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Biden's approval at 41.8%


Posted 8:34 pm, 01/15/2022

Biden is still President and won in a landslide. Furthermore, he hasn't been impeached even once.


Posted 10:50 am, 01/15/2022

It's hard to imagine a worse 48-hour stretch for any first-year president than the one Joe Biden endured over the past two days.

On Wednesday, Quinnipiac University released a devastating poll placing the president's public approval at 33 percent, his lowest approval in any poll since his presidency began.

What makes just one-third of the country supporting this president even more remarkable is that Biden received more votes than any other presidential candidate in history: 81 million, or more than 10 million more votes than the previous record holder, Barack Obama. The drop has been unprecedented: Biden sat at 55 percent approval upon entering office almost one year ago.

Also on Wednesday, it was announced that the Consumer Price Index rose seven percent in 2021, its fastest increase since 1982. It was also announced that inflation is now sitting at a 40-year high.

Things somehow was worse on Thursday. The president went to Capitol Hill to rally Democrats around passing voting rights legislation, only to see Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) go to the floor ahead of his arrival to declare that she would not support eliminating the filibuster.

And as if straight out of a political horror movie, not long after the president got news of Sinema's remarks, the Supreme Court ruled to block enforcement of a vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.

Add it all up: The economy is crippled by high prices and not-so-transitory inflation. The president is rebuffed (again) by a member of his own party on a major initiative. And then his vaccine mandate is struck down by a 6-3 decision in the Supreme Court.

All in less than 48 hours.

It is stunning to see this president drop this far, particularly when considering that this administration had a gale force breeze at its back with the House and Senate in Democratic control. It's the straight flush of power in Washington.

And yet here we are one year later with Pulitzer Prize-winning columnists at the New York Times (which hasn't endorsed a Republican candidate for president since Eisenhower) calling on Biden to declare that he won't run for reelection in 2024 (Bret Stephens). This week, Thomas Friedman recommended that he drop Vice President Kamala Harris in favor of Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) in 2024.


Posted 8:43 am, 01/15/2022

Looks like Lyin Ted Cruz might be the new McEars. Has W lost his crown?


Posted 8:31 am, 01/15/2022

Since W was McEars, should we refer to Obama as McTeeth?


Posted 8:29 am, 01/15/2022

Fakenews, here are McEars along with President Obama. Neither one was impeached. Do you hate McEars daddy as well?


Posted 7:59 am, 01/15/2022

Honest President Carter thought the media was harder on Trump than other presidents.

"I think the media have been harder on Trump than any other president certainly that I've known about," Carter told New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd. "I think they feel free to claim that Trump is mentally deranged and everything else without hesitation."

interesting fact

Posted 6:39 am, 01/15/2022

In another year, his ratings will be a big 0.


Posted 6:54 pm, 01/14/2022

And this is the media we are speaking about.


Posted 6:47 pm, 01/14/2022

BENGHAZI! Yeah MFer, every president since Clinton at one point or another it was brought up. So you can quit you whining whenever your ready, the toddler tantrum has gone on ling enough.


Posted 6:36 pm, 01/14/2022

Did you ever hear the word "impeachment" concerning McEars? Not going to waste my time with your foolishness, you wouldn't have enough sense to comprehend it if the truth hit you in the head. You have become as useless as Springy and Rose


Posted 6:21 pm, 01/14/2022

Yall literally hollered and still are hollering that one of our recent Presidents wasn't even born here.....so yes, he was treated no differently than any president since the turn of the century.

Keep whining though, f*xanose.


Posted 5:53 pm, 01/14/2022

Foxnose (view profile)

Posted 5:37 pm, 01/14/2022

What do you think Biden's approval rating would be if he got treated like Trump by the left wing media. All you dummies that get your information from the Biden Praise Panels on CNN and PMSNBC might even not approve if you knew the truth.

Biden is still President with the largest number of votes of any other President ever.


Posted 5:45 pm, 01/14/2022

JustWhine, I sure am glad you put that last comment on there. Before that there might have been some on here that though you wasn't stupidt


Posted 5:41 pm, 01/14/2022

Y'all still whining about poor little ole trump getting picked on by the big bad media? Boohoo....cry me a river.

He was treated no differently than any other president this millennium.


Posted 5:37 pm, 01/14/2022

What do you think Biden's approval rating would be if he got treated like Trump by the left wing media. All you dummies that get your information from the Biden Praise Panels on CNN and PMSNBC might even not approve if you knew the truth.


Posted 3:48 pm, 01/14/2022

They do the same thing with jobs reports.


Posted 3:43 pm, 01/14/2022

They say they want a civil war but the good part about this is they are to stupd to actually fight one.


Posted 3:31 pm, 01/14/2022

I guess what amazes me is all of the "look how terrible Biden is, his approval is so low" from the Trumpsters. But when Trump was much lower at the same point in his term, all they could say was that the polls were lying and talk about his godly greatness.

Literally every negative thing they've said about Biden is something that they thought was great with Trump.

I honestly don't know if they're hypocrites or just that blind...


Posted 3:15 pm, 01/14/2022

What you are forgetting is Biden is President and Trump is playing golf and whining. Trump lost and Biden won no matter what your poles say.

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