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Biden got us in a Recession


Posted 9:55 am, 08/05/2022

Weird to not see any of the whiney right on here gloating about the July jobs report. What happened?

But yall aint no sheep...


Posted 6:39 am, 08/02/2022

Hey snalltoes, why did YOU chant LGB?


Posted 6:04 am, 08/02/2022

Fauxy, oil just fell to less than $94 barrel; LET'S GO BRANDON!


Posted 8:51 pm, 08/01/2022

Oh thank you Lord Joe, I appreciate the pre election gift of a few gallons of emergency reserve fuel. I promise you I will not waste or squander it. I intend to finance a loaf of bread with it. (Whole Wheat)


Posted 7:11 pm, 08/01/2022

I don't see any Faux News sheep thanking Joltin' Joe for LOWERING gas prices but they sure jumped his arse when they went up.


Posted 8:02 am, 08/01/2022

Preach brotha


Posted 11:21 am, 07/31/2022

DB Cooper

Posted 4:29 pm, 07/30/2022


Posted 3:19 pm, 07/30/2022

Spoken like a person that has only ever worked for someone else.


Posted 2:52 pm, 07/30/2022

You should write a letter to the companies overcharging the old folks.


Posted 11:26 am, 07/30/2022

The Biden price hikes are hurting old people the most


Posted 10:30 am, 07/30/2022


Smalls told me if I was better educated I wouldn't have to work two dead end jobs.

old lady

Posted 4:10 pm, 07/29/2022

The FOOL says it is not a recession. I say that the FOOL is mentally incompetent.

DB Cooper

Posted 11:27 am, 07/29/2022

It's not a recession if President Buffoon says it's not!


Posted 11:26 am, 07/29/2022

udfred (view profile)
Posted 10:26 am, 07/29/2022
California is going to help the supply chain by banning any truck older than 2006
States rights!

And yes, just like the Pfizer CEO.


Posted 10:38 am, 07/29/2022

Fox, I was fortunate enough to be able to keep working during Covid, so my paychecks never stopped.

I have always lived within my means (only one emergency credit card - no store or gas cards), and I made no extra purchases. All of my bills continued to be paid on time, each month.

My stimulus checks? I helped my 4 adult children - buy groceries, face masks, sanitary cleaning supplies, I helped one move from one state then back again, and 1 started college so there were all of those expenses.

I purchased a new vehicle last year. How did I afford it? I took a second job - which I am still working to date, getting about 12 extra hours a week to make that car payment - because I am a stickler for living within my means.

If I don't have cash for something I don't buy it.

So my case was not about "being prepared" so much as it was already a way I was living.


Posted 10:26 am, 07/29/2022

California is going to help the supply chain by banning any truck older than 2006


Posted 10:24 am, 07/29/2022

Posted 9:42 am, 07/29/2022
Companies should compensate their workers instead of funding the CEO's and board members yachts.

Like the phizer ceo that walked away with $900 million


Posted 9:56 am, 07/29/2022

I am making it pretty good, I was prepared. I tried to warn you Democrats but you wouldn't listen, so now you have the consequences of your vote. I also feel very good about myself because I did not vote for Joe Biden

Life is good


Posted 9:50 am, 07/29/2022

Todays economic crisis was forseen and called out in 2020, especially after stimulus checks began being sent out during COVID.


The retail market was flooded with cash purchases from "free money", and most Americans did not think to "save" funds. While many did loose their jobs, and did rely on those checks to help make ends meet - a lot of that money did not go towards food and housing - it went for new car down payments, TVs, new clothes, etc.

Those were all tale-tell signs of an economy that was going to eventually crash. That influx of cash, along with a very limited supply (again - due to covid) is what caused the big ticket items to increase: real estate, rents, vehicle purchases.

Now, add to that , a war in a region where many countries rely heavily on oil exports. We get the cost of gas increases - even though we all know the bulk of the increase has simply been price gouging by the big oil companies. Now our food, travel, and cost of getting to and from work is doubling, sometimes tripling.....the middle and lower class families cannot afford any of it.

If you want to blame any American politician for any of todays recession then you must go back several years and get the facts......most policies and legislation passed under any given President usually does not show true effects for 1-3 years.

Expect a record number of bankruptcy filings by mid-2023, personal and businesses.

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