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Biden got us in a Recession


Posted 11:17 am, 08/06/2022

Their platform is to "own the libs," even if it hurts them too...wonder who wins in that standpoint? Hmmmm, it couldn't possibly be the ones who make them believe they've "won" something when they have lost.

But heck, they aint no sheep...


Posted 11:11 am, 08/06/2022

The GOP platform to strengthen the USA

1. We promise endless culture wars
2. We Support autocratic regimes around the globe (except China�well sort of because we love Russia and Putin is a strategic partner of Xi, like most relationships it's complicated)
3. Some Women may die in childbirth. They are not men so we don't care and why should you? Did you notice that Joe Biden is old?
4 Blacks shouldn't be allowed to vote. We promise to make it illegal to give water out to people waiting in line to vote and to Mexicans dying of thirst in the desert because we are a Christian Nation.
5. Global warming is a hoax or is caused by some sort of natural phenomena that oil companies and coal plants have nothing whatsoever to do with.
6. Whatever is wrong in the country we will fix it with the following ideas�.hey did we mention culture wars?


Posted 10:30 am, 08/06/2022

Sleepy Joe's a doddering old fool who's way too old for the presidency. Yet according to the repub's and Rumplikers he's responsible for GLOBAL inflation and GLOBAL gas prices. With so much worldwide control doesn't this make him the most powerful man in the world? Not bad for a doddering old fool!

How exactly do you righties manage to have your cake and it eat too?


Posted 7:49 am, 08/06/2022

Posted 9:48 pm, 08/05/2022
Hey nuffin', coulda the "motive" simply be a finding of the truth/

Why are YOU posting a guestimate with no basis in reality/
A rat's gotta rat. Thanks for providing nothing of use once again!



Posted 9:51 pm, 08/05/2022


Posted 9:34 pm, 08/05/2022

Joe and The Toe are doing a poor job

You sound like Forest Gump


Posted 9:48 pm, 08/05/2022

Hey nuffin', coulda the "motive" simply be a finding of the truth/

Why are YOU posting a guestimate with no basis in reality/


Posted 9:34 pm, 08/05/2022

Joe and The Toe are doing a poor job


Posted 8:15 pm, 08/05/2022

Looks like 20.6 million jobs lost during pandemic with 18 million being deemed "temporary" losses til the pandemic calmed down (which was a guess at the time, since article is from May 2020).

Not sure what number you are looking for or the motive, but looks like 20.6 million jobs lost with a large chunk of them being "temporary."



Posted 7:53 pm, 08/05/2022

Red neck you are no where near answering how many jobs were lost to the pandemic.


Posted 5:00 pm, 08/05/2022

Small, Yap yap the rat terrier is for the handlers. yap yap is consumed with the hope that one day his/her peers will notice him/her.


Posted 4:23 pm, 08/05/2022

Fakey (view profile)

Posted 3:35 pm, 08/05/2022

Tis so nice to see dumbpire back stalking and spewing its ever so polite attacks again'
Are YOU back from your recent forced time out?

More's the pity Jason doesn't put you and your pitiful attempts to criticize other posters into a permanent


Posted 3:35 pm, 08/05/2022

Tis so nice to see dumbpire back stalking and spewing its ever so polite attacks again'

Are YOU back from your recent forced time out?


Posted 3:18 pm, 08/05/2022

As of June 2022, there were 133.63 million full-time employees in the United States. This is an increase from 2020, when there were 123.19 million full-time employees. https://www.statista.com/st...ince-1990/


Posted 3:07 pm, 08/05/2022

-528k July jobs added
-Unemployment at 3.5% (50-year low)
-Zawahiri killed
-CHIPS Act passes
-PACT Act passes
-Inflation Reduction Act deal
-Gas hits 50+ day low (median US price below $4/gal)
-Kansas protects abortion

And he oversaw it all with COVID.


Posted 2:51 pm, 08/05/2022

Try again dumpy that is incorrect.


Posted 2:34 pm, 08/05/2022




Posted 2:14 pm, 08/05/2022

rednecker (view profile)

Posted 12:32 pm, 08/05/2022

Brandon doesn't give a crap what you call him. he's too busy adding almost ten million jobs to the economy

Got any proof of that statement. btw how many jobs were lost in 2020?


Posted 1:42 pm, 08/05/2022

What a cowardly rat.


Posted 1:05 pm, 08/05/2022

Quite fummy watching 'ol nuffin'liarwhiner contort AND bugger yet another false accusation.

YOU go, boy!

los demonRatZ were quick to tag the covids induced recession on PDJT but when the results of 'ol burden's policies fit the "technical" definition they spin, twist AND run.

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