29 pm, 08/19/2014

I had a conversation with two co-workers today, both of which are black and I didn't bring up this topic since it is such a sensitive subject, but I was surprised at what they offered about the subject. Their thoughts and opinions were not that this is a situation of racism, but that people need to listen to cops and not be defiant when approached. One said if the cop told him to get out of the road he should have listened and the situation would have never been escalated. The other lady said she would not be renewing her NAACP membership because of the many emails she was getting that made it blatant that all they were trying to do is create hate and divide people. I agreed with everything they said and it was nice to hear people discuss this matter logically

The sad part is the two people you were privileged to listen to will have their level headed views drowned out by fear monger's. It is good to know that not everyone is drunk on the koolaid their leaders are pouring to their people. The NAACP was a great thing for the Civil Rights of the African American people but it has been hijacked by some of their so-called leaders for their personal gain. I got my opinion from some of the older African American people that lived and suffered the injustices of the 50s and 60s. Telling me about were we work they remembered when they had to go into the woods to go to the bathroom. They had to use a garden hose outside the mill to fill their water jar because they could not use the water fountains in the plant.


Posted 8:42 pm, 08/19/2014

You nailed it Shagbag. Without controversy, these organizations would have no need for existence.


Posted 8:40 pm, 08/19/2014

African Americans do not all think the same just like not all whites think the same thing. The sad part is there are people looking to make trouble when some tragedy happens for personal gains. I have always felt African Americans have all to often been used by their own leaders. It is not hard to figure out which leaders I am talking about.


Posted 8:29 pm, 08/19/2014

I had a conversation with two co-workers today, both of which are black and I didn't bring up this topic since it is such a sensitive subject, but I was surprised at what they offered about the subject. Their thoughts and opinions were not that this is a situation of racism, but that people need to listen to cops and not be defiant when approached. One said if the cop told him to get out of the road he should have listened and the situation would have never been escalated. The other lady said she would not be renewing her NAACP membership because of the many emails she was getting that made it blatant that all they were trying to do is create hate and divide people. I agreed with everything they said and it was nice to hear people discuss this matter logically.


Posted 7:41 pm, 08/19/2014

White Americans are more likely to think the subsequent riots have been carried out by opportunists rather than because of anger

When I read this I think back to Hurricane Katrina were we watched mostly black people looting stores and shooting at the Coast Guard so they could keep stealing. It was so sad to see this happen instead of these people walking north out of the city to escape the flood. They was afraid if they left they would miss out on the government handout that they knew was coming. We all remember what they done with the FEMA money for it was all over the news. It is not right to judge a group of people by what we saw on the news and most people call anyone that made these conclusions racist but it was hard to not think that way because of what we witnessed on T.V.


Posted 7:25 pm, 08/19/2014

One thing you left out, Whack, what do white Americans think about the cop shooting the man?


Posted 7:24 pm, 08/19/2014

When any group riots over an issue it diminishes the message the group is trying to make. Protest are a positive action and this country was built on the right to protest against injustices committed by one group towards another. A perfect example was the sit-ins the African Americans held during the Civil Rights Movements of the 50's and 60's. http://www.watson.org/~lisa...t-ins.html

The basic plan of the sit-ins was that a group of students would go to a lunch counter and ask to be served. If they were, they'd move on to the next lunch counter. If they were not, they would not move until they had been. If they were arrested, a new group would take their place. The students always remained nonviolent and respectful. Students in Nashville had some "Do's" and "Don'ts" during sit-ins:

Do show yourself friendly on the counter at all times. Do sit straight and always face the counter. Don't strike back, or curse back if attacked. Don't laugh out. Don't hold conversations. Don't block entrances.

By their nonviolent protest they changed the course of history for not only the African American people but the nation as a whole. The study is right because I am white and I have not followed this story. I think that the African American people need to look in their past to see what worked and causes more harm than good i.e.. The 92 L.A. riots that to many people in America epically white people overshadowed the beating of Rodney Glen King III


The acquittals are generally considered to have triggered the 1992 Los Angeles riots, in which 53 people were killed and over 2,000 were injured, ending only when the military was called in.

I am not saying the cops were in the right. What I am saying these riots are hurting their cause and the black leaders like Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson need to step in and lead their people in the right way to protest this tragedy so the victims death will not be in vain.


Posted 7:20 pm, 08/19/2014

The cop would have already been arrested. Think about it eyewitnesses say they saw him shoot the guy while he had his hands up. In fact so far the only testimony to the contrary comes from the cop indirectly friends ect relating the claim.


Posted 6:49 pm, 08/19/2014

What if the kid that died was white and the cop that shot was black?

Whack a Mole

Posted 6:48 pm, 08/19/2014

More than half of black Americans think Ferguson cop should be convicted of murdering Michael Brown - compared to just 17 per cent of white Americans

There is a stark difference in attitudes of white and black Americans towards the Michael Brown case, a survey has shown

Black Americans are more likely to think cop Darren Wilson should be found guilty of shooting dead the unarmed teenager

White Americans are more likely to think the subsequent riots have been carried out by opportunists rather than because of anger

Black Americans have also been following the case more closely than white Americans, according to the results from Rasmussen


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