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Biden's approval at 41.8%


Posted 2:14 pm, 01/14/2022

Biden's approval rating drops to new low of 33% on concerns about his handling of COVID, economy: poll

Did you even read the article, Lester? That's not a USA Today poll... they reported on a Quinnipiac University poll of 1,313 adults.

You didn't prove anyone wrong, you just proved that you only read headlines and ignore facts...


Posted 9:14 am, 01/14/2022

Its almost comedy that f*xanose is likely unaware that US is on target to produce more oil this year than any other year ever.

Look at them even admitting that border policy is largely unchanged from the previous administration and THEY STILL are whining.

Whining just to whine because the handlers asked you to!


Posted 8:57 am, 01/14/2022



The border wall? Lol

Fentanyl deaths up 400%? Please show me that statistic!

Your thousand unaccounted formandnflown in the middle of the night lacks context. You're talking about unaccompanied and underaged migrants handled differently than adults.

You're again, proving my point.


Posted 8:16 am, 01/14/2022

Biden has upheld most of trump's immigration policies

Yes, after wrecking our energy policies one of the first things he did was stop the border wall. Fentanyl deaths up over 400%. . Thousands unaccounted for and thousands of others flown in the middle of the night to other states. I don't know where you get your information but it is wrong. Have you seen the lines of caravans flooding across the border, or heard the border patrol agents, mayors and governors describe the crisis? It is real in the real world.

Lester White

Posted 8:05 am, 01/14/2022

Biden Administration, last 24 hours:

-- 7% inflation
-- 33% approval rating for Biden
-- Sinema reaffirmed filibuster supporter
-- Supreme Court struck down vaccine mandate


Posted 7:51 am, 01/14/2022

Sure fox! For starters remember that time you were complaining about all the immigrants Biden was letting in and I asked if you could tell me how many people Biden has deported in his first year in office vs. Trumps four years and you either couldn't or didn't want to and then deflected and ran away? Well, that would be a good place to start! Biden has upheld most of trump's immigration policies and deported nearly double the number of people trump deported in four years. Tons of children and adults still in immigrant detention centers. I'd say that's a bad thing and antithetical to what he campaigned on. Not that you should think it's a bad thing though. You should think it's a good thing!

I think Biden did a pretty good job with initial vaccine roll out in the US, but other than that, covid policies have been pretty abysmal. The administration throwing their hands up and saying let the states deal with it after grandstanding all through 2020 is sadly unsurprising to me, but pretty despicable. No shut downs of any kind, no more federal aid to endangered businesses or individuals, conflicting and confusing federal guidance on things like amount of time to quarantine. Basically he's doing anything and everything just to keep business humming along as usual not caring how many people get infected or how many disabled or immunocompromised people die. Kamala Harris proposed $2000 monthly payments to everyone until the pandemic was over, that vanished the second she got elected. All these things I doubt you would support.

Inaction on the student loan crisis, inability to get any legislation passed. The list goes on and on! All bad things. On paper y'all should love Biden.


Posted 7:33 am, 01/14/2022

jestershouyldajolly's TDS is showing, again.


Posted 7:30 am, 01/14/2022

Why don't you go ahead and name a few of those "things: so we can correct where we are wrong. You folks put this pathetic administration into place so 'Wear it"


Posted 7:26 am, 01/14/2022

I think Biden deserves to be polling poorly. He is doing a bad job. That being said, it's frustrating watching people on here criticizing him for things that are either a fabrication or for not doing things that they themselves wouldn't support if he did. There's so many real things to criticize him for, yet the folks on here love to drink up whatever they see on social media and yell and scream about it regardless of wether it's factual or without any kind of context.


Posted 7:11 am, 01/14/2022

Trump is in the news a lot because he loves being in the news. He loves the attention, the adoration from you fools that worship him. You blame Biden for current covid status yet you never blamed Trump for 2020, an economic disaster.
If Trump were president we would still be experiencing record inflation, supply chain issues, and the covid variants. The wall would still not be built, but the lies about anyone who disagrees with him would continue.


Posted 1:15 am, 01/14/2022

Don't be misled by Fascist traitors who claim to be Publicans 😎


Posted 11:44 pm, 01/13/2022

Don't be mislead by those with an agenda. In the last year, the media has used Trump's name 2 to 1 over Biden. Why has the media not used the current president? With favorable press, pick any poll you want and it is still a disaster for Joe Biden. I have never seen a poll where the poll was skewed by republicans. Any time there is a poll and the republican is even or within the margin of error, the republican is actually ahead because it is heavily skewed in favor of democrats. What did Trump say about the media if he was not in office? There is more people in Charlotte than CNN viewers and MSNBC has lost 62% of their viewers. The propaganda machine has no listeners and the lies and omission of news is not working. Taking Trump off Twitter has backfired and the Democrats have no enemies. Maybe they want to take another shot at Elon Musk and he could be our Soros. Biden and Harris has met my expectations and I think it will get worse foreign and domestically. Name one thing that Biden has done to unite the country other than calling half the country names.

[email protected]

Posted 11:15 pm, 01/13/2022

The difference between the numbers is the majority of media bashed Trump before he was even elected. Now you have the opposite with CNN, MSNBC, and so on, not saying a bad word about BIden and still he fails. That is telling a lot.


Posted 11:07 pm, 01/13/2022

you mean 4.1%

Lester White

Posted 10:28 pm, 01/13/2022


Lester White

Posted 8:56 pm, 01/13/2022

I never get tired of proofing Anti wrong

Lester White

Posted 8:45 pm, 01/13/2022

Biden's approval rating drops to new low of 33% on concerns about his handling of COVID, economy: poll

USA Today


Posted 8:42 pm, 01/13/2022

USA Today even says it's 33%.

Source? What I'm seeing from them says 40%:


Posted 8:37 pm, 01/13/2022

Using foxnit's numbers:

Among Independents ( like you) 25%
Among Democrats ( like you) +47%
Among blacks +57%
Among whites +28%
Among Hispanics +28%
=185 divided by 5 = 37%


Posted 7:36 pm, 01/13/2022

USA Today even says it's 33%. Give it up orphan Annie. People are realizing the mistake they made.

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