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Bigots Come in All Colors


Posted 1:25 pm, 07/23/2010

Of course the south wanted full credit. That would have given them greater power in Congress. I didn't say anything to dispute that, Black!


Posted 1:22 pm, 07/23/2010

You got it backwards, Radio.

First off, 3/5th was about representation not taxes.

Secondly the South wanted full credit for all slaves. The founders by and large in the North said in a paraphrased way "You can not call slaves men and have them be property. If you want representation for your property then we will count our cattle for representation as well." The founders knew if they gave the south full measure they would never end slavery. They weren't permitting slavery or even tolerating slavery there were actively working against slavery. The South settled on 3/5th because they thought it was slave neutral but then they aggressively pursued allowing slavery in the western states to gain strength in congress.

While slavery did exist, the Constitution is not a pro slavery document and should not be construed as such. Frederick Douglas thought we needed to abolish the Constitution early on in his life. With a mere bit of study on the Constitution he realized that the founders were pushing to end slavery through the 3/5ths clause and not propagate it. Frederick Douglas would hold the Constitution up as a unique document, the first of it's kind to promote the equality of all people and he loved America despite a history of slavery.

Every nation has been a victim and an oppressor. There comes a time where people need to say the past is past and should move on. Saying that we will forever be held to account for slavery is what you seem to be saying. It is what the NAACP, The Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam, the Five Per centers and others all say. it is divisive and it is wrong.


Posted 12:24 pm, 07/23/2010

The 3/5ths clause was a result of a compromise about taxes. But it also did characterize slaves as 3/5ths of a person. It's hard to find a constitutional scholar who doesn't agree with that.

The entire Constitution was, of course, a compromise...laboriously debated. But the bottom line is that slavery was tolerated...sewing the seeds of the Civil War.

Nothing is more racist than buying and selling human beings as property. That is America's history. But fortunately it's not all of it.

It's hard to reconcile that the same people who held "these truths to be self-evident...that all men are created equal...." simultaneously permitted an entire race of people to be treated as if they were anything but equal.

The 3/5ths compromise was designed to give less populated southern states greater representation in Congress. Over time, it didn't have the intended effect.



Posted 12:05 pm, 07/23/2010

Actually no the Constitution does not define a black person as 3/5ths a person. The Constitution sought to limit the power of slave owners by only granting their slave owners 3/5ths of a representation in Congress for owning each slave verses giving the slave master a full representation for every slave that he owned.

The 3/5ths clause is anti slavery. It is clear. STOP DILBERATELY DISTORTING THE HISTORY OF THE MATTER.

I under stand bigotry in light of personal experience, but there is time to move on and mis Sherrod has farther moving on to do. She recently lamented that "Black land is going to white people". She has her biases and that is fine, but we do not need to pretend that she no longer has any. Nor that the NAACP wasn't extremely receptive of her biases.


Posted 11:27 am, 07/23/2010

Shoeshine Boy, blacks didn't "immigrate". They were dragged here in chains, to be bought and sold as property, and used as free labor. The ultimate racism!

Our Constitution defines a black man as "3/5ths of a person". The ultimate in racism.

That IS our history. Fortunately it's not the whole story. The Civil War was fought. Blacks were emancipated. The military was integrated. Schools were integrated. Legislation was passed making discrimination illegal, and striking-down racist "Jim Crow" laws in the south.

Shirley Sherrod's father was murdered by a white man, before three eyewitnesses. And officials in Georgia refused to prosecute...because the victim was black. That's her personal, family history. That she was able to overcome her very natural resentment and distrust of white people to do the right thing, and continue doing it, speaks volumes about the woman's character.

Racism, and racial violence aren't theoretical to Sherrod. They are her family history...brought to light, no-doubt, every time she looks through her family album, and looks at the face of her dead father.

Shoeshine Boy

Posted 11:20 am, 07/23/2010

I find this all very interesting and true:


how come it is not incumbent on the folks who are pushing the revised narrative (and slapping Andrew around over the old one) to account for the Sherrod gem below (which begins a little after the 22 minute mark in her speech)?

For context: She is talking about how the evil "people with money," beginning in the 17th and 18th centuries (i.e., around the founding of our republic), created a still existing system designed to institutionalize racism against black people while simultaneously keeping poor whites and poor blacks divided. All highlighting is mine:
So that's when they made black people servants for life. That's when they put laws in place forbidding them [i.e., blacks and whites] to marry each other. That's when they created the racism that we know of today. They did it to keep us divided. And they � It started working so well, they said, "Gosh, looks like we've come upon something here that could last generations." And here we are, over 400 years later, and it's still working.

What we have to do is get that out of our heads. There is no difference between us. The only difference is that the folks with money want to stay in power and whether it's healthcare or whatever it is, they'll do what they need to do to keep that power, you know. [Applause] It's always about money, ya'll. [Applause and murmurs of agreement.] You know. I haven't seen such a mean-spirited people as I've seen lately over this issue of health care. [Mumurs of agreement.]Some of the racism we thought was buried � [someone in the audience says, "It surfaced!"] Didn't it surface? Now, we endured eight years of the Bushes and we didn't do the stuff these Republicans are doing because you have a black president. [Applause]

I wanted to give you that little history, especially the young people, I want you to know they created it, you know, not just for us, but we got the brunt of it because they needed to elevate whites just a little higher than us to make them think they were so much better. Then they would never work with us, you know, to try to change the situation that they were all in.

So, in Sherrod World, mean-spririted, racist Republicans do nasty things that "we" would never do because we have a president who, being black, is above that stuff. Still, we have-nots need to band together for "change" because a cabal of haves, desperate to keep their power, is still imposing their centuries old capitalist system of institutionalized racism � the same racism that courses through the Republican Party and surfaces on "us versus them" issues like healthcare.

Pardon me, but I think I'll stay off the Canonize Shirley bandwagon. To me, it seems like she's still got plenty of racial baggage. What we're seeing is not transcendence but transference. That's why the NAACP crowd reacted so enthusiastically throughout her speech.


Posted 11:05 am, 07/23/2010

"Bigots Come in All Colors"....Yep! & they all showed their true "COLOR" ON THIS THREAD....


Posted 5:08 am, 07/22/2010

Oh Grayson, it's just that dichotomy of a personality of yours. Serenity one day, Chaos the next. But you know I love you. Sorry if I hit your droopy eye.


Posted 4:06 am, 07/22/2010

"Not that side, the other side, you, you...you.,... I have to get off of here! I am getting all fummuzzled, and will not be held responsible for my actions if I speak with you another word!"

How odd for you to be upset- what with all the serenity that I seem to be inspiring lately. (lol)


Posted 4:02 am, 07/22/2010

Not that side, the other side, you, you...you.,... I have to get off of here! I am getting all fummuzzled, and will not be held responsible for my actions if I speak with you another word!


Posted 3:58 am, 07/22/2010

Would it make a difference if I told you that I suffer from Bell's Palsy?


Posted 3:54 am, 07/22/2010

No, it was the look on your face!


Posted 3:49 am, 07/22/2010

Was it something I said?


Posted 3:47 am, 07/22/2010

And I meant it too!

Daddy P

Posted 3:42 am, 07/22/2010

I just pictured Bestill slapping Grayson with a white glove.


Posted 3:38 am, 07/22/2010

Oh Grayson! You cad, you!


Posted 1:47 am, 07/22/2010

its all over but the cryin' grayson. i will just avoid you as best as i can, obviously you are an inciteful little fella.


Posted 1:29 am, 07/22/2010

lol- Dude's created a whole new post for me and everything. Although it is obvious that my joke wasn't well received, I am still glad that I opted to post the joke as opposed to a riddle. Someone could have died.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 1:19 am, 07/22/2010

Grayson, you're getting scalped. :( I'm sorry. Don't worry, I still think you are a fine person.


Posted 1:16 am, 07/22/2010

there are simply those things that cannot be discussed in the cold unfeeling world of a computer. fret not, my new friend, I will find you and we can have a cup of coffee and discuss this further in person. Ben

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