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Bill Sexton should say if he is against animal abuse or not

interesting fact

Posted 10:02 pm, 03/29/2024

That got him quiet.


Posted 9:06 pm, 03/28/2024

Tell us how we are ignorant Mtn Guy? Im assuming by your tag your with Austin FD.


Posted 8:58 pm, 03/28/2024

Dear lord more ignorance 🙄


Posted 8:47 pm, 03/28/2024

Again, simple conflict of interest. He should step down as the fire commissioner or resign at Mtn View FD.


Posted 6:44 pm, 03/28/2024

Bill Sexton is not a good leader. He is not a leader at all. He follows

interesting fact

Posted 6:16 pm, 03/28/2024

I think the question for Sexton is : will you continue to support an individual that in his own words admitted to be involved in the illegal world of dog fighting by raising and fighting dogs for money?


Posted 6:12 pm, 03/28/2024

Bill Sexton simply does what Stoney Greene the alleged dog fighter tells him to do?

Does Bill support animal abuse?

interesting fact

Posted 12:43 am, 03/28/2024

I would ask if you have ever attended or watched their meeting? Do you know if he has voted opposite of greene's vote? I have not seen that. The body language is that they are working together. And they are totally against the other two commissioners. Johnson normally sides with Greene and Sexton. But I did witness one vote different from Johnson. These are the bullies.


Posted 12:18 am, 03/28/2024

I was talking about Bill and how you're going after someone who isn't involved with that. He is a county commissioner and because he didn't do what yall thought he should do yall have bashed him. I understand he should share his feelings about this but at the same time people are between a rock and a hard place especially if he is a friend or if he thinks of him as a friend.
I completely get it but dragging him through the mud like that isn't right just like yall have with the other people. No animal should be treated like that and it is wrong. But again like I said before you're bullying everyone because of what one person chose to do or chooses to do. I've never heard anything bad about the kind of person that Bill is. I have heard what a nice , hardworking man he is. And yet because he doesn't act the way yall think he or the others should act or shout from the rooftops that they hate this or that yall trash them.
That's not right no matter the situation because they may be in shock or they may also be in a situation where they are told they have to watch what they say or the information they can provide. At the end of the day you just don't know. I hope justice is served for people who engage in animal cruelty and dog fighting. I definitely say advocate for animals but don't trash others because they don't do what you think they should have done. It's not fair because we don't know what the situation is.

dog gate

Posted 11:37 pm, 03/27/2024

We do not accept a person in our county government that has been involved in dog fighting. He has bred dogs to kill. Face the facts. He has tortured animals. Are you aware that individuals that abuse dogs has been known to also abuse members of their families? How many times has he been married? Could this be a problem?

He has given us all the evidence we need in his own words. If he is not capable of follow the laws of our state, how can he be trusted to make decisions in this county?

His total lack of judgment and dishonesty disqualifies him from serving.

If he had been an honorable person, he would have come out and said something like " this was my past, I am no longer doing this. I ask that you give me a second chance." Did he do that? No, he didn't. He spoke of his integrity. What a word for him to use.

We also know that his actions are not all from several years back. He had questionable activities with ADBA in 2019. There was a claim that he "continually unlawfully harassed" a woman. Is this honorable? Was he once again "in the wrong place at the wrong time?" When he was arrested in NJ, he recently said " he was in the wrong place, wrong time. "

I would suggest that you research the excerpts from the books that Greene treasures so much and read the descriptions of the fights and what the animals went through. Just 2 for you to consider....

" Sadie hit the front legs immediately, by the 15 minute mark she had both of Star's front legs broken and one of them was completely gone-but Star kept on scratching , we couldn't stop her." Page 78

"He put the lower half of his jaw around the bottom of Bossman's neck, his upper jaw on the back of his neck and bit!! There was a 'crack' and Bossman straightened out and lost control of his bowels- he was stone-cold dead!!! Roy continued to crunch on Bossman's skull." Page 82

And he described the fights of his own dog that lasted 2 hours on 2 different occasions.

This county deserves better than Stoney Greene. And we will not stand by and let these animals die for nothing. He has to be accountable for his actions.


Posted 10:23 pm, 03/27/2024

I have a questions...have you ever been friends with someone whose choices you didn't agree with or who had a past they weren't proud of? Or believed them when they said they weren't involved with something or gave them the benefit of the doubt? You're so quick to judge a person you don't know personally. I'm sure you weren't riding Michael Vick for dog fighting. If y'all want to make a difference then do something useful instead of getting on here and bashing someone you don't know for possibly being a friend to someone or backing them up because they may know the real story. So quick to tear someone down without all of the facts. And it's easy to talk crap but not to shut up and observe and look at facts or even have a calm conversation with someone about the situation at hand .That isn't the Christian thing to do is it? Or is it right to speak about someone's character and judge someone you don't know ? This is why this world is the way it is. If half of you would stop and think about what you're saying and how your actions are effecting this community by what you're doing then you also might be ashamed of yourself or think of something useful to do. I am 100% completely against dog fighting. But I'm also against bullying as well and that is exactly what you're doing to this man. This isn't a great example for your children or anyone else's for that matter. Just stop talking trash and do something to help our community and the people in it instead of getting on here and talking crap and hiding behind your computers . Go volunteer at the animal shelter (since y'all are such animal rights activists ), go pick up trash (instead of talking trash) go visit the nursing homes (since you want to gossip like you're an old lady Karen in the beauty shop ). But stop acting like bullies ! This is ridiculous and shameful behavior. Grow up !

interesting fact

Posted 9:48 pm, 03/27/2024

I guess we know now if someone goes around saying he got voted for in his integrity, that he is just a lying hypocrite.


Posted 9:04 pm, 03/27/2024

Honestly I can't speak for Bill, I don't know his thoughts or his heart so to say I do makes me ignorant. None on this site can speak for anyone but themselves.

Like old lady said HE hid He lied meaning SGso who know what anyone knew. Now you seem like you know so either you are an associate of SG and knew him well enough to know I guess that makes you an animal hater right . Just sayin my 50 years I've learned anyone who's shouting the loudest of I knows ....was in the know.


Posted 7:45 pm, 03/27/2024

So you don't think Bill Sexton knew he was into animal abuse?

Bill was ignorant?


Posted 7:40 pm, 03/27/2024

He hid his past history?
Right HE hid his past history HE lied ...... think about this real slowly...... HE.

Not Martin roofing. They like many other supported him soooooo. Like many of his supporters since he HID his past do you think it's ok to start demonizing those people?

A hen is those women in church that gossips and spread's rumors that does nothing but hurt others that don't deserve to be hurt.

And yet churches wonder why people don't want to attend anymore it's because of nothing but gossip.

old lady

Posted 7:27 pm, 03/27/2024

I have never been arrested. Never been caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. Never even been stopped by police or Highway patrol. Never killed a dog.

So I guess I am not qualified to be a commissioner. They only want law breakers now.


Posted 7:08 pm, 03/27/2024

Do I support animal abuse ? No but look at horse racing do you know what happens to thoroughbreds ? How about greyhounds? I'm not saying it's right but animals are abused was SG in the right no does he deserve to be chastised in the aspect of this .... Yes but to talk about bill no.

My point is this hen ..... you have secrets or filth you hide I'm sure of this so how's everyone that knows or is associated with you .... To know what you're hiding from the public and family eyes ? So tell us so we can go gossip about you.


Posted 6:50 pm, 03/27/2024

Do you support animal abuse?


Posted 6:49 pm, 03/27/2024

Ok soooooo the gossip only applies to an elected official ok hen keep thinking that.

So what filth is in your home needs cleaning ? So when you run fo something or apply to a job we all know .... Come on hen let's gossip about you.


Posted 6:24 pm, 03/27/2024

It's 6:30.....is Bill Sexton already asleep?

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